Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3440: I lost my face all my life

People inside and outside the hall are noisy and lively.

The Tianye master craftsman was cold in his hands and feet, and his body was trembling with cold.

He had been crushed by the God King of Heaven's Will before, and he had endured great humiliation.

And now, this scene repeats itself again.

He was crushed by Ji Tianxing again, and his face and dignity were like rags, and he was trampled on the ground.

Tianye Divine Craftsman felt that his face had been lost all his life today.

In the past ten thousand years, the sacred and majestic image he has created collapsed and vanished at this moment!

Outside the main hall, many gods cheered excitedly, and their awe and respect for Ji Tianxing were the best proof!

After a long time, the noisy voices quieted down.

Ji Tianxing looked at Tianye Divine Craftsman, and said teasingly: "Tianye Divine Craftsman, what else can you say?"

The **** craftsman Tianye lowered his head, his eyes were dim and godless, his tone was low and there was no emotional fluctuation, and said, "This king has nothing to say."

Yanke frowned fiercely, and said with disgust, "Since he has conceded, what are you still doing? Hurry up and fulfill the bet!

Don't think you can hide away by pretending to be a fool without saying a word.

If you don’t hand over your winnings, don’t even want to get out of this palace! "

Yanke's attitude is rather tyrannical, staring at the Tianye God Artisan vigilantly, as if to prevent Tianye God Artisan from running away.

This is undoubtedly another heavy blow and insult to Tianye God Craftsman.

But his reaction is obvious to all, not only the **** of heaven, but also the dozens of gods have seen it, he just doesn't want to admit defeat.

"This king has been famous for thousands of years, is well-known throughout the fire mulberry domain, and his character is obvious to all.

You ugly monster, Hugh can slander this king's reputation! "

Tianye God Craftsman glared at Yanke and shouted angrily.

Yanke curled his lips contemptuously and sneered: "Old man, you are so blatantly procrastinating for time, and you said that you didn't want to go wrong?

Don't talk nonsense, obediently take out the materials of three king-level artifacts!

If you dare to play tricks, I will make you unable to eat! "

While talking, Yanke twisted his neck and moved his fists, showing a fierce expression on his face.

Seeing his posture, as long as Tianye Divine Craftsman keeps on playing, he will grab it by himself!

Tianye God Craftsman suddenly became furious, shy and indignant.

But he has already suffered, knowing that Yanke and Chaoqingyu are so powerful, how can he look for abuse again?

He has been embarrassed and humiliated home today, and if Yanke is severely injured and half-dead, it would be really wronged.

In desperation, he could only endure the humiliation and pain, and took out various refining materials from the space ring and handed them to Ji Tianxing.

Every piece of refining material was obtained after many years of hard work and hardship.

Now, he wants to give it all to Ji Tianxing.

Tianye Divine Craftsman dripped blood distressedly, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he could only grit his teeth without saying a word.

After a while, all 21 king-level refining materials were delivered to Ji Tianxing.

"This king is willing to bet and lose, these materials belong to you!"

The **** craftsman Tianye dropped these words hoarsely and was about to turn around and leave.


Ji Tianxing, who had always looked indifferent, spoke at this moment.


Tianye Divine Craftsman could only stop, turned his head to look at him, and asked in a deep voice, "What? The materials have been given to you, what do you want?"

Ji Tianxing looked at the twenty-one materials floating in the air, and said with a sneer: "Are you sure these are the refining materials for the three king-level artifacts?

It is impossible for you to refine two king-level artifacts with these materials.

Don't play such low-level tricks with this king, it is not good for you. "

"You!" Tianye's artisan brows throbbed, gritted his teeth with hatred. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

That's right, he was really playing around, deliberately detaining more than a dozen pieces of refining materials.

If he wanted to take out those materials, he emptied his savings and made him feel so painful that he wanted to cry.

Tianye God Craftsman remained silent, and did not move.

Without Ji Tianxing's instructions, Yanke and Chaoqingyu surrounded Tianye's divine artisan from left to right, blocking his way.

The atmosphere in the hall immediately became tense.

But the God King of Heaven's Will looked on coldly, without any intention of interfering.

The dozens of gods outside the hall can only watch them, and dare not even say a word.

At this time, anyone who dares to talk more is looking for death.

The **** craftsman Tianye was humiliated and hesitated and struggled.

In the end, reason triumphed over anger. He opened the space ring with trembling hands, and successively took out 14 king-level materials.

A total of 36 pieces of refining materials were all handed to Ji Tianxing.

He seemed to have been emptied of all his strength, his whole body was quite old, and his body became more rickety and desolate.

"All the refining materials are here, can this king go?"

God Crafter Tianye lowered his head, afraid to look at anyone's expression, and asked in a low voice.

At this time, he was angry and humiliated to despair, but he would never show it again, only to make people laugh.

He secretly vowed in his heart that after leaving the Fire Dragon Mountain, he must ask the domain master to help.

In any case, he has to kill the three of Ji Tianxing~www.ltnovel.com~ to vent his anger!

Of course, if possible, he wants to kill the God King of Heaven's Will as well!

Ji Tianxing looked at the thirty-six king-level materials, waved them into the space ring, and nodded to Chao Qingyu and Yanke.

Only then did the two retreat to Ji Tianxing's side, and watched Tianye God Carpenter leave.

"This old guy is really toasting and not eating fine wine. Isn't it cheap?!" Yanke watched his back walk out of the hall and couldn't help but mutter.

Tianye Divine Craftsman paused, but stood at the gate and did not look back.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing his anger, he accelerated to leave the hall and flew into the sky.

After a few breaths, the figure of Tianye Divine Craftsman disappeared in the sea of ​​clouds.

There was silence inside and outside the palace.

Dozens of gods all hesitate and are in a dilemma.

It stands to reason that the **** craftsmen Tianye are gone, and they should also leave.

But the competition between Ji Tianxing and the God King of Heaven's Will has not yet ended, and everyone is unwilling to leave. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

In addition, since Ji Tianxing and God King Tianyi did not speak, they did not dare to retreat rashly.

In case of angering a few big **** kings, they will not have enough to kill ten lives.

Therefore, everyone can only stand in place honestly.

In the hall.

The **** of heaven stared at Ji Tianxing wearing the golden armor, looked carefully for a long time, and asked: "Master Tianxing, you have inscribed more than 80 kinds of gods laws and hundreds of gods in this dragon-yin **** armor. Pattern?"

"That's right." Ji Tianxing nodded.

The God King of Heaven’s Will asked again: "In addition to being unpredictable and super defensive, the Dragon Yin Divine Armor must have many effects and magical effects?"

Ji Tianxing nodded again.

God King Tianyi asked again: "This king is very curious. Within an hour, he was refined into a half-step king-level artifact, and engraved so many laws and **** patterns...How did you do it?"

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