Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3419: The 7th God Orb

Coincidentally, Yun Yao was also in confusion and worry.

Although she was practicing in retreat, her mind was not focused enough and she was also wondering what was going on.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness transmission, she naturally woke up and quickly ended her cultivation.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Tianxing sitting in front of her, looking at her with concern.

"Yaoyao, did you encounter any problems with cultivation? Or is there something bothering you?" Ji Tianxing stared at her and asked.

Yun Yao shook her head gently, and said in a gentle and calm tone: "I have been practicing in retreat here for so many years, and my strength has progressed very quickly. What can I worry about?

But after I broke through the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, something really went wrong in my cultivation. "

Ji Tianxing quickly asked, "What's the problem? Is it a bottleneck? Or are you confused about the exercises, magical powers, and laws?

Logically speaking, with your talent and understanding, none of these should appear? "

Yun Yao pursed her lips, a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said, "I don't know what's going on, but there are no puzzles or problems that I can't understand.

When I was practicing in retreat, I was clear and sane, and I didn't think there was any problem.

But for some reason, I always feel that something is missing.

No matter how dedicated and hard I practice, my strength is difficult to improve and progress is very slow. "

"This..." Ji Tianxing was at a loss for words, frowned, not knowing how to answer.

Yun Yao asked with interest: "Tian Xing, how long did you stay in the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm before?

Have you ever had a problem like me?

How long did it take you to break through to the Divine King Realm? "

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a moment and replied: "I haven't stayed in Shenjun Jiuzhong for a long time, and there has been no problem like you.

After staying for about a hundred years, I tried a few times and successfully recovered to the Divine King Realm. "

"That's it..." Yun Yao nodded to express her understanding, and smiled and said: "That's right, your identity is special, you have already broken through once.

Breaking through the Divine King Realm again will only be done again, and of course it will go smoothly. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "Aren't you the same? In ancient times more than 30,000 years ago, you were the mother of the human race."

"What is the mother of human race? Don't talk nonsense!" Yun Yao gave him a mad look and explained: "It's just that I was the strongest human race in the past, my strength and status were the highest, and I was admired and worshipped by countless human races. Kuaiqiqi Novel https://

At that time, there were many clans in the gods, especially the gods, and the demons were the second. The humans could only survive in the cracks.

It is the shelter between me and the many powerful human races that allows the race to gain a firm foothold in the God Realm..."

When he said this, Yun Yao's expression was a little weird, and he sighed, and said, "Oh...this is the experience of Yaoguang Goddess, not the real me."

Of course, Ji Tianxing understood that Yun Yao only inherited the inheritance and memory of the Goddess Yaoguang, not the real Yaoguang.

But she combined Yaoguang's memory and soul, which was tantamount to the reincarnation of the Yaoguang goddess.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing suddenly flashed a flash of light in his mind, and his eyes became sharp.

"Yaoyao, I remember you have merged a total of six divine beads so far, right?"

Yun Yao was taken aback, nodded and said, "Yes."

Ji Tianxing continued: "However, the seven souls of the Goddess Yaoguang turned into seven divine beads, scattered in the world.

There is also a **** orb, we have never found it, and you have not been able to merge.

Do you feel abnormal? Such as memory loss? "

Yun Yao's body shook, and he probably understood what he meant, and nodded quickly and said, "Of course! I'm still short of a **** orb without fusion, of course there is a lack of memory.

Regarding the practice, life and situation of the Goddess Yaoguang in the God King Realm, my memory is vague.

Tianxing, do you mean...? "

Ji Tianxing nodded quickly, and said in a spirited spirit: "I probably guessed the reason! No wonder that after you reach the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, your talent and understanding have plummeted, and your strength progress has been slow.

If I guessed correctly, it should be related to the seventh divine bead! "

Yun Yao also nodded in agreement, and said in a low tone: "I understand what you mean! After we find the seventh divine orb and I merge it, the three souls and seven spirits will be complete.

At that time, I will have the complete memory and inheritance of the Yaoguang Goddess, and will be able to successfully break through the Divine King Realm. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "It should be like this!

The Goddess Yaoguang was once the pinnacle **** king. If you fuse the seven **** beads and the three souls and seven souls are restored to their integrity, you will be able to easily break through the **** king.

Even, you will definitely return to the realm of the peak **** king. "

Yun Yao was also a little excited and looking forward to it, but when she thought of another question, she died suddenly.

"But, how do we know where the seven divine beads are?

Is it left in the world of the five elements?

Still in the God Realm?

Or, have you fallen into the dragon world? "

Ji Tianxing held her hands and smiled and encouraged: "Yaoyao don't worry, didn't I take the Five Elements World to ascend?

If the **** orb is left in the world of the five elements, then I can return to the world of the five elements at any time, and look for it carefully~www.ltnovel.com~ if the **** orb is in the world, then I will find it all over the world.

Even if the God Orb is in the Dragon Realm, I will go to the Dragon Realm sooner or later, not only to find Wuhen, but also to help you find the God Orb. "

Hearing what he said, Yun Yao really felt relieved and nodded and said, "Well, I believe you!

It's just that you will be delayed for a long time. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, I have returned to the Divine King Realm. No matter how hard I practice, it will take many years to improve my realm. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

I have time to help you find the God Pearl! "

Yun Yao's heart knot opened, and all his worries and doubts disappeared.

Ji Tianxing chatted and talked with her for a long time before he got up and left.

"Okay, Yaoyao, don't think too much, just concentrate on practicing in retreat.

I will try to find the **** orb, and you must reach the peak of the gods as soon as possible.

The day I find the God Orb is when you break through the God King! "

Yun Yao nodded to express her understanding, and watched him turn around and leave, continuing to practice in retreat.


Ji Tianxing left the Jiutian Shijue Tower and returned to the sapphire godship.

He walked out of the secret room, first went to the cab and glanced at Qingyu and asked him about the situation.

Knowing that Chao Qingyu had been on the road for a month and a half, and that he had just entered the Fire Mulberry Domain and had a safe journey, he was relieved.

Then, he went to visit Lan'er, Lin Xue, Xue Huan, Nie Feiyun, Jin Zuozhu and others.

Everyone was in the secret rooms of the divine ship, concentrating on exercises.

Although they have made a fortune after following Ji Tianxing, they have no shortage of cultivation resources.

But their secret room is still a bit crude, and the effect of cultivation is far inferior to those in warped time and space.

Ji Tianxing looked around and decided to help everyone transform the secret room.

Wonderful book house

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