Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3420: 5 lines of change in the world

This sapphire divine ship was built by collecting materials when the sapphire traveled across the continents.

Although it took him hundreds of years, he spent countless efforts and materials for the king-level refining equipment. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

But after all, he was just a lower craftsman, and he was self-taught, the kind that hadn't been directed by a master.

His sapphire sacred ship, in the eyes of the gods and gods, is naturally an unattainable super warship.

But in the eyes of the king of gods, they are ordinary goods, and there is nothing to praise.

What's more, when Chao Qingyu built this divine ship, he paid more attention to the defense, attack power and speed of the divine ship.

For the supporting facilities inside the Shenjian, the design is relatively simple.

Especially the dozens of secret rooms are just a few king-level divine formations to assist in cultivation.

For Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Sovereign, and Nie Feiyun, this is already a very favorable condition.

After all, there is a king-level sacred formation constantly operating to help them replenish their divine power, which they had never imagined before.

But in Ji Tianxing's view, these secret rooms are still too crude.

If he were to transform these secret rooms, he would add at least several king-level mid-level **** formations, which would increase the cultivation effect of everyone by three or four times!

But that is too much trouble and it will consume a lot of time.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing considered a little and decided to choose the simplest but most effective method.

That is to add a Time God Array in each secret room! The fastest updated novels https://

That's right! It is to change the flow of time in the secret room through a time **** array.

Just like the twisted time and space of the Nine Heavens and Ten Definite Towers, the flow of time is fifty times that of the outside world.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing and his relatives and friends practiced inside, and the effect was extremely powerful.

It has only been one year since the outside world, and they can retreat in twisted time and space for fifty years.

Because of this, the growth rate of him, Yun Yao and others, in the eyes of Chao Qingyu and Lan'er, is really fast against the sky.

Although, Ji Tianxing did not master the law of time.

But he had practiced a few magical powers in his previous life, mastered a few magical formations, and was able to change the flow of time.

Not only makes time pass faster, but also makes time flow slow

What's more, when his strength is restored to the peak **** king, it can stop time.

Of course, only in a relatively small area, stop for a short time.

Before Ji Tianxing had not recovered to the Divine King Realm, it was impossible to use these supernatural powers and formations.

Now it's different, his strength is enough.

Not only can he use such supernatural powers as the Blade of Time and Space, but he can also set up an array of time acceleration.

After making up his mind, he immediately began to act.

He entered Lan'er's secret room first, and after explaining his intentions, he cast a spell and began to deploy.

Lan'er watched from the side and was shocked and expected to see him cast thousands of brilliant lights, forming mysterious and mysterious marks.

Fortunately, the secret room is not big, only a radius of ten feet.

Ji Tianxing completed the arrangement of the Time God Array in only one day.

After the divine formation was opened, the invisible divine power enveloped the entire secret room, causing time to flow faster.

Lan'er could clearly sense that the flow of time was eight times faster than before!

She was shocked at once, and only felt incredible.


The son actually mastered the power of time, which can accelerate time eight times?

In this way, only one day has passed from the outside world, so I can cultivate here for eight days?


The son's method is so great that Lan'er is really amazed! "

Lan'er was full of joy, a little agitated and excited.

She knew that Ji Tianxing helped her arrange this time **** array, which is more precious than giving her a king-level artifact!

After all, her cultivation efficiency will increase eight times in the future.

What kind of resources and wealth cannot be exchanged!

Ji Tianxing just smiled and nodded, without saying much.

After teaching her the opening and closing methods of the Time God Array, he left the secret room.

Next, he added a Time God Array to each of the secret chambers for Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Monarch, Jin Zuo Envoy, and Blood Dragon Right Envoy in turn.

When he set up the Time Divine Formation, everyone felt ecstatic, shocked and excited after feeling the acceleration of time.

Especially Lin Xue's reaction, Bi Lan'er was a bit excited.

Of course, there are two more interesting people.

That is Jin Zuoshi and Nie Feiyun.

When Ji Tianxing entered their secret room, they were concentrating on practicing in seclusion, and did not know what was happening outside.

As a result, it took Ji Tianxing a day to install the Time Divine Array in the secret room, and they did not respond.

There is an extra time for everyone's secret room, six days later.

Before Ji Tianxing left, he sent a few divine fruits to everyone.

These divine fruits were all grown from the blood flame divine tree and matured.

After taking it, it can super-enhance the vitality and soul, and greatly enhance the body and soul.

These divine fruits are of great benefit to the **** king and strong, and for several gods, they are super tonic.

Lan'er, Xue Huan, Jin Zuo Shi, and Xue Long were all grateful to salute.

Lin Xue not only thanked him with excitement, but was also very moved in her heart, and her eyes changed when she looked at Ji Tianxing.

In the past six months, Ji Tianxing spent less time with her.

Seeing the subtle changes in her eyes~www.ltnovel.com~, it seems that there is a lot to say, so Ji Tianxing quickly found an excuse to slip.

Xue Lin had been brewing her emotions for a long time, and if she held it for a long time, she could only swallow it back in her stomach, and continued her practice unhappy.


Ji Tianxing helped everyone rebuild the secret room and gave them divine fruits, just to help them quickly improve their strength.

After all, everyone's next situation will be even more dangerous.

Although among these few gods, it is still not clear who has the potential to break through the gods.

However, it is also necessary to help them become the pinnacle gods as soon as possible.

After handling this matter, Ji Tianxing returned to the secret room and began to study the Buddhism Bead and the world of the Five Elements.

It has been ten years since he ascended to the God Realm.

The World of Five Elements has been stored in the Dzi Bead, and he has not observed it carefully.

Of course, with his current strength, he couldn't store the Five Elements World in his body, and he could only store it in the Heavenly Patch.

When Ji Tianxing returned to the twisted time and space, his destiny offered the Dzi Bead.


The white divine bead the size of a thumb flew out of his mind and hovered in front of him.

He stared at the patch dzi for a moment, then got into it.


The brilliance flashed, and Ji Tianxing entered the Sky Filling Bead and was in the boundless darkness.

This vast and boundless dark space is like an extraterrestrial starry sky.

The huge five-element world, quietly suspended in the darkness, is less than one percent of the dark space.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but sigh that the Sky Filling Bead is really a top-notch divine object, capable of filling the sky.

After a while, he carefully observed the world of the five elements, and suddenly raised his brows, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"How could this be?

It has only been ten years since I ascended to the God Realm, and the Five Elements World... actually expanded twice? ! "

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