Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3315: New goal

Facing Lin Xue's questioning, the Raksha patriarch, the high priest, and the great guardian all looked calm.

But Patriarch Raksha still endured his anger and explained patiently.

After all, it is she who is asking for it now.

Lin Xue was not even afraid of death, so she was not threatened.

She can only persuade her patiently with a gentle strategy.

"Lin Xue, we were indeed negligent about Chayanzi back then.

But more reasons are beyond her and Lin's ability.

Although we did not consult her for advice, she should understand our difficulties. How can she betray our clan?

Besides, Lin couldn't, he was originally a villain who deceived his master and annihilated his ancestors and was rebellious.

He coaxed the simple and ignorant Chayanzi with rhetoric and instigated Chayanzi to rebel from our clan, which led to a series of tragedies.

If you say sin, the sin that Shu Lin can't do is the biggest! "

Lin Xue still didn't believe it, and sneered: "Hehehe...These are all your side words, who knows the truth?

At least I believe that my father is definitely not the one who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, there must be a misunderstanding in this! "

Patriarch Raksha frowned, waved his hand and said, "I don't want to mention more about your father and Wanfazong. This is something everyone knows, and there is nothing to argue with.

Just talk about your mother's affairs, she made a big mistake back then, causing my clan to suffer heavy losses.

She is already a sinner of our race, but she is dead and cannot make up and repay the loss of our race.

But you are still alive, with the blood of the Raksha tribe.

As the saying goes, the father's debt is paid!

As the daughter of Shayanzi, you should also repay her bad debts and make up for the heavy losses of our clan.

This is justified and you should not refuse.

Moreover, if you become the saint of our race, it will only do you good and no harm..."

Patriarch Raksha persuaded me bitterly, but Lin Xue couldn't listen anymore, and said with a sneer: "You think my mother made a big mistake and caused the Raksha clan to suffer heavy losses, so you want me to replace my mother and make up for Raksha. The loss of the clan?

So far, you still don't want to repent and don't realize your problems at all?

If it were not for your selfishness and disregard of the feelings and opinions of others, how could this result?

My mother is a living person with her own thoughts and feelings. She is not your tool for profit, nor am I! "

After a pause, she showed contempt again, taunting: "You are forcing me to be a saint now, because you want me to marry Young Master Scarlet Moon, so that you can repair your relationship with the Scarlet Moon Clan?

Hahahaha...I have never seen someone so cheap!

The Chiyue Clan has done this to you, and instead of blaming them, you have all blamed them on my parents.

In the end, would you like to send another saint to the Scarlet Moon Clan to get their understanding?

If this is the case, then you are really cheap! "

Being ridiculed by Lin Xue like this, the Raksha patriarch, high priest, great protector, and many elders were all burning with anger and fierce faces.

But the more angry they were, the happier Lin Xue was.

But they couldn't help Lin Xue.

Patriarch Raksha resisted his anger, and said in a low tone: "Xue Lin, you look down on us Raksha too!

Even if we are weak now, it will never be possible to court the Scarlet Moon Clan again.

We will always remember this hatred that the Chiyue clan has done to our clan, and it will be returned ten times in the future!

But there is one thing you are right. We want you to become a new saint, really wanting to rely on stronger forces.

We have found a goal for you that is absolutely beyond your imagination.

If you can become a saint and marry that great man, this will be your lifetime glory and blessing for three generations! "

Hearing these words, Lin Xue was even more angry, and sneered: "It's ridiculous! For me, there is no one in this world who can make me pursue it so humble.

The glory of a lifetime? The blessing of the three generations?

That is your idea, just because you are too humble! "

After being so scolded, the Raksha patriarch's face was as cold as ice, and the high priest, the great guardian and several elders almost ran away.


In order to complete the plan, the Raksha patriarch chose patience.

She took a deep breath, forced her anger down, and said in a deep voice, "Xue Lin, you really don't know how high the sky is, it's too rampant!

Do you know who is the fiancé we are looking for for you?

Is the domain owner of Yunyang Domain!

That was the most outstanding God King and powerhouse in Yun Yangyu for 30,000 years!

He is young and promising, handsome and martial artist, at a mere eight thousand years old, he has become the middle **** king.

The entire Yunyang Domain is his territory, and he is the most noble overlord.

If you can marry him, how many people will die of jealousy!

Don't know the blessing in the blessing, such a great blessing, no one else can ask for it for eight lifetimes! "

Hearing this result, Lin Xue was also stunned.

She also did not expect that the Raksha tribe would cling to Yunyang Domain Lord in order to recover and rise.

But there is nothing wrong with the Rakshas doing this.

In the entire Yunyang domain, the domain master has the highest status and strength, and the strongest influence.

If the Raksha tribe really climbs to the Yunyang Domain Lord, they will be able to get strong support~www.ltnovel.com~ The forces rise and grow rapidly, and they will no longer be afraid of the Scarlet Moon tribe.

Even when the power of the Raksha tribe is strong enough, they can still avenge the Chiyue tribe.


All this has nothing to do with Lin Xue.

No matter how young, handsome, or powerful Yunyang Domain Lord is, he has nothing to do with her.

The most important thing is that in her mind, there is only one man who is the strongest, most enchanting, and most handsome martial artist!

And that person can't be compared with any young talent!

Even Yunyang Domain Master is no exception!

Thinking of this, the figure of that person appeared in Lin Xue's mind.

White robe and black hair, handsome and martial arts, sword-fighting the world, chic and casual...

His figure seems to come from the darkness, bringing infinite light and warmth, and the whole person is sacred and mysterious.

Lin Xue was immersed in the memory, a little lost.

After a long time, the Raksha patriarch and the high priest and others, when they saw her pondering for a long time without saying a word, they thought she had acquiesced in this matter.

Patriarch Raksha smiled and said, "How is it? Is your heart moved?

You should understand now that we are all for your good.

You must obediently cooperate with us, accept the sacrifice of the evil blood altar, and successfully activate the Raksha bloodline.

As long as your talent is as outstanding as your mother, we will call you a saint of our race.

Then, we will contact the domain master Yunyang to discuss marriage matters with him.

As long as the marriage contract is reached, you will become the happiest and most jealous woman in Yunyangyu!

how is it? Is it exciting to think about it? "

Lin Xue's thoughts were interrupted, she ended her memories, looked at Patriarch Raksha with cold eyes, and sneered: "Hehehe...You are so excited and excited, why don't you marry the domain master Yunyang?

I still said that, want me to be a saint?


I would rather die than let you do it! "

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