Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 284: The change of the sword

Before the flames' fists could be killed, there was a fiery hot wind blowing.

   The little black dragon was shaken by the violent wind, and his flight speed slowed down.

   At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing stretched out his palms again, pouring the majestic true essence power into the body of the little black dragon.

   The little black dragon immediately exploded with all his strength and dashed forward desperately.


   The flame fists of the magma giant passed it at a distance of only two meters, and finally failed.

   The little black dragon escaped the attack of the magma giant and flees forward.

   The magma giant couldn't fly. It drew an arc in the sky, then quickly fell downwards, and slammed into the magma ocean with a "pop".

   The sea surface suddenly stirred up layers of huge waves, bursting into the sky with fire.

   After a few short breaths, the flame giant rushed out of the sea again, stepping on his feet and galloping on the sea.

   Its huge soles, stepping on the surface of the magma sea without sinking, and flying faster than the little black dragon!


   The magma giant rushed to chase, and soon caught up with the little black dragon.

   It ran wildly on the sea, and the little black dragon flew thousands of feet high in the air. The two were far apart.

   The magma giant jumped several times, but he could only jump five or six hundred meters high, and he couldn't reach the little black dragon at all.

   However, when it jumped into the sky more than 500 meters high again, it waved its hands and fiercely threw two **** of lava billowing flames and smashed it towards the little black dragon.

   The little black dragon was shocked and hurriedly twisted his body to dodge from side to side.

   "咻! 咻!"

   Two huge masses of magma, carrying a sharp breaking sound, whizzed past it.

   The little black dragon was so frightened that he quickly speeded up and fled, and flew to a higher place in the sky.

   The magma giant persevered in catching up, and continued to smash out masses of magma.

  The little black dragon flees desperately, while dodges from left to right to avoid the attack of the magma group.

   It consumes a lot of power, it quickly loses energy, and its flight speed also declines sharply.

  At this time, the magma giant smashed two magma fiercely again. The little black dragon barely escaped one magma, but failed to escape the other magma.


   It was hit by a huge mass of magma on the spot, and it was wrapped in crimson magma, and it fell to the magma ocean below.

   The extremely high temperature emitted by the crimson magma broke its icy breath and grilled its dragon body into black smoke, almost burnt.

   The unparalleled pain caused the little black dragon to let out a scream.

   It was already severely injured, and was suffering from such intense pain. It was immediately irritated and went crazy, struggling desperately.


   It finally broke free from the magma mass, and its body rolled and fell into the magma ocean.

   Just when it was about to fall into the magma ocean, it ran out of its last trace of strength and flew into the sky crookedly.

   However, it failed to fly far, so it was planted from the sky and fell violently on a dark volcano.

   The little black dragon was unable to struggle anymore, lying motionless on the mountainside, fell into a coma.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing was falling from mid-air at extreme speed, toward the magma ocean below.

   When the little black dragon was hit by the magma group, he was blown out on the spot.

   Fortunately, he was not wrapped in the magma mass, even if he was seriously injured, his life would not be endangered.

  Unfortunately, he flew many miles in the sky, and eventually fell into the magma ocean.

   Seeing, he is only three hundred meters high from the magma sea, and will fall into the magma in the next instant.

   But at this moment, a huge flame palm appeared in front of him and caught him.

   is a giant of magma!

   He fell into the big hands of the magma giant, his figure drowned in the rising flames.

   The magma giant opened his mouth, and immediately put him in his mouth and swallowed him in one bite.

   Ji Tianxing had no chance to struggle and resist at all, so he was sent into the throat of the magma giant and fell into its belly.


   Amidst the muffled sound, Ji Tianxing fell into a pool of crimson lava and was dizzy.

   The unparalleled heat and lava scorched his body, making him faint almost instantly.

   However, the True Essence in his body naturally burst out, forming a dark golden light mask, like an eggshell, wrapping him up.

   It is with this layer of true essence shield that he has not been burnt to fly ash by magma.

   But his true element shield won't last long, it is melting fast and becoming thinner.

   When life and death were at stake, a deep sense of unwillingness and anger surged in his heart.

   "Damn it! Am I going to die in the belly of a giant magma?"

   He secretly roared in his heart, his soul burst out with unparalleled will and desire to survive, and his whole body was lit up with bright golden light.


   The golden sword fetus inside his body, unexpectedly flew out automatically, floating above his head.


   The golden small sword-shaped fetus trembling vigorously, grew to more than two meters long in the blink of an eye, and turned into a golden giant sword.

  The giant sword lit up with a brilliant golden light, forming an oval shield to firmly protect Ji Tianxing.

   Also, the invisible swallowing power was released from the giant sword, sweeping in all directions.


   The crimson lava in all directions ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the flames floating in the air, all swept by the invisible swallowing power, rushing into the golden giant sword one after another.

   Ji Tianxing looked up at the golden giant sword, and saw that it was like a whirlpool, frantically devouring the surrounding magma and flames.

  He stood in a golden shield, not corroded by magma and flames.

   But he could clearly sense that after the golden great sword swallowed magma and flames, his power was growing rapidly.

   There is also a faint scorching sensation in his body, like a warm stream of water flowing in the meridians, quickly tempering the acupuncture points one after another.

  The sudden change made him startled for a moment, his eyes showed surprise and shock.

   He never expected that his sword fetus was so wonderful, not only saved his life at the moment of life and death, but also swallowed the lava flame!

   After two breaths, he calmed down and looked around sharply.

   This is in the belly of a magma giant, with crimson magma and flames on all sides, and black rocks appear in some places.

   As the golden great sword continuously swallowed magma and flames, the surrounding magma surged, and quickly decreased and disappeared.

  In just a few hundred breaths, the surrounding magma has been reduced by more than half, exposing a large area of ​​black reef.

   The golden giant sword has also undergone slight changes, the size and length have not changed, but the golden light faintly reveals a dark red.

   Ji Tianxing saw the change of the sword's fetus, his face was full of joy.

   He could clearly sense that after the sword fetus had swallowed the magma and the flame, it made him feel close to the flame.

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