Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3435: You are worse than rubbish

Although, the previous performance of Tianye Divine Craftsman disappointed many gods.

But now it's different.

The **** craftsman Tianye took out his true ability and refined a very sophisticated ice-ling **** armor.

For many gods, this is the perfect masterpiece among the king-level artifacts, and everyone is full of admiration.

Therefore, the gods and princes returned to normalcy, respectful and worshipped the **** craftsmen of Tianye!

As a result, no one agreed with Ji Tianxing's evaluation, and many people criticized and questioned him.

Ji Tianxing didn't bother to refute, but smiled indifferently.

In the eyes of those gods, this ice rim armor is perfect.

But in fact, in the eyes of him and several **** kings, it really can only be regarded as a top-quality work, not even a top-quality masterpiece, let alone a perfect masterpiece.

Seeing, the **** craftsmen of Tianye and many gods were all talking in a noisy manner, mocking Ji Tianxing unscrupulously.

The white-haired craftsman waved his hand, and said in a majestic tone: "Don't rush to make a conclusion. It's better to evaluate the **** armor refined by this king, and it will not be too late to draw a conclusion."

Between the talks, I was quite confident and indifferent.

As his voice fell, the bronze pill furnace opened.


The dazzling divine light lit up, and a group of colorful lights flew out of the pill furnace. The fastest updated novels https://

Everyone's eyes were focused on the group of colorful lights.

When Tianye God Craftsman and dozens of God Sovereigns saw the colorful divine light clearly, they all showed expressions of surprise, amazement and doubt.

"What is this stuff?"

"It turned out to be a ball of light? Is this a **** armor?"

"Ha ha ha... Don't pretend to be a ghost, don't you just let the divine armor condense into a ball of light? This gentleman can also do it!"

"Tsk tusk, don't show your embarrassment with this kind of sculpting skill, can it be comparable to the icy armor of the master craftsman?"

Many gods frowned, showing contempt and disdain.


Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu and Yanke looked calm, and even their eyes flashed with amazing eyes.

Tianye God Craftsman also stiffened, frowned fiercely, and his confident sneer gradually solidified.

The White-haired Master didn't say much, and raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In the next moment, the multicolored divine light with the big fist burst out with the sun-like dazzling light, releasing a breath of divine majesty.

The cluster of light blooms like a lotus, spreads in mid-air, and quickly expands into an exquisite armor.

This is a splendid and colorful divine armor, like a crystal casting, the whole body is crystal clear.

The armor is completely natural, there are no seams, patterns and patterns, and there is no trace of artificial refining or carving.

It is as if it is naturally occurring.

Moreover, in the crystal clear armor, there is a surging divine power flowing, and there are dozens of laws and the power of the divine formation.

The white-haired craftsman waved his hand, bringing up a slight wind.

The divine armor was blown by the breeze, and drifted away in the air.

no doubt!

This divine armor is not only natural and exquisite, but also as light as a feather.

What surprised everyone more was that as the mind of the white-haired master craftsman changed, the appearance of the colorful **** armor continued to change.

It can be enlarged and reduced at will, and its shape and shape can be changed.

Not only can the normal Protoss wear it, but the Hundred-Zhang Giant can wear it, and the violent giant can also wear it.

Even an ant or a fly can wear this armor!

Seeing this scene, there was a dead silence inside and outside the hall.

Tianye God Carpenter's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, his brows were frowned, and his eyes were extremely solemn.

The dozens of gods outside the hall were even more stunned and dumbfounded.

Everyone's eyes widened, their mouths silently opened, with an expression of disbelief.

After a long time, those gods recovered and couldn't help but exclaim.

"God! How can there be such a beautiful, unparalleled and mysterious armor in the world?"

"This...is this still a king-level artifact? How do I feel that it is a king-level artifact?"

"It's incredible! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it, it would be a king-level **** armor!"

"Having lived for tens of thousands of years, today the old man can be considered a long experience!"

"It's amazing! It's amazing! This is absolutely amazing!"

"Although I am a registered disciple of Tianye Divine Craftsman, I can't violate my conscience, let alone open my eyes and talk nonsense.

I have to admit that this fantastic armor is the perfect masterpiece among the king-level artifacts! "

Although dozens of gods and monarchs all have a close or distant relationship with Tianye God Craftsman.

But the two divine armors were defeated in front of everyone, and no one could lie without conscience.

Everyone has the answer in their hearts.

In this competition, Tianye Artisan was defeated!

Moreover, he is not only as simple as losing.

The contrast between the ice-ling **** armor and the fantasy **** armor is nothing to mention, ordinary and vulgar to be invisible, like garbage!

For a while, dozens of gods were silent, with very strange expressions.

They looked at Tianye God Craftsman's eyes, full of disappointment, sympathy and regret.

The eyes looking at the white-haired master craftsman were fiery, full of awe and worship.

As a witness and referee, Ji Tianxing announced the results in due course.

"Everyone saw it!

I believe I don’t need to say more about it~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone has the answer in their hearts.

After all, with the facts before them, no one can reverse black and white.

The ice armor made by the **** craftsmen of Tianye is indeed very common, very vulgar, and not worth mentioning.

Moreover, the time spent by the God Craftsman Tianye was four times that of the opponent.

More importantly, he used thirteen refining materials.

And his opponent only used nine refining materials!

Perhaps, you refining masters still don't understand the gap.

But this king tells you that only the true top artisan can use the most concise materials to refine the most perfect artifact.

Tianye's master craftsman's refining skills, and this..."

When he said this, Ji Tianxing looked at the white-haired master craftsman with an inquiring look.

After all, he still doesn't know the name and title of the white-haired master craftsman.

The white-haired craftsman smiled slightly and said, "Just call me the God King of Providence."

Ji Tianxing nodded, and then said: "Compared with the God King of Heaven's Will, the craftsmanship of Tianye Divine Artisan is simply... horrible!

If the armor made by the **** of heaven is a work of art, the ice armor made by the **** smelter that day is... rubbish! "

As soon as the words came out, the God King of Heaven could not help laughing.

The gods outside the hall were also holding back their smiles, with strange expressions.

But no one spoke to refute, and they agreed with these words.

The face of Tianye God Carpenter was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his whole body trembled with anger.

The incomparable humiliation and anger made his eyes bloodshot, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

He glared at Ji Tianxing, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Boy! Although your realm of strength exceeds this king, but compared to refining skills, what qualifications do you have to comment on this king?

You humiliate this king and slander the armor made by this king is rubbish.

Don't know, you are worse than rubbish! "

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