Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3392: Fierce battle

Ji Tianxing is the absolute main force in dealing with Chi Fei.

He manipulated more than 20,000 celestial giant swords to form a Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation to suppress and strangle the Chiku with all his strength.

Yanke and Chao Qingyu assisted, constantly performing supernatural powers and attacking the vital points of the red worm.

It's a pity that Chi Fei's body is too special, almost condensed from various sacred stones, and the defense is terrible.

With the experience and vision of Yanke and Chaoqingyu, the weakness and flaws of the red worm could not be found, and they could only attack its vitals.

But the effect was very small, all magical skills were performed once, and it could only cause some minor injuries to the red worm.

Now that Chiyu is furious, he no longer searches for Ji Tianxing's traces and sets the target on them.

A pair of huge front paws smashed at Yanke and Chaoqingyu.

The fragmented reef island was smashed into endless rubble and was submerged by magma waves.

Chi Yu opened his mouth again and spouted endless sacred fire, like a flood that swept across thousands of miles, flooding the entire Zhutian Sword Formation.

The pressure on Yanke and Chao Qingyu increased sharply, and they could only fully resist the attack of the red worm, wandering around and retreating, and did not dare to resist head-on.

Seeing that the two were beaten back in defeat, they were bombarded by red worms one after another, and fell into the magma sea with blood.

Ji Tianxing immediately exploded with all his strength and used the strongest magical skill.

"Sword of Destruction!"

He frantically absorbed the power of the Five Elements World and released a sacred giant sword that was hundreds of miles long and opened the heavens and the earth, and slashed towards Chiyu.

Compared with World Slash, this magic trick uses twice the power of the world, and its power is even more terrifying, truly destroying the world!

Chiyu is chasing Yanke and Chaoqingyu, just want to kill them as soon as possible.

Never thought that Ji Tianxing seized the opportunity to find the flaw and launched a surprise attack from behind.

When Chiyu realized that it was not good and wanted to avoid it, it was too late.

Its body is too large, almost half the size of a reef island.

It is too difficult to dodge between the fire of calcium carbide.

So it shrank desperately, and its size shrank a hundred times in an instant.

After all, the bigger the volume, the bigger the goal.

But it is a pity that even if it shrinks a hundred times, it is still more than one mile long and tens of feet high.

The sacred giant sword that opened up the world was slashed to death, drowning its figure.


This loud noise was truly shocking and deafening.

The magma sea with a radius of 50,000 miles was shaken by huge waves that shook the sky violently.

After all, Chiyu could not evade that sword, and was smashed into the magma ocean.

The giant sword broke through its hard back, cut a huge crack, and cut off one of its left front legs.

Dark red blood, like magma, rushed out of the wound and poured into a sea of ​​magma.

The heart-piercing pain caused Chi Fei to roar up to the sky, his voice particularly miserable.

It was furious and mad, and it could not wait to smash Ji Tianxing's body into pieces and swallow it alive.

But Ji Tianxing has been in a state of disappearing, unable to find it at all, but he can clearly feel his breath, everywhere.

Chi Fei couldn't understand what was going on, and didn't want to waste time on it.

He must use the most brutal means at the fastest speed to kill Yanke and Chaoqingyu in order to ease the anger in his heart a little.

"Ahhhhh! Go to **** you guys!"

The red worm shape roared frantically, and desperately released thousands of divine fire pillars, and slammed hard at Yanke and Chaoqingyu.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

More than 6,000 pillars of fire from the gods, like cannonballs in the sky, poured into a sea of ​​magma with a radius of thousands of miles.

Although Chao Qingyu and Yanke desperately dodge, but the gods of fire are too dense.

Within two breaths, Chao Qingyu was hit by a pillar of divine fire light, wrapped in raging flames, and plunged into the turbulent lava sea.

Although Yanke dodges the pillar of fire from the sky, he was swept by the tail of the red worm.

The sharp barbs on the red worm's tail tore the armor he was wearing into pieces, and a huge wound was cut on his waist.

With blood splashing, Yanke let out a painful grunt, and after flying upside down dozens of miles away, he fell into the magma sea.

Taking advantage of the victory of the pursuit, Akasaka rushed over with a teleport, and opened his mouth to eject an extremely hot flame, trying to burn Yanke to ashes.

Seeing that Chao Qingyu and Yanke are in a very dangerous situation.

Both of them received serious injuries, and couldn't withstand the fierce attack by Chi Yu.

Ji Tianxing can only relieve the chaotic sky and the boundless state, rush out from the magma sea, and resist the attack of the red worm head-on.


When the light flashed, Ji Tianxing teleported to Yanke's side.

Just as the turbulent divine flame was about to sweep Yanke, Ji Tianxing used a large body protection technique to condense an oval shield.

A golden shield with a radius of 30 feet, wrapped him and Yanke, and firmly protected them.


There was a loud noise that shook the world and the earth exploded, and the entire shield was blasted out and smashed hundreds of miles away.

However, the defense of this shield was extremely strong, and there were no cracks and gaps.

After flying backwards Baili, Ji Tianxing relieved the impact and pulled Yanke to stop in mid-air.

Yanke was quite surprised, and let out a long sigh of rejoicing.

He originally thought that ~www.ltnovel.com~ Chao Qingyu and Ji Tianxing were closer.

When he and Chao Qingyu are in danger at the same time, Ji Tianxing will definitely save Chao Qingyu.

did not expect……

He was both surprised and moved.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing snorted coldly and reminded: "What are you in a daze? Heal your injuries?"

"Oh oh..." Yanke finally recovered, and quickly retreated farther to recover his injuries.

Chi Wei froze for a moment, and laughed fiercely: "Hahahaha... are you dog thief finally willing to come out?

Die! "

From the beginning, Chi Chi's main goal was Ji Tianxing.

Not only because Ji Tianxing is the most hated, but also because of his soul and blood, his attraction to Chiyu is even greater.

Chasing Chaoqingyu and Yanke is also to force Ji Tianxing to show up.

Now that Ji Tianxing appeared, its purpose was achieved, and naturally it was an even more crazy attack.

"Huh! Huh!"

The red worm like crazy waving his minions and barbed tails to culminate Ji Tianxing.

The mouth of the blood basin also spouted endless divine fire, pouring down like a monstrous flood, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing pinched the Shen Jue in his left hand, manipulated the Heaven-Slaying Sword Array to strangle the Chiku, and held the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, performing all kinds of magical skills to fight the Chiku.

All kinds of magical powers and secrets, and the light and shadow of the gods in the sky, violently collide between the sky and the earth, bursting out a loud noise that shakes the sky.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

In just one hundred breaths of time, Ji Tianxing and Chi Wei fought for more than three hundred strokes, and chased a dozen times in the sword formation.

The shock wave that ruined the world overturned the sea of ​​magma several times.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke could only retreat beyond the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation. After simply handling their injuries, they quickly returned to the sword formation to join the battle.


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