Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3434: Perfect masterpiece

"God! The white-haired craftsman really took only one hour to complete the refining of the **** armor!"

"It's incredible! Someone in the world can make the best king-level armor in such a short time?"

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!"

"In this way, we are indeed all misled by the God Crafter Tianye. That White-haired God Crafter is the real master!"

"Don't be too happy, everyone, the white-haired craftsman hasn't opened the pill furnace yet, who knows if he succeeded?"

Many gods talked in low voices, their looks and moods were very complicated. The fastest updated novels https://

Some were gloating, some looked sad, but some refused to admit defeat, still believing that Tianye God Craftsman would win.

After all, the **** craftsman Tianye has accumulated prestige in Huosangyu for nearly ten thousand years, and his impressions are deeply ingrained in the hearts of everyone.

Even if he suffered a temporary setback and his divine power was affected, many gods still had expectations for him.

Although the **** craftsman Tianye in the main hall is concentrating on refining tools, he can feel tremendous pressure.

From the moment the white-haired master finished the refining, his heart tightened, his face became very embarrassed, and the sweat on his forehead became denser.

He is not like the superficial knowledge of those gods, and you don't need to guess that he knows that the white-haired master craftsman must have made it.

It is conceivable how those master craftsmen in the Divine Sovereign Realm would treat and arrange him.

Therefore, he was anxious and angry inside.

But he is worthy of being a strong **** king, a veteran master craftsman who has been famous for many years, and his mood is very calm.

Even with such a huge power, he can remain calm and continue to refine the weapon more calmly.

Even while fighting steadily, Tianye Divine Craftsman can speed up appropriately.

Based on this, it is not in vain of his Divine King Realm's strength, 10,000 years of experience in refining tools.

Everyone waited patiently, watching the **** craftsman Tianye gradually complete the various steps of refining the **** armor.

When he completed the engraving of the **** armor of the **** armor and successfully refined the **** armor of the highest grade of the king, it was already four hours later.

In the past, it often took him a whole day to refine an ice sling **** armor.

But now, he can complete it in only four hours, and the speed has increased three times.

This is a huge improvement and the result of his hard work.

But it's a pity that compared to the white-haired master craftsman, his speed is still too slow.

On the same day, when the sacred craftsmen stopped working and finished the refining of the armor, the gods outside the hall made a whispering voice.

"Finally finished! The time used by the God Crafter Tianye is four times that of the God Crafter White Hair!"

"However, compared to the time spent by the God Crafter Tianye, he has tripled!"

"Today's competition, Tianye Divine Craftsman went all out, this should be his fastest speed!"

"If there is no comparison, there is no gap, the white-haired craftsman's refining skills are too terrifying!"

"Don't worry, everyone, the result hasn't been announced yet.

Although the **** craftsman Tianye took a long time, could the ice armor he refines be more sophisticated? "

Just when many gods talked.

In the hall, the white-haired master craftsman opened his eyes, looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile, and said: "This son, what do you want to say as a witness to our test?" Qiqi novels were published on the whole network.

Tianye God Carpenter frowned and looked at Ji Tianxing with a sharp look.

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "This king can clearly see the refining process of the two master craftsmen, there is indeed no problem.

At present, it seems that the two **** craftsmen have completed the refining of the **** armor.

As far as the two spent time, Tianye God Craftsman took longer and was obviously inferior.

Unless the divine armor he refines is more sophisticated than his opponent, it is possible to tie.


Needless to say, everyone understands the rest.

The White Haired Artisan nodded, and agreed with Ji Tianxing's words.

Tianye Divine Craftsman had a dark face, coldly snorted and said nothing or objection.

Ji Tianxing said in a calm tone: "Since there is no problem, then please two reveal the **** armor they refined, let everyone judge it."

This sentence spoke to the hearts of many gods, and everyone was looking forward to it.

The **** craftsman Tianye did his part and waved his hand to unlock the dark golden pill.


The divine light flashed, and a brilliant icy blue armor flew out of the pill cauldron.

This is exactly his best ice spirit armor.

The divine armor was suspended in mid-air, shining bright brilliance, exuding powerful divine power fluctuations, clearly presented in front of everyone.

Dozens of gods and princes all poked their necks and looked around, carefully observing the Bingling God Armor, exclaiming and admiring from time to time.

"Wow! Sure enough, it is the best ice armor of the master craftsman. I have only heard of it before, but I have never seen it with my own eyes.

It's so exquisite to be able to see it with my own eyes today! "

"I have seen the ice sacred armor previously refined by Master Divine Craftsman, which is obviously far worse than this one.

This ice-linged **** armor is definitely the pinnacle work of the master master craftsman. It has reached the limit of the king's rank and is extremely perfect! "

"This is absolutely a perfect masterpiece. I can refine such a divine armor in my life. Even if I die, I will have no regrets~www.ltnovel.com~ It really deserves to be a famous master craftsman who has been famous for thousands of years. , Once you get serious, it turns out to be so terrifying!"

Many gods are full of praise, and their expressions are full of admiration.

Hearing the voices of the crowd, the God Crafter Tianye calmed down a lot, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That's right, this ice rim armor is his pinnacle work.

He has enough confidence that there is no second king-level artifact in the world that can surpass this divine armor.

The white-haired master craftsman looked at Ji Tianxing, and said calmly: "This son, what do you think?"

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "This divine armor is qualified regardless of the combination of defense, structure, materials, or the use of refining techniques.

Among the best artifacts of the Jun level, it can be regarded as an outstanding armor, which is indeed very good. "

This is Ji Tianxing's true thoughts, he is not biased, just tell the truth.

The white-haired master nodded in agreement, quite convinced by his words.

But Tianye Divine Craftsman couldn't help but curl his lips, showing a playful sneer: "Hehe...this king's ice armor is a perfect masterpiece among the king-level artifacts.

In your mouth, you can only get a very good evaluation?

If you are not gangsters, who can believe it? "

The dozens of gods outside the main hall also nodded quickly, and many of them agreed with the **** craftsman Tianye.

"Yes! Such a perfect masterpiece, how can you say it is not bad?"

"You kid, do you appreciate artifacts? Do you have problems with your eyes?"

"It's not that the guy has an eye problem, it must be a brain problem."

"Didn't Master Divine Craftsman say that? He and the White-haired Divine Craftsman are in the same group. This is deliberately suppressing Master Divine Craftsman!"

"That kid is unknown, so what qualifications does he have to evaluate Master Craftsman's masterpiece?"

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