Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3439: 1st below the king

The **** craftsmen of Tianye and dozens of gods all laughed scornfully and laughed at the misfortune, wantonly mocking Ji Tianxing.

Only Ji Tianxing, Yanke and Chaoqingyu still looked calm.

The God King of Heaven's Will frowned, staring at the gray mist in mid-air, looking curiously, his eyes especially bright.

Seeing the gray fog wandering gently in mid-air, as if a dragon churning in the fog, he was shocked and curious.

"It's incredible, how did he do it?"

At this time, when Ji Tianxing saw Tianye's **** craftsman and many gods, still immersed in excitement and excitement, he couldn't help but reminded him.

"Is it funny? Please open your eyes and see clearly!"

The **** craftsman Tianye glanced at the gray mist and sneered subconsciously: "Hehehe...It's just a refining failure. The smoke after the fryer is nothing more. What's so beautiful..."

But when he was half talking, he stopped abruptly.

Because he suddenly discovered that the group of gray mist was like a dragon, condensed but not scattered, hovering in front of Ji Tianxing!

That is definitely not the smoke from the fryer!

Moreover, in that cloud of gray fog, there are dozens of divine laws and hundreds of patterns of divine formation.

Various laws and patterns of formations, mixed and interwoven into strands of smoke, are unpredictable.

For Tianye Divine Craftsman, let alone the fusion of so many laws and **** patterns, even if he was asked to distinguish every law and **** pattern, he would not be able to do it!

Suddenly, the **** craftsman Tianye was dumbfounded.

"He...he actually succeeded? That cloud of gray mist turned out to be... a divine armor he refined?"

The craftsman Tianye couldn't help muttering, his tone was full of shock and disbelief.

The dozens of gods outside the hall also became quiet.

Everyone stared at the gray mist in the air, staring at the magma carefully.

Someone saw the clue and couldn't help exclaiming.

Some people are still ignorant and don't know what's going on.

But Tianye God Craftsman's face was ugly, and the atmosphere was so strange.

Everyone can guess, the result must be bad!

as predicted.

Ji Tianxing looked at the gray mist in front of him, and said to everyone: "This is the hidden dragon divine armor refined by this king, a supreme king-level armor.

To be precise, this is a half-step king-level armor. "

As soon as this statement came out, Tianye's **** craftsman and dozens of gods were shocked, and their hearts were even more shocked.

"He really succeeded in refining?"

"Oh my God! How could the armor he refines turned into smoke? These are completely two materials!"

"Half-step king-level armor? He can refine half-step king-level armor in less than an hour?"

"I don't believe it! I didn't believe it when I was killed. I have never heard of such a thing."

"Ten thousand years ahead, or even ten thousand years later, this kind of thing is impossible!"

"He must be talking nonsense, this is totally unreasonable!"

Many gods were talking in horror, and growled in disbelief.

The **** craftsman Tianye came back to his senses, and he was very emotional, and he shouted fiercely: "This is impossible! You are bravado! This king will never believe it!"

Ji Tianxing showed a teasing smile and said: "This king had expected you to react like this a long time ago, and he didn't even admit it.

That being the case, the king puts on this divine armor, and you attack it yourself. The fastest updated novels https://

If it is true or false, you will know at a try. "

When the voice fell, Ji Tianxing's heart moved.

Suddenly, the gray mist penetrated his body like a dragon.

In the next instant, he was full of golden light, and a dark golden armor appeared.

This armor was as thin as a piece of paper, but it completely covered his body, and even his legs and feet were covered with boots.

He was left with only deep eyes that were as dark as ink.

Such exquisite and gorgeous armor, worn on Ji Tianxing's body, looks extraordinarily sacred and majestic, making countless gods and monarchs awe.

Even the King of God’s Will could not help but admire: "It is indeed a perfect masterpiece, it is natural, without the slightest flaw or weakness."

The **** craftsman Tianye was also shocked.

He had to admit that this dragon-yin divine armor threw his ice-ling divine armor a dozen blocks away.

But he was not convinced, gnashing his teeth and raising his fists, urging Ten Success Force, and slammed his fists to Ji Tianxing.

"No matter how good the armor is, what's the point? It's all flashy gimmicks!

This king wants to see, what is the use of this paper armor? "

The anger of Tianye Divine Craftsman still echoed in the hall.

In the next instant, he shot two brilliant golden fists, which had already hit Ji Tianxing severely.

In order to prove the strong defense of Longyin Divine Armor, Ji Tianxing did not evade.


The deafening muffled sound erupted, shaking the entire palace violently.

The dozens of gods outside the hall all retreated subconsciously, for fear of being injured by the shock wave.

But what is shocking and confusing is that there is no shock wave in the hall.

Both fist beams collapsed and shattered and were swallowed by the Dragon Yin's armor.

The terrifying impact was also resolved by the Dragon Yin Divine Armor.

Ji Tianxing still stood in place, but his body shook a few times and did not take a step back.

The punch of Tianye Godsmith ~www.ltnovel.com~ failed to cause any harm to him.

The dragon-yin divine armor, which was as thin as a piece of paper, waved layers of waves, and soon returned to calm without leaving any traces!

But everyone found that the ground beneath Ji Tianxing's feet had cracked two gullies.

The thousand-zhang mountain at the foot of everyone collapsed quietly, turning into endless powder!

Fortunately, this palace is a king-level artifact, undamaged, still floating in the sky.

This result shocked everyone on the spot.

Dozens of gods and monarchs opened their eyes wide and silently opened their mouths, showing their faces full of horror.

Tianye Divine Craftsman was also dumbfounded, staring at his fists in a daze, a little dazed.

Even the God King of Heaven's Will, his face was full of surprise, and his eyes flickered.

After a while, he was the first to come back to his senses, and he couldn't help but clap and exclaimed: "Wonderful! It's really wonderful, wonderful!

A half-step king-level divine armor, but it has the effect of unloading force like four or two!哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

It is not like an ordinary divine armor, relying on hard materials and the power of a defensive array to resist attacks bluntly.

It is like a living thing, like a **** king, it will actively decompose, absorb and transfer attack power.

This is definitely the most subtle, unparalleled, and most powerful armor below the king-level artifact! "

The God King of Heaven's Will was more thorough than everyone, and in one word he revealed the mystery of the Dragon Yin Divine Armor.

He was excited and energetic, and admired Ji Tianxing very much.

Dozens of gods also suddenly realized, all showing awe and admiration, and could not help but exclaim and admire.

And Tianye Divine Craftsman, his face was as earthy, his eyes were lost and lost.

No matter how much dissatisfaction and unwillingness he has, he can only lower his head in the face of the hard truth.

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