Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3314: The truth back then

The words of the Patriarch Raksha sounded a little absurd to outsiders.

The high priest was afraid that Lin Xue wouldn't believe it, so he explained it immediately.

"Our Raksha tribe is different from other **** tribes. Our tribe respects women, and the surnames of men and women are also different.

After all, only women can inherit the purest blood, the most quintessential supernatural powers, and become the real body of Supreme Raksha.

In the past tens of thousands of years, there have been twelve **** kings in our clan, but all of them are women!

Moreover, those **** kings, like Chayanzi, showed open-air resources when they were young, which was extraordinary.

Before they broke through the **** king, they were all named saints of our clan..."

After listening to the explanation added by the high priest, Lin Xue understood this more deeply.

The patriarch Raksha continued: "After Shayanzi was made a saint, we have given our careful guidance and we have poured a lot of effort and cultivation resources on her.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the hope of our tribe's rise, and it also carries our tribe's honor and pride.

After a thousand years of this, Shayanzi became the youngest high-ranking **** in our clan with a terrifying growth rate.

However, after she reached the seventh level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, her strength progress was significantly slower.

Even her comprehension and aptitude seem to have declined.

We were very anxious about this and tried every means, but we couldn't improve it.

At this time, the Chiyue clan took the initiative to show good wishes to our clan and sent a delegation to propose the marriage.

Among the four ancient races in the Yunyang Region, the Shuchiyue Clan is the strongest and the most powerful.

The young master of the Chiyue Clan is also a genius who has never met in a thousand years. Not only is he born with extraordinary martial arts, but also has outstanding talents.

In addition, the name of Young Master Chiyue, Mu Chayanzi, has a good impression of her.

After many discussions, we decided to agree to the marriage of the two races.

After all, after Shayanzi and Young Master Chiyue were married, their bloodlines could complement each other, and both sides would have more hope of breaking through the Divine King Realm.

Moreover, the Chiyue tribe and our tribe will form an alliance, and will do their best to help our tribe and make our tribe's power heritage to a higher level. "

When she heard this, Lin Xue interrupted and asked, "Did you ask Shayanzi's opinion when you made this decision? Get her consent?"

Patriarch Raksha was taken aback, his expression was a little unnatural, and he nodded and said: "This seat admits that we were selfish when we made this decision and did not consult Shayanzi.

But we did it for the sake of the Raksha clan and her. It is only good for her and no harm! "

"Ha ha ha..." Lin Xue suddenly sneered disdainfully: "I hate people like you the most in my life. I keep saying that I think about others, but in fact I don’t care about other people’s feelings and do all things that hurt others. Not knowing it yet!"

Patriarch Raksha's face was even more ugly, but there was no way to refute it.

The high priest said with a stern face and a solemn tone: "Chayanzi is a saint of our race. In order to train her, we have devoted countless cultivation resources and thousands of years of effort.

In order to make our clan more prosperous, she should make concessions and compromises. This is in return for our clan’s upbringing and teaching grace! "

Lin Xue's expression was even more disdainful, and she coldly snorted: "The Raksha tribe has raised her, so can she use her as a bargaining chip for marriage and a tool to grow the Raksha tribe?

If you think so, then she would rather not have your training and teaching! "

The high priest was full of resentment, and yelled angrily: "You are ungrateful and forget your ancestors! You really are like your mother, a white-eyed wolf carved out of a mold..."

Before he could finish his words, Patriarch Raksha glared at him and interrupted him.

The high priest could only shut up, and said nothing more with his black face.

Patriarch Raksha went on to say: "Back then, Patriarch Chiyue brought the young master and the mission to Raksha Cave to talk about the marriage.

We accepted the betrothal gift from the Chiyue tribe and agreed to this marriage, and both tribes were very happy.

It didn't take long for the news of the marriage of the two races to spread in Yunyangyu, and Shayanzi became the fiancee of Young Master Chiyue.

We value this marriage very much, and the major races and forces in Yunyang Region also express their envy and blessings.

Everything went well, and Shayanzi did not resist or refuse.

However, in the short ten years after that, Chayanzi's temperament changed drastically.

She left Raksha Cave for a few years with an excuse, but she did not know where to get to know Lin Bueng..."

Patriarch Raksha paused, and then said in resentment: "Later we learned that Lin could not be an outcast of Ten Thousand Fazong. He deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, and killed Master and rebelled against the sect.

I don't know what means and scheming that despicable kid used to win Chayanzi's favor.

The two had a relationship, and the relationship was deep.

As a result, Cha Yanzi actually ignored the nurturing and teaching grace of my clan, and even ignored her marriage contract with Young Master Scarlett.

She actually betrayed the Raksha tribe, fled the Raksha Cave, and followed Lin Wufu to fly high! "

Speaking of this, the Raksha patriarch still hates the injustice, and his anger has not disappeared.

The high priest continued: "Chayanzi betrayed my clan, abandoned the marriage contract, and followed Lin's inability to escape from the Yunyang Domain~www.ltnovel.com~ This matter could be kept secret for a while, but it was finally discovered by the Chiyue clan.

After the news spread, our clan and Chiyue clan were reduced to laughing stocks and were laughed at by the entire Yunyang Domain.

Especially the Chiyue Clan, even more embarrassed and discouraged for this.

The alliance between the two major races broke down, and the Chiyue clan turned against us.

Chief Chiyue and Young Master personally led the strong from the clan to Raksha Cave and asked us for an explanation.

At that time, we had a conflict with the Chiyue clan, and the Chiyue clan made a big disturbance in the Raksha Cave, which caused our clan to suffer huge losses.

In that disaster, tens of thousands of people were killed innocently, countless houses, palaces, and treasure houses were destroyed, and the number of strong people was also sharply halved.

After the incident, the Chiyue Clan also used all strength to destroy our clan’s industry and power...

All in all, the conflict caused heavy casualties and vitality to our people.

Our clan has also fallen from the second power among the four major races to the bottom of the ranking, which can be described as utterly devastated.

Among the top ten forces in Yunyangyu, our clan also fell from the top five to the bottom...

You said, Shayanzi and Lin Bueng are damned? ! "

Lin Xue disapproved of this, and sneered: "This is your own responsibility!

If you were able to ask her for her opinions when you decided to marry Sha Yanzi as a saint, how could this be the result?

If you ignore Shayanzi's thoughts and feelings and use her as a profit-making tool, don't blame her for leaving. "

Of course the high priest did not agree with this statement, and immediately retorted it.

But Patriarch Raksha winked at him, and he could only endure the anger and stay silent.

Lin Xue looked at them and asked with a sneer: "That's how you persecuted my mother back then, which led to her life's misfortune.

Now, you want to use the same method to persecute me and let me help the Raksha tribe for profit? "

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