Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3361: To swallow?

Seeing to reach the bottom of the abyss, the team stopped advancing.

The people of the Flame Demon Gang, the Divine Alliance, Qi Juntang and Tingfeng Tower all glared at Ji Tianxing and were hostile.

Those princes who were closer to them quickly moved away from them, vigilant.

Seeing this scene, President Feng Yin and the vice-chairman were shocked and quickly persuaded the four leaders.

"Everyone, what are you doing? How can you frame the visitor for no reason?"

"The four leaders are heartbroken under the broken manpower, everyone can understand your feelings.

But you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense!

Everyone knows that apart from the **** king, no one dares to touch those seven-color **** fire.

The three guest officials of this association, no matter how great they are, they can't do anything about it! "

"Not only did your four powers lose their manpower, but we also had six princes injured in Fengyinhui, who were forced to withdraw from the abyss!"


The persuasion of President Feng Yin and the Vice President was completely useless.

The leaders of the four forces had a grudge against Yanke before.

At this moment, the four of them joined forces to target the Ji Tianxing three with the same enemy, and they would never give in easily.

"Don't tell me that those are useless, why did the three of them shrink to the end of the line? Isn't it just a guilty conscience?"

"Old man Feng, then you can explain to me, why are all the gods in the vicinity of them?"

"President Feng, don't influence the cooperation of our five forces for the sake of those three guys.

If you don't want to plan to terminate, let the three of them go out! "

"That's right! Those three guys are unpredictable, we Tingfenglou will never join them!"

The attitude of the four leaders is very firm, and the goal is also very clear, that is, to let President Feng Yin drive away the three of Ji Tianxing.

If not, the four forces will join hands to explore the Golden Dragon Abyss, and they will play without wind.

At least one hundred forces are exploring the Golden Dragon Abyss today.

If Fengyin can fight alone, let alone explore treasure hunting, I'm afraid it will be difficult to move.

Once there is a conflict with any force, the wind hidden will be very dangerous!

The four leaders are very determined, and if President Feng Yin dare not take risks, he will definitely follow their opinions.

as predicted.

President Feng Yin understood the meaning of the four leaders, immediately changed his face, and asked indignantly: "What do you mean? Do you unite to put pressure on this seat?

You are so unreasonable to make trouble, what if you disagree?

Do you still want to abandon the Wind Reunion and the four of you join hands? "

The flame demon gang master showed a playful sneer, nodded and said: "Old man Feng, it's good if you understand it in your heart, and it won't sound good to say it.

All in all, those three guys are not good things, they are unpredictable, and we don't want to be with them.

Either drive away those three guys, or Feng Yin will act alone.

Think about it for yourself! "

Granny Sha, Hall Master Qi Jun, and Lou Zhu Tingfeng all nodded quickly in agreement.

"Yes! The words of the Flame Demon Clan Leader are what we mean."

"Old man Feng, you are a smart man, don't make mistakes!"

"Don't blame us for not being affectionate. If we are to blame, blame your three guest officials. They broke the trust between us."

Seeing the four leaders' attitudes so tough, the faces of President Feng Yin and the Vice President became more ugly.


"President, what shall we do?"

President Feng Yin frowned and thought, hesitated, looked at the three of Ji Tianxing, and stopped talking.


Even if he was squeezed out by the four major forces and was slandered and attacked by many gods, Ji Tianxing did not change his face, his expression was indifferent.

Chao Qingyu was also very calm, his eyes swept across the four major forces, and he remembered all the more than one hundred people.

He was mentally prepared, and then Feng Yin would act alone.

The people of the four major forces acted together. If there was any danger, he would not only not be able to rescue him, but he would also like to get into trouble.

Yanke's temper was not so restrained.

When the four leaders attacked and slandered them for harming other gods, he was already full of anger and murderous spirit.

Now that the situation has developed to such a point, his anger is completely ignited.

"Hehe... I didn't want to care about you, but I didn't expect you to be more than ever, right?

Just relying on you rubbish, dare to speak up and let Laozi get out? "

While talking, Yanke grinned and squeaked his fists and walked towards the four leaders.

President Feng Yin's complexion changed, and he hurriedly greeted him, anxiously persuading him: "Stop! If you have something to say, don't conflict!

The old man believes that you are not harmful, just explain to them..."

Before President Feng Yin finished speaking, Yanke stretched out his huge palm and pushed him away.

"Let me explain to this bunch of trash? How old are they?

Are they worthy of things like ants? "

While cursing, Yanke's body was as high as ten feet, bursting out raging anger and murder.

He ignored the seven-color divine fire group flying around and flew towards the four leaders with a grinning face.

The flame demon gang master, grandmother evil, hall master Qijun, and the master of Tingfeng, heard Yanke's arrogant words, immediately burst their lungs, and all of them were angry and murderous.

"Hahahaha...that stone-like monster~www.ltnovel.com~ dare to verbally abuse us?"

"There are such arrogant people who do not know whether to live or die? I have lived for so many years, it is really an eye-opener!"

"Come here, let the old man look at you, a monster, what on earth is there to dare to be so rampant?"

"Old man Feng, this is your Ke Qing looking for death, don't blame us for being cruel!"

While sneering and cursing, the four leaders all sacrificed their magic swords, madly accumulating divine power in their bodies.

They all locked Yanke's breath, ready to perform a desperate blow at any time!

Yanke flew to stand still a hundred meters away from them, without using any weapons, just twisted his neck and fists, in a posture of killing.

Seeing, the war was on the verge.

The people of the four major forces are gloating and waiting for a good show.

The windy people were very worried and began to persuade them.

President Feng Yin knew that he couldn't persuade Yanke, so he flew to Ji Tianxing and said in an almost begging tone: "Master Ji, please let him stop!

There must be no conflicts, otherwise they will abandon the wind, we will be unable to make any progress, we can only return without success..."

Ji Tianxing looked at him expressionlessly, frowning and asking: "What? Without those four powers, Feng Yinhui would not be able to explore the Golden Dragon Abyss?

Could it be that if they unite to bully Feng Yinhui, you can only swallow your anger and become a turtle? "

"Uh..." President Feng Yin was speechless and speechless.

However, the vice-chairman was flexible, and suddenly thought of something. He quickly reminded him through a voice transmission: "Chairman, didn't you tell us before that these three guest officials can be a millionaire teacher?

Any one of them is worth ten gods... You didn't lie to us, did you?

That being the case, then why do we Fengyin have to swallow?

It’s okay to act alone, right? "

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