Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3393: Fight hard

As a result, the situation in the sword formation became Ji Tianxing and the three teamed up to besiege Chiyu.

Ji Tianxing is the main force, the most ferocious rush, and the greatest pressure on the Chi Fei.

Yanke and Chao Qingyu acted as assistance, flanking the red worm left and right, and constantly harassing it, which also increased the pressure on the red worm.

"Boom bang bang!"


The two sides moved around in the sword formation, unleashing all kinds of magical powers, and launched a fierce confrontation, bursting out a series of shocking noises.

At the beginning, Chiyu was able to resist the siege of the trio with strong defense and mighty power.

But after all, it was seriously injured, and it has never had a chance to deal with the injury, the blood of the gods continues to flow, and the strength is rapidly declining.

Even if it can continue to absorb the power of the magma sea, replenish its own divine power.

However, Ji Tianxing set up the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation, sealed off thousands of miles, isolating the sword formation from inside and outside.

The magma sea in the sword formation was absorbed by Akasaka, so he could not be replenished.

As a result, its power was consumed rapidly, but it has not been replenished, and its combat effectiveness naturally plummeted.

His situation became more and more passive, gradually becoming more defensive and less offensive, and his injuries continued to increase.

If it does not change and continues like this, it already has a foreboding end.

As a result, it returned to its original size, using its body as large as a mountain, to violently hit the Zhutian Sword Formation.

It ignored the strangulation of the giant sword in the sky, and burst out the most violent and domineering force, hitting the light wall of the sword formation time and time again.

"Boom! Boom!"

It wants to break through the blockade of the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation and escape outside the sword formation.

Once it returns to the vast ocean of magma, it can quickly replenish its strength and restore its powerful combat effectiveness.

Even if it is severely injured, even if it is fatal, it can recover quickly.

Moreover, if it fails to beat the Ji Tianxing three, it can also sneak into the magma sea to escape.

No one is more familiar with this magma sea, here is its territory, it is invincible!

Of course, Ji Tianxing saw Chi Fei's mind, and temporarily slowed down the offensive, and fully strengthened the power of the Heavenly Sword Formation.

Originally, there were ten thousand star giant swords forming the Heavenly Sword Formation, forming a sword light barrier with a radius of thousands of miles.

In addition, more than 16,000 star giant swords formed an overwhelming net of swords and hurricanes, strangling red worms frantically.

But Ji Tianxing made a change, increasing the giant sword that condenses the sword formation to as many as 20,000.

There are only more than 6,000 giant swords left, forming six sword formations and hurricanes, continuously bombarding the red dragon.

The defense of the Zhutian Sword Formation has been strengthened, and the repeated strikes of the red worms have not been effective.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing, Yanke, and Chao Qingyu tried their best to attack Chi Mi, and firmly contained it.

Chimi wanted to resist the siege of the three people and the assassination of six thousand giant swords, while casting spells to bombard the Jianguang barrier.

Under this circumstance, it struck continuously for a quarter of an hour, and failed to break through the Heavenly Sword Formation.

It was helpless and resentful, and could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​breaking the formation and fully confront the three of Ji Tianxing.

The crisis was resolved in this way.

The three Ji Tianxing fought fiercely with Chiyu again, rushing from left to right in the sword formation.

Time passed quickly.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Since entering the Golden Dragon Abyss, this is the longest battle between Ji Tianxing and others.

At the same time, the enemy they faced was also the strongest and most difficult one.

Even though Chi Fei is only the four peaks of the God King Realm, it is not as good as the Golden Dragon Domain Lord in terms of strength.

But its combat effectiveness is far more powerful than the Golden Dragon Domain Lord.

This is the difference between ordinary protoss and ancient fierce beasts!

Of course, the red worm is the overlord of the abyss, and the magma sea is its territory, which is also the main reason.

Six hours have passed, and the battle is not over yet.

At this time, not only the strength of the red worm was greatly weakened, but the combat effectiveness was drastically reduced, and his body was scarred.

Even Ji Tianxing, Yanke, and Chaoqingyu are weak and have many new scars.

Everyone is embarrassed with disheveled hair and blood-stained robes.

Yanke was the most injured, Chao Qingyu was the second, and Ji Tianxing was the least injured.

But in comparison, Chiyu's injuries were the worst and the most dangerous.

Its power is only about 50% left, and another two or three hours of fierce battle will be the end of the battle.

During this period, it tried three times to break through the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

But it is a pity that it was successfully resolved by Ji Tianxing every time, and it has never been able to escape the blockade of the sword formation.

After all, it is just a fierce beast, only mastering all kinds of supernatural skills and ultimate moves.

It only knows some furs about the formations and refining methods that the Protoss is good at.

There is no way to break the Zhutian Sword Formation, it can only be broken by brute force.

It already had a foreboding that if it didn't escape from the Heavenly Sword Formation, it would be buried here today.

As a result, it made a cruel decision and performed its hole card stunt.

"Red Dragon Diamond!"

The red worm burned its own blood, and at the expense of thousands of years of skill, exploded with life-long potential, which doubled its combat effectiveness.

It ignited flames of blood to the sky, and its huge body swelled up, exuding a violent aura of destruction.


Its body was spinning extremely fast, like a long spear that was hundreds of miles long and flame-filled, pointed directly at a place on the light wall of the sword formation, and blasted at the fastest speed.

Obviously, Chichi needs to use the divine body as a spear, and the sharp corner of his head as the spear blade~www.ltnovel.com~ to break the sword formation with the strongest force.

It is unstoppable and unstoppable.

Not to mention Yanke and Chaoqingyu, even Ji Tianxing did not dare to block it head-on.

"Damn it! Never let it rush out of the sword formation!

Once we let it escape into the magma sea, we can't trap it or kill it. "

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, his eyes flashed with worry.

Yanke and Chaoqingyu are also full of anxiety, but they have nothing to do.

Seeing, the red dragon pierced the sky like a flaming spear, rushing towards the weak spot of the light wall of the sword array.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing can only draw on the power of the Five Elements World again and use his unique tricks.

"Tianlong Overlord Body!"

"Sword of Destruction!"

He shouted angrily, and his body instantly swelled to a height of a thousand feet, turning into a golden giant god.

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, he released the infinite power of the world and cleaved a sacred giant sword that was hundreds of miles long.

This huge sword that opened the world and the earth slashed towards the red dragon head on, releasing the terrifying power of shattering everything.

However, the red worm was extremely fast, changing its direction in an instant, deviating from its original trajectory.

The Sword of World Destruction failed to hit it head-on, and only hit the second half of the'flaming spear', that is, Chiyu's back waist.


Amid the earth-shaking loud noise, the Sword of Destruction collapsed, splashing out hundreds of millions of sword light fragments.

The'flaming spear' was also cut into two pieces, and Chiyu's two hind legs and tail were cut off by the giant sword on the spot.

Although it let out a heart-piercing howl, it slammed into the light wall of the sword formation at an unabated speed.

Its mind is determined, even if it suffers a heavy injury, it must break through the blockade of the sword formation to escape.


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