Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3380: You don't know about power 1

Of course, Ji Tianxing didn't care how many forbidden troops the Emperor Jinlong brought, and who was the old man beside him.

His gaze swept across the crowd, his divine sense searched a radius of 40,000 miles, but he did not detect the breath of the **** king and the strong.

Naturally, he stared at the Golden Dragon Emperor, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "The Golden Dragon Domain Lord hasn't come? What's the use of you and hundreds of forbidden troops?"

As soon as these words came out, the Golden Dragon Emperor's brows frowned, his face gloomy and angrily reprimanded: "You **** madman, you are too rampant!

You killed my son and brother first, and now you have slaughtered two hundred forbidden troops.

Such a heinous crime, your viciousness and cruelty, are really heinous!

You said, how can I punish and torture you so that I can dispel the hatred in my heart? ! "

The anger and hatred of Emperor Jinlong had reached its limit.

Even if Ji Tianxing was tossed eight pieces and five horse clones, it would not clear his hatred.

Probably, only the smashing of corpses and the frustration of bones and ashes can make him relieve his hatred.

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "If you only bring so few people, don't say revenge for your son and brother, even you will have to die here.

When is the so-called grievance reported?

Go ahead and stop making unnecessary sacrifices. "

Although Emperor Jinlong hated him deeply, he had no hatred for Emperor Jinlong.

Killing or not killing depends only on the attitude of the Golden Dragon Emperor.

Although Ji Tianxing still has good intentions, he does not want to kill evil again.

But it's a pity that Emperor Jinlong didn't appreciate it at all.

Even after he was taken aback, he sneered jokingly: "Hahahaha...I heard it wrong? Are you asking me for peace?

It must have been the previous battle, which exhausted all of you and suffered serious injuries, right?

Now facing our hundred forbidden troops, you don't have the power to fight anymore, you are already timid!

It's a pity that you want to beg for mercy now, it's too late!

Before I came, I vowed that, in any case, I will smash your corpses into pieces to comfort the prince and the spirit of the war prince! "

Emperor Jinlong shouted savagely, his heart was very proud, and he was full of murderous aura.

The black-robed old man and the hundreds of forbidden troops also showed triumphant sneers, their eyes became cold and sharp.

Seeing this scene, Yanke couldn't help but sneered, and asked, "Did the Golden Dragon Emperor misunderstand something? It's naive!"

Chao Qingyu couldn't help but nodded and said: "This kind of person is very confident, arrogant and domineering, and the way of thinking is different from that of ordinary people, and it will not be able to reverse it for a while.

The son was compassionate and deliberately spared them his life.

Unexpectedly, his first reaction turned out to be that we were not strong enough to fight anymore and wanted to beg for mercy...

It's ridiculous! "

Yanke, Chaoqingyu and Lan'er looked at Emperor Jinlong in their eyes full of compassion.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Dragon Emperor didn't know it, and cast a look at the black robe old man.

The black-robed old man understood his mind and immediately waved his hand to give the order.

"Surround them, don't let them run away!"

Hundreds of heavily armed forbidden troops immediately dispersed in all directions, forming a circle of hundreds of miles.

All of them were holding swords and spears, and some even held crossbows and pointed them at Ji Tianxing and others.

The encirclement has been formed, and the Golden Dragon Emperor feels more confident.

He stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and shouted in a majestic tone: "Boy, now you can't escape with your wings, you will definitely die!

I will give you a chance, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy and claim your skill, I can give you a personal way of death.

Even, I only kill you to avenge the prince and the war prince.

Your three companions, I can spare them not to die! "

Although he said so, it was only his expediency.

How could the anger and hatred in his heart dissolve so easily?

But he also knows that Ji Tianxing and others are all powerful gods.

If it is really forced to attack, the enemy's trapped beast will still fight, and it will inevitably massacre many forbidden troops.

Even he and the national teacher may be hit hard.

Therefore, the Golden Dragon emperor first adopted the strategy of being gentle and persuading him to descend to Ji Tianxing.

After he captures Ji Tianxing, he will definitely order the three Yankees to be killed.

Finally, he performed all kinds of torture and tortured Ji Tianxing severely.

This is the plan he just thought of.

Unfortunately, Ji Tianxing is destined not to cooperate.

He looked at the Golden Dragon Emperor with weird eyes, shook his head with a sneer on his face, and said: "This king gave you the chance to survive, but you don't cherish it.

Since you are obsessed with understanding, don't blame this king for being ruthless. "

After speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

Yanke, Chao Qingyu, and Lan'er are already ready to go and are ready to move.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's order, all three of them exploded with violent supernatural powers, displayed fierce supernatural killing moves, and rushed towards the surrounding imperial troops.

"Hundred Battles and Slaughter God!"

"Qingfeng Wanjian!"

"Lan Yu falls into the sky!"

The three of them wielded the weapon of the magic weapon, shed the dazzling magical brilliance, and released the overwhelming shadow of the sword, light and sword, pouring toward the imperial army.

Seeing that the three of them were still in good condition, their divine power was still abundant, and their fighting power was still so strong, the Golden Dragon Emperor changed his expression on the spot.

"Aren't you already... how could this be?

The Commander of the Forbidden Army and the two hundred Forbidden Army fought with you for an hour, and they were all killed by you~www.ltnovel.com~How could you still have more power? "

Emperor Jinlong couldn't understand.

Yanke, Chaoqingyu, and Lan'er are obviously embarrassed with disheveled hair and blood.

No matter how strong they are, they should be exhausted and seriously injured in a battle with two hundred forbidden troops!

He didn't expect this scene, and he didn't want to believe it!

Ji Tianxing stared at him indifferently, and said indifferently: "You don't know anything about the power of the Divine King Realm!"

As his voice fell.

The supernatural skills released by the Yanke trio suddenly flooded many forbidden troops.

Although the expressions of those imperial troops changed drastically, they used their magical powers to resist the attack.

But these are useless.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

A loud and deafening noise burst out, shocking a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

The magma sea within thousands of miles was swept by a shock wave that destroyed the world and set off huge waves.

The endless seven-color divine fire, gushing out of the magma, filled this area.

There were originally more than 20 forbidden troops, and they were injured and beheaded by Yanke three on the spot.

Gaps and flaws appeared in the encircling circle, and it was overwhelmed by the sky.

Suddenly, many imperial troops were forced into a rush.

Many people were contaminated with the seven-color sacred fire, the armor and the sacred soldiers were burned and deformed, and the sacred body was burned to black smoke.

A scream of pain also broke out in the crowd, one after another.

As a result, this area became chaotic.

Seeing the forbidden army met with heavy casualties, the Golden Dragon Emperor and the national division were full of horror and quickly took part in the war.

When the two of them were about to jointly attack Chaoqingyu and Lan'er, Ji Tianxing stopped them.


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