Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 283: Magma Giant

In the sky thousands of feet high from the magma ocean, the little black dragon was galloping unhurriedly.

Below   , flames rose on the surface of the ‘sea’, bursting into the sky, and filled the sky.

   The little black dragon is a cold ice flood dragon, the most annoying thing is flame power.

   was flying in the hot air wave, its speed slowed down a lot, and it had to exude an icy air to protect itself and Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing was also sweaty, and his face flushed.

   After the little black dragon wrapped him with the cold breath, the invisible scorching air wave was separated, and he finally felt much better.

   Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

   The little black dragon flew thirty miles away, and the magma ocean ahead was still vast, with no edge or end in sight.

  At this time, it was passing by a dark brown volcano as high as thousands of feet.

   Ji Tianxing looked sideways to observe the volcano, his face suddenly became a little serious.

  The huge volcanic crater continuously emits thick smoke and flames.

   was getting closer, and he could still hear the muffled sound of ‘rumbling’ from the crater.

   Halfway down the mountainside, there are many cracks and pits, and red magma is constantly gushing out along the mountain wall to the magma ocean below.

   "Could it be...this volcano is going to erupt?"

   He frowned tightly, anxious and worried.

   After all, the sky full of magma expelled when the volcano erupted was a blow to him and the little black dragon.

   "Little black dragon, hurry up! Hurry up!"

   He patted the little black dragon on the back and urged it with his heart.

   The little black dragon immediately speeded up and galloped forward, going all out.

   About a quarter of an hour later, it flew more than thirty miles, and finally left the volcano behind.

   And at this moment, that huge dark brown volcano finally erupted!

   With the loud sound of "rumbling", a dazzling fire suddenly burst out of the thick smoke of the crater!

   There is crimson magma in the fire, and endless volcanic ash surrounds the fire.

  In a short time, the entire volcano was trembling violently, and the surrounding magma ocean was also surging.

  The dark red magma and volcanic ash rising up into the sky, rising and surging like mushroom clouds, obscured the sky in a radius of tens of miles.

   The sky above Ji Tianxing's head was obscured by black and gray, and the surrounding light became dim.

   "The power of a volcanic eruption is so terrifying! Could it be that we can't escape after thirty miles?"

   He secretly clenched his fists, and his whole body was spinning with extreme speed.

   In the next instant, extremely hot high temperature and shock waves rushed from behind him, and instantly hit him and the little black dragon.


   In the muffled sound, the body of the little black dragon rolled and flew out, almost unconscious by the powerful shock wave.

   It was seriously injured on the spot, and its skill quickly faded, and it was difficult to control the balance of the body. It could only be carried by the shock wave and fell towards the magma ocean ahead.

   An instant later, a scorching shock wave passed over it and Ji Tianxing, spreading farther away.

  The little black dragon surviving near death, holding on to the severe pain and injury, went all out to control the balance of the body and prevent the tendency of falling.

   Ji Tianxing's clothes were scorched by the scorching shock wave, and his internal organs were also shocked.

   But he gritted his teeth without saying a word, stretched out his palms to press on the little black dragon, and constantly poured true essence into it to help it increase its strength.

   The little black dragon is still falling rapidly into the magma ocean, getting closer and closer to the crimson sea.

   It struggled desperately, trying to resist the impact of the fall, and wanted to fly back into the sky again.

   Seeing, it is only a few hundred meters away from the magma sea, and it will plunge into the magma sea in the next moment.

   At this time, its falling speed finally slowed down.

   Just more than three hundred meters above the magma sea, it finally stopped the fall, twisting its body and flying into the sky.

   The extremely hot air and the flames floating in the air immediately scorched Ji Tianxing's hair.

   But soon, the little black dragon took him to the sky, away from the magma sea.

   The scorching tingling sensation all over his body disappeared, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, retracting his palms infused with true essence.

   However, when he looked up to the sky above his head, he saw the overwhelming volcanic ash pouring down.

   The dark brown volcanic ash is not only mixed with a large amount of gravel and magma, but the temperature is also terrifying.

   It's a pity that the little black dragon was seriously injured and his strength was almost exhausted. Even if he saw the sky full of volcanic ash hit, he couldn't escape.

   It opened its mouth and let out a dragon chant full of grief and resentment, and a look of despair flashed in its eyes.

   When life and death were at stake, Ji Tianxing stretched out his palms on its back without hesitation, and injected majestic essence into it again.

   The little black dragon was supplemented by the majestic true essence, and his body was shocked, and he suddenly accelerated and flew forward.


   At the moment when the volcanic ash was about to hit it, it flew out like a thunder and lightning, and escaped in a very thrilling manner.

   When it escaped from the volcanic ash, the surrounding light suddenly became much brighter.

   Ji Tianxing breathed out, his tight nerves finally relaxed.

   He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a scene he will never forget.

  The black ash and magma covering the sky and the sun are pouring out in the magma ocean, splashing huge waves of magma over a hundred feet high~www.ltnovel.com~ boom boom! "

   A loud and deafening sound echoed endlessly over the sea.

   The world is filthy, and a hundred miles around is covered in black and gray.

   Except for the crimson fire and magma, nothing can be seen clearly.

   After ten breaths, magma and gravel all fell into the magma sea.

   The sea was surging violently, igniting huge waves of hundreds of feet, bursting into a huge fire.

   Seeing such a shocking scene, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but marvel.

   However, this earth-shaking scene is magnificent, but it is also extremely dangerous.

   "Old Ji, let's get out of here soon!"

   The little black dragon yelled to him with his mind-transmitting voice, and then accelerated and flew forward.

   But at this moment, Ji Tianxing saw a dazzling flame suddenly flew out of the magma ocean behind him.


   The huge crimson fire light rushed out from under the magma sea, and rushed toward the little black dragon like a blast.

   Ji Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, his eyes fixed on the scarlet flame, revealing a touch of surprise.

   "Is that... the magma giant?"

   He immediately saw that the scarlet flame was a giant with a height of 100 meters and a crimson body.

   The body of this giant is made of dark red magma. Its appearance is very similar to that of human beings. It has hands, feet, body and head.

   It stepped on a huge magma wave with its feet up to a hundred feet high, jumped into the sky, swung a pair of huge flame fists, and slammed it with its invincible power.

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