Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3402: Double rebound

The more arrogant Ji Tianxing and the three of them, the worse their attitude towards the Astral King, the more gloating the Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong.

They invite the Astrology King to preside over justice, and relying on the strength of the Astrology King is second.

The most important thing is to use the identity and power of the Astrology King to suppress and sanction Ji Tianxing and others.

No matter where Ji Tianxing and others come from, what identity background they have, and what conspiracy they have, they are all useless in front of the Haotian Divine Envoy!

Even if he had a great backing and background, he was no bigger than the Haotian Divine Envoy.

Because the Haotian Divine Envoy is the envoy of the God Emperor Shura!

To offend the Vast Sky Divine Envoy is to offend the God Emperor Shura, and to be tolerated by the entire Vast Sky Continent!

By that time, Ji Tianxing and others would be dead.

Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Jing Feihong can sit and watch a good show, waiting to see them bear the anger of the God Emperor Shura!

At this moment, the Astrology God King had been angered, and he was sternly scolding Ji Tianxing and the others.

The good show is about to start, how can they not be excited and looking forward to it?

Facing the coercion of the astrological king, Ji Tianxing still looked calm, and said coldly: "First of all, you are just a running dog of the Asura God Emperor, not the Asura God Emperor himself.

Don't say it's you, even if you meet the **** emperor Shura, this king can't kneel down and salute.

Secondly, don't ask questions, but listen to the slander of the two domain masters and shout and kill when you come up. Don't you think it's too stupid?

You have been taken advantage of by them and still don't know that you are still here to show off your might, so what qualifications do you have to be the Haotian Divine Envoy? "

Although, the Astrology King has nothing to do with him.

But the astrological king and the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, Jing Feihong, did not have much friendship.

Under this circumstance, the Astrology God King, as the Haotian Divine Envoy patrolling the mainland, should maintain a fair and just attitude.

No matter what happens, the two sides should confront each other first, and then deal with and punish them after distinguishing right from wrong.

This is the attitude of the Haotian Divine Envoy to enforce the law, and will not insult the reputation of the God Emperor Shura.

However, the Astrology King did not do this.

He waited at the entrance of the abyss for a month, and he was already angry and hated Ji Tianxing and the others.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing's words, he is destined to not listen.

"Hahahaha...boy! What are you? How dare you insult this king? Contempt for the God Emperor?

who do you think You Are? How dare to teach this king how to deal with affairs? "

The star king stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, his eyes surged with murderous intent, and the blood pupils on his forehead were also brewing dark red blood.

"Don't try to confuse right and wrong, reverse black and white, and provoke this king and the two domain masters.

This king tells you very clearly, you are done!

Not to mention any grievances between you and the two domain owners, right or wrong is not important.

Just relying on you to despise the divine emperor's crown and utter wild words to insult this king, you have committed an unforgivable death!

Don't think about quibbling and struggling, let's give and accept! "

While talking, the Astral King raised his right hand, his fist gradually clenched, and he shouted in a majestic tone: "These three fanatics have violated the Haotian law issued by the **** emperor, and their sins are to blame!

Everyone obeyed the order and immediately shot and killed the criminals, and immediately cut them down! "

Following the order of the Astrology God King, nearly a hundred heavily armed high-ranking gods all wielded their magic weapons and launched a siege on the three of Ji Tianxing.

Everyone tried their best to use the most powerful unique trick, releasing the overwhelming magical light and shadow, pouring down to the three of them.

"Huh! Huh!"

Nearly ten thousand sacred light blades obscured the sky for hundreds of miles, and immediately flooded the three figures of Ji Tianxing.

The situation of the three of them became extremely dangerous, but they were still calm and calm and did not panic.

Seeing the sky full of light blades blast down, Yanke and Chaoqingyu both offered double knives and swords, and used supernatural skills to counterattack.

Moreover, the two of them also released their majestic divine power and formed a thick divine light shield to protect themselves.

Ji Tianxing didn't condense the defensive shield, looking up at the divine light flooding the sky, he actually opened his arms.

If it weren't for his divine light, and he was performing some magical secret skills, everyone would think he was waiting for death.

After all, his posture is like embracing the blade of the sky.

"Take advantage of strength, tooth for tooth... Double rebound!"

Ji Tianxing gave a low cry, and his whole body released endless black and white light, condensing into a huge ball of light.

The ball of light was black and white, spinning like a picture of Yin and Yang.

The fusion of the two powers is very mysterious and mysterious.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The endless divine magic light blades rained down on the black and white light ball, bursting out a series of dull loud noises.

A shocking scene appeared.

Thousands of divine art light blades were not broken, but they all pierced the black and white light ball, and passed through the light ball intact, speeding up the stab at the surrounding high-level gods.

On the surface, those magical light blades did not seem to have changed.

But everyone is strong, and they can clearly sense that after those divine art light blades pass through the black and white light ball, not only the speed is doubled, but the power is also doubled!

Obviously, Ji Tianxing is taking advantage of his strength!

He used the attacks of many gods to double his power, and then changed the target to kill those gods~www.ltnovel.com~ He didn't have much effort, but the attack power he released was extremely terrifying.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

In the next instant, thousands of divine light and sharp blades hit the surrounding gods one after another, bursting with a deafening noise.

Those high-ranking gods all exploded into a ball of brilliant light, bursting out blood and debris.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty upper gods were severely injured, and the gods collapsed on the spot.

Only a few of them were lucky. After the **** body was destroyed, there was still a godhead, and they fled the battlefield in panic.

And most of the gods who were hit, even the gods and gods collapsed, and fell on the spot!

The two sides only fought for the first round, and Ji Tianxing gave each other a heavy blow with his incomparable, eerie magical skills.

Nearly a hundred upper gods, directly reduced by one-third.

The remaining more than sixty gods were also frightened, showing deep horrified eyes.

The Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong also stared in disbelief, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"What's the situation? I haven't seen it for a month, why is he... stronger again?"

"Damn it! He was obviously injured before?

How could it be more ferocious if nothing happened? "

Neither Jing Feihong nor Golden Dragon Domain Master could understand, and couldn't believe their eyes.

The star king's brows were furrowed, his face became more gloomy, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

Even Yanke and Chaoqingyu were taken aback by Ji Tianxing and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Wow! Son, what magical powers are you? Why have you never seen you use it?"

"My son, your magical powers are simply incomparable and invincible. What's your name?"


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