Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3379: 1 step late

As the master of a domain, Yanke has always been very arrogant and reserved.

Not to mention who he worships, even if he admits who is stronger than him, it is difficult.

But at this moment, he was very excited, and he admired Ji Tianxing.

Because he could see that Ji Tianxing was sincerely instructing him and wanted to teach him more combat experience and skills.

Although the battle formation formed by the two imperial commanders and more than ninety imperial troops, the defense is very strong.

Even if Yanke tried his best, it was impossible to crack it.

But Ji Tianxing did it!

He used the second method he said to combine the power of the formation with supernatural skills to break through the flaws of the Forbidden Army's battle formation, and then gradually expand the flaws.

As a result, the Forbidden Army battlefield was torn apart by him, and it was about to fall apart soon.

At the same time, Chao Qingyu and Lan'er rushed over.

The couple broke out with the strongest strength and supernatural skills, bravely rushed into the gap in the battle, and slaughtered the panicked forbidden troops.

The result is unquestionable, and the gap in the Forbidden Army battlefield has once again been widened.

After just ten breaths, Ji Tianxing forcibly broke two more gaps.

As Yanke recovered and joined the battle very fiercely, the Forbidden Army battlefield was torn apart and quickly collapsed.

A complete battle formation is divided into several areas, which are not connected to each other and cannot be taken care of.

In this way, the battlefield was broken.

And when those imperial soldiers lost the shelter of the battlefield and could no longer join forces to resist and meet the enemy, their combat effectiveness was also greatly weakened.

Facing the fierce attack by the four of Ji Tianxing, the imperial troops were completely unable to parry, they were defeated steadily and suffered heavy casualties.

Even if the commander and deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, accompanied by a few high-ranking gods everywhere, could not change the defeat.

Another quarter of an hour passed and the battle came to an end.

There are more than ninety bans, and only twenty are left.

A total of 70 imperial soldiers were beheaded on the spot, and half of them died under the sword of Ji Tianxing.

Yanke and Chaoqingyu killed a lot of them, but Laner killed fewer troops.

As a result, the two governors and more than 20 imperial troops were frightened.

Everyone had no intention of fighting, and it was difficult to continue. They could only fight and retreat, fleeing towards the entrance of the abyss.

Although, behind the palace of the two superintendents and a few upper gods, the surviving imperial troops retreated.

But Ji Tianxing's four men pursued and killed thousands of miles away, and then killed a dozen or so forbidden troops.

It also includes several upper gods and deputy governors!

Only the imperial commander and ten imperial troops are still alive, but they are also scarred and bloody.

Everyone was stopped by Ji Tianxing and others, and could no longer escape.

Everyone's heart is filled with despair, as if seeing death come.

"everything is over!

You can die with peace of mind, the Emperor Golden Dragon has no time to save you, nor can he save you! "

Ji Tianxing stared at the Imperial Commander with cold eyes, and said indifferently.

As his voice fell, Yanke, Chao Qingyu, and Lan'er all waved their magical swords and used powerful magical skills to kill the imperial army governor and others.

The Commander of the Forbidden Army and the ten Forbidden Army were all ashamed of death, and when they knew they were bound to die, they were about to explode.

Although they knew that even if they blew themselves up, it was impossible to kill Ji Tianxing and others.

However, if they can cause trouble and serious injury to the four of Ji Tianxing, they can also look down.

And at this time, there was a sudden shout of anger over the magma sea not far away.

"Dare the thief!"

With the sound of the energetic, overbearing and dignified man, the commander of the Imperial Army and the ten imperial soldiers were shocked, revealing a strong surprise.

Even their bleak eyes regained their brightness, rekindling their hope of survival.

Because they are too familiar with that voice.

It is the voice of the Golden Dragon Emperor!

His Majesty the Emperor finally arrived and came to rescue them!

The four of Ji Tianxing and Yanke naturally heard the voice of Emperor Jinlong.

But the Yanke trio did not hesitate, and even accelerated the speed of casting spells, increasing the power of supernatural skills.

"Boom bang bang!"


With a dull loud noise exploded, the dazzling divine light and terrifying magical skills hit the imperial army governor and ten imperial soldiers.

Their figures were submerged, and the surprise expression on their faces solidified.

In the splendid magical brilliance, a burst of flesh and blood splashed and screams repeated.

Ten imperial troops were beheaded on the spot, splashing out blood mist, and scattered dozens of fragments of the gods.

Even the commander of the Forbidden Army was destroyed, the whole person was split into several pieces, only the godhead escaped.

"call out!"

His godhead is like lightning piercing the sky, bursting out at the fastest speed, and fleeing towards the Golden Dragon Emperor.

Thousands of miles away, there was a dazzling divine light, wrapped in heavy figures.

That was the Golden Dragon Emperor and hundreds of forbidden troops, who were also coming at the fastest speed.

The Commander of the Forbidden Army confirmed that as long as his godhood escapes to the Golden Dragon Emperor, he will be safe.


However, Ji Tianxing intercepted at this moment and swung his sword to cut out nine golden sword lights.


Nine sword lights struck in a fan shape, shrouding the godhead of the imperial military commander, leaving him nowhere to escape.

He just saw the hope of surviving ~www.ltnovel.com~ and immediately despaired again.

The Golden Dragon Emperor in the distance, seeing this scene was also furious, and roared murderously: "You beast, looking for death!"

However, no matter how angry the Golden Dragon Emperor is, it is useless.

The end of the imperial military commander was doomed, he came one step late.


With a crisp sound, his godhead was hit by sword light on the spot, exploding more than a dozen fragments.

The commander of the Forbidden Army in the pinnacle of the gods was also killed by Ji Tianxing with a single sword.

He and his two hundred forbidden troops were annihilated.

The Emperor Jinlong witnessed his angry eyes cracking, and his body was ignited with **** flames.

That is the ultimate anger and murderous agglomeration!

After the battle, Ji Tianxing retracted the Heaven Burial Sword, holding it back in his back, and looking at the Emperor Jinlong and others in his spare time.

Yanke, Chao Qingyu, and Lan'er also held the magic weapon and stood behind Ji Tianxing, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Jinlong.


After a few breaths, the Golden Dragon Emperor and hundreds of imperial soldiers finally came to the front.

They stopped a hundred miles away from Ji Tianxing, and set up a battle formation over the magma sea.

At this time, Ji Tianxing and others saw the appearance of Emperor Jinlong.

Of course, in addition to hundreds of forbidden troops, the Golden Dragon Emperor also followed a pinnacle god.

It was an old man wearing a black dragon-print robe, with white beard and hair, but his eyes were piercing, and his body exuded a gloomy and cold breath.

This old man followed behind the Golden Dragon Emperor, wearing a simple and vicissitudes of life crown, holding a scepter symbolizing divine power in his hand, and carrying a broad sword with a wide bench on his back.

Judging from the appearance of this person, he should be the national teacher or high priest of the Golden Dragon Empire.


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