Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3360: Group attack

Everyone, be careful! "

"Follow me, don't fall behind!"

"These seven-color sacred fires are the essence of the heart of the earth, unpredictable, and once they are contaminated, they will not die or hurt..."

"Seven-color sacred fires are spiritual, not dead, they will also swim, everyone must be careful to avoid!"

As the team marched toward the abyss, several leaders did not forget to remind many gods to avoid the Seven-Colored Divine Fire.

It is true that those seven-color divine fires of different sizes are indeed very dense.

It's like billions of light balls, constantly cruising and tumbling in the abyss.

The big fireball is like a house, and the smallest fireball is as big as a fist.

Not to mention touching those seven-color divine fire balls, even if they are close, they will be unbearably roasted.

More than one hundred and eighty gods and powerhouses, all released their divine power to form a shield to protect themselves.

While diving, everyone was extremely cautious and cautious, and kept avoiding numerous fireballs.

Ji Tianxing, Chaoqingyu and Yanke are the only ones who have always looked indifferent and don't take this to heart.

After flying for a while, the speed of the three of them was getting slower and slower, and there was a tendency to fall behind.

Seeing many gods trembling, Yanke couldn't help showing a sneer of contempt.

"Huh! A bunch of ants, just seven colors of fire, what's so scary?"

Although Chao Qingyu was not as arrogant as he was, he nodded in agreement and said, "These gods are also ignorant, entering the abyss with great fanfare to find the king-level gods.

As everyone knows, these seven-color earth's heart and fire are king-level divine powers.

If they can refine the seven-color sacred fire, even if it is just a wisp, they can have great gains. "

While talking, he quietly cast a spell to swallow two groups of seven-color sacred fire, and refine it in a moment.

Naturally, Ji Tianxing would not let go of this opportunity. With the help of the dzi supplement, two dark vortices appeared in both palms, constantly devouring the surrounding fireballs.

"The two of you are talking lightly. For the strong **** king, these seven-color sacred fires are indeed beneficial. After refining, they can enhance the laws of the fire system.

But those gods couldn't control such violent divine power at all.

Once contaminated with the seven-color divine fire, the divine body will be burned to ashes. "

as predicted.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a scream from the back of the team.

It turned out that the two middle-ranked gods were too nervous and couldn't avoid a few groups of fist-big seven-color sacred fires in time.

As a result, those groups of Seven-Colored Divine Fire ran into them.

Their divine power shields shattered directly, and their divine bodies were also burned by the seven-color divine fire, and they were seriously injured on the spot.

One lost his entire right leg and was burned to ashes.

The other lost his left arm, a big hole was burned in his abdomen, and blood was constantly pouring out.

Being so severely injured, although not fatal, it also caused the two gods to suffer unbearably and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

The surrounding gods wanted to rescue and help, but because the seven-color sacred fire was too dense, they did not dare to act rashly and could only act in a hurry.

The leaders flying in the front of the team were also startled by the screams of the two gods.

They stopped and looked back to check the situation.

Seeing that the two injured gods were from Qijuntang and the Flame Demon Gang, the two leaders frowned.

"I have said that I should make you be careful, why are you so careless?"

"You have been so badly injured, it's useless to follow the team, let's go back to the godship to heal your injuries!"

Therefore, the two wounded gods could only be ordered to leave the team, turned and flew out of the abyss.

Next, everyone continued to fly to the bottom of the abyss.

After a quarter of an hour, everyone flew nine thousand miles underground, but they had not yet reached the bottom of the abyss.

At this time, the speed of the team is getting slower and slower, and the number of people is constantly decreasing.

After all, the closer to the bottom of the abyss, the higher the temperature in the abyss, and the denser the Seven-Colored God Fire Group.

Even at the bottom of the abyss, there were constant violent shock waves and hurricanes, engulfing hundreds of millions of seven-colored divine fires, and attacking like raging waves.

All gods are hard to resist and can only avoid with all their strength.

The vast majority of people can escape the fire group, but there are always a small number of unlucky gods who are hit by the seven-color **** fire group and suffer heavy losses on the spot.

In just a quarter of an hour, the number of teams has decreased by more than 30.

None of the five powers were spared, and all of them suffered more or less casualties.

Under this circumstance, the leaders of the five powers had ugly faces and heavy hearts.

Although they knew that the Golden Dragon Abyss was very dangerous.

But they did not expect that the situation in the abyss was more complicated this time, and the Seven-Colored Spirit Fire was so riotous!

Soon, another quarter of an hour passed.

The team slowly dived for more than 800 miles, and then more than a hundred miles away, they could reach the magma sea at the bottom of the abyss.

At this moment, there were two more gods at the end of the team, and they were hit by the seven-color **** fire group.

One of the gods burned a big hole between his chest and abdomen, his internal organs turned into fly ash, and his body was almost destroyed.

The other **** was even more miserable, and his entire head was burned to ashes.

Not only was his body destroyed, but his godhead was also destroyed, and he was killed on the spot.

By coincidence, these two gods were not far from the three of Ji Tianxing.

Several leaders heard the screams and turned to look again.

Seeing the tragic death of the gods of the Flame Demon Gang, the gods of Qijuntang were severely injured, and the two leaders frowned fiercely~www.ltnovel.com~ their faces became darker.

"I have to say it again? Can you be more careful?" Hall Master Qi Jun roared viciously.

The Flame Demon Clan leader stared at the three of Ji Tianxing, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he asked in a deep voice, "What are you three doing? As a windy guest, why didn't you open the way in front, why did you shrink to the back of the team?"

Hearing these words, the leaders and strong men of several factions focused their eyes on the three of Ji Tianxing.

Hall Master Qi Jun also had a gloomy face and sneered: "Not long after we entered the abyss, this seat found them sneaky and deliberately scratching to the end of the team.

Come on, what on earth do you want to do? "

Granny Sha didn't conceal her anger, and sneered in a harsh tone: "It's a coincidence that people have been burned by the Seven-Colored Divine Fire several times and they have all appeared near you.

The old man is very suspicious that you are the one who deliberately killed us! "

The host of Tingfenglou was taken aback for a moment, and he also showed a sudden realization, and shouted with righteous indignation: "Yes! I felt strange before, but now I finally understand!

In the first half of our team, we can basically escape the seven-color fire.

Only the person at the end of the team was burned by Shenhuo every three times.

This must be their intentional murder! "

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the field solidified and became tense.

More than a hundred gods from the four forces all glared at Ji Tianxing and the three people, their eyes full of hostility.

In fact, the three of Ji Tianxing are not wronged.

They have been hanging at the end of the team, taking advantage of everyone's attention, devouring the surrounding seven-color divine fire group.

Those seven-color fireballs would swim, and they were dense.

If they are dragged by their spells, there will be thousands of fireballs flying towards them at an accelerated speed.

The gods who are closer to them are of course easier to be recruited.

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