Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3401: I can't save the king

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Jing Feihong are full of hatred, gritted teeth, almost bursting out of fire in their eyes.

The hundreds of high-ranking gods with different costumes around them were also cold and solemn, silent and solemn.

Ji Tianxing used his divine sense to probe again, and found that there were five king-level divine formations hidden around him.

There are all kinds of formations for concealment, suppression, sealing, and attack. It can be said that it has five poisons.

Faced with such a battle, Ji Tianxing and the three were just a little surprised, and they didn't panic or worry at all.

Even Yanke spoke first and said with a sneer: "Oh, isn't this the Golden Dragon Domain Lord?

More than a month ago, I still fled like a bereaved dog, why dare you come back today for revenge?


Still hate to go crazy, get lost heart mad? "

Chao Qingyu looked at Jing Feihong in surprise, and said with a sneer: "Yanke, you don't know anything, that is Yunyang Domain Master, Master Jing Feihong!

You may not know that Master Jing was also a defeated man under the son, and he was beaten up so badly!

I said, how dare the Golden Dragon Domain Lord come back to ambush us? It turned out to be Jing Feihong as a helper! "

Yanke pretended to suddenly realize it, nodded and said: "That's it! No wonder the Golden Dragon Territory's courage is fattened and people are swollen.

However, you are too blind, Golden Dragon Domain Master, how can you find Jing Feihong to help?

He is also the defeat of my son!

You two bereaved dogs together, they are not our son's opponent, you have to be abused today! "

Yanke sang a peace with Chao Qingyu, with a strange tone of yin and yang that made Jing Feihong and the lord of the Golden Dragon Realm so angry, their chests rose and fell sharply.

"Damn beast, you are going crazy!"

"Let's see how long you can be proud of? Laugh, laugh to your heart's content!

This king promises that you will not have time to cry later! "

Jing Feihong and the Golden Dragon Domain Lord both gritted their teeth and cursed, and their faces were full of grinning.

At this time, Ji Tianxing finally spoke.

He looked at the two domain masters calmly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "This king originally thought that the lesson I taught you last time is enough, and you should not dare to come back for revenge.

Unexpectedly, the two of you actually united.

However, with the two of you, plus hundreds of gods, want to avenge this king?

A bit naive!

If the king guessed correctly, you should have found a stronger backer.

For example, several other domain masters, or the strong above domain master...

Otherwise, where do you have the confidence to talk to this king like this? "

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Jing Feihong joined forces and set an ambush here, which was indeed beyond Ji Tianxing's expectations.

But it had happened, and he immediately accepted the reality.

And on this basis, he judged that the opponent still had strong support, but it was temporarily hidden.

as predicted.

The Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong both grinned and sneered, their expressions extremely proud.

"Hahaha...Although you are hateful, you are not stupid!"

"Tianxing, no matter how clever you are, no matter how cunning you are, it's useless.

Your death date has come, today you will not be able to fly, you will die! "

After speaking, the two of them looked at each other, and at the same time they bowed back and shouted in unison: "Welcome to the Haotian Divine Envoy!"

As the two clanging voices sounded, a protoss man with a height of ten feet, six-colored wings, blood pupils, and blond hair stepped out.


As soon as this person appeared, he brought overwhelming invisible power, covering the exit of the abyss with a radius of thousands of miles.

The mighty powers that suppressed the heavens and the earth, like the flood of heaven and earth, are moving towards Ji Tianxing, Chaoqingyu and Yanke.

In a moment, the sneers on Chao Qingyu and Yanke's faces solidified, their brows frowned, and their eyes became serious.

"This is... who is this guy?"

"His strength... Middle God King! And is it the five-fold pinnacle?"

Only Ji Tianxing did not change his face, staring at the ten-foot-high Astral King, shook his head and said, "No, it is not the fifth peak, but the early stage of the sixth stage."

Divine King Realm Sixth Layer!

Suddenly hearing this news, Chao Qingyu and Yanke's expressions changed again, and their eyes became more solemn.

The two of them were still full of confidence just now. At this moment, it was like being poured down by a basin of cold water, and their backs were a little cold.

There are not many divine king powerhouses in the sixth realm on the mainland.

Among hundreds of domain masters, only 30% of them can reach it.

Moreover, those domain owners are located in the middle of the mainland, occupying the most prosperous and wealthy areas.

The three realms like Tianbei, Yunyang, and Golden Dragon are located on the edge of the Haotian Continent. In contrast, they are relatively barren, and there are almost no six-level gods.

The Astral King looked down on Ji Tianxing condescendingly, grinning sneer.

"Boy, you can still maintain your composure when you see this king, you must be working hard, right?

Do you know who this king is?

Do you know that this king has been waiting for you for a month?

Ha ha ha... This is your honor!

You should be proud and thankful for allowing this king to wait for so long and get his judgment and punishment! "

The Astrology God King changed his previous gloomy image and became vigorous, sounding like a bell, and his aura was extremely majestic.

Because his identity has been announced.

Not only were everyone present, but thousands of miles away, there were thousands of gods waiting to see the excitement.

In any case, the Astral King must maintain the majesty and domineering of the Haotian Divine Envoy, and must not insult the majesty of the Divine Emperor~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, he is the messenger of the Asura Divine Emperor on the mainland.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and looked at the Star Elephant King, with a playful smile: "You don't need to introduce yourself. Haven't those two guys already called out?

Haotian Divine Envoy!

By the way, what is the Haotian Divine Envoy?

Why hasn't this king heard of it? Is it a self-styled title? "

While talking, he turned his head and asked Chao Qingyu and Yanke: "Have you two heard of the Haotian Divine Envoy?"

"No." Chao Qingyu shook his head honestly.

After all, he left the Vast Sky Continent for ten thousand years and only came back this year, and he still didn't understand the changes in the Vast Sky Continent.

Yanke frowned, and after thinking about it for a moment, he explained: "I have never heard of the Haotian God Envoy, but I know the Chaos God Envoy.

They are the messengers of the **** emperor, on behalf of the **** emperor to patrol the mainland and handle all kinds of complicated affairs. "

Ji Tianxing then understood, nodded and said: "Oh... it turns out to be the messenger of the God Emperor Shura, the guard of the inspection."

Seeing the reaction of the three of them, the Astral God King frowned fiercely, his eyes gleaming with cold light.

"Boy, now that you know the identity of this king, why don't you kneel and bow?

Do you want to despise the majesty under the crown of God, do you want to be sentenced to death? "

The Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Jing Feihong stood behind the Astral King, watching the trio of Ji Tianxing nonchalantly teasing, their hearts were simply blooming.

The two looked at each other, couldn't help but communicate through voice, and uttered cheers in secret.

"Hahahaha... It's so stupid to look at their dull look!"

"Ha ha ha... They are really crazy enough, not even the Haotian Divine Envoy?

Now they are dead, and I can't save them! "


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