Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 277: Unfavorable

   The light in the canyon is dim, quiet, and there is no night breeze.

  Occasionally, a ray of starlight shines into the canyon through the gap of the mist.

   Ji Tianxing was sitting on a black stone, holding the ancient black book, and looking at it carefully.

   Before that, he had read the contents of the ancient book many times.

   He fixed his eyes on the last few pages of the book. There was still a corner of the torn page, and a line of small print was faintly visible.

   "Mochizuki Lake! There has been a fetish breath!"

   Few words, but it contains vital information.

   It was exactly when he saw this line that he resolutely wanted to investigate the clues and rushed to the Wuyin Mountains alone.

   According to this line in the ancient book, he can conclude that the so-called fetish breath refers to the sky star pearl.

The breath of    Sky Star Bead, once appeared in Mochizuki Lake!

   After he got the map of the Hidden Haze Mountains, he carefully checked the routes and locations marked on the map.

   In the depths of the Wuyin Mountains, there is indeed a place called Mochizuki Lake.

   From the canyon he is currently in to Lake Mochizuki, he has to pass through most of the misty mountains and pass at least seven or eight dangerous areas.

   After a long time, Ji Tianxing closed the booklet, his eyes were full of anticipation, and he whispered: "I hope I can find the whereabouts of the Sky Star Orb smoothly. It won't be a waste of me to take a risk."

  He solemnly put away the black ancient book, closed his eyes and began to practice exercises.

   The long and silent night finally passed.

   After daybreak, Ji Tianxing finished his Yungong practice, and when he packed up, he walked into the canyon.

   The gorge in the early morning is shrouded in thick mist, and the valley is filled with the fragrance of flowers and dew.

   Ji Tianxing stepped across the knee-deep grass, splashing countless drops of dew, and walked firmly towards the depths of the canyon.

  The ground in the valley is soft and moist, full of colorful flowers and shrubs, and it bears many big and small fruits.

   Ji Tianxing had studied the Thousands of Medicine Collections before and was able to identify thousands of common medicinal materials.

   He can recognize by just a glance, those flowers and bushes that bear fruit are mostly herbs.

   Although most herbs are relatively common, they are not too rare.

   But if he collects all the medicinal materials in the valley, he can at least exchange two or three spiritual stones.

   However, he was thinking about searching for the Sky Star Orb, how could he have time and leisure to gather medicine?

   About a quarter of an hour later, Ji Tianxing came to the end of the canyon.

   appeared in front of him is a long narrow gravel path.

   The trail is a gap between two mountain peaks. It is only more than three meters wide, with straight and steep rock walls on both sides.

   If you stand in the trail and look up at the sky, you can only see a line of sky, so this trail is called a line of sky.

   Some gravel is often dropped from the rock walls on both sides, and piled up in the trail, forming a pile of undulating rocks.

   Ji Tianxing stood outside the entrance of Yixiantian, staring at the trail for a moment, then stepped in.

   Just when he just stepped into the sky, the huge flowers beside him suddenly moved.

   Many exotic flowers and plants grew in the valley, many of which he had never seen.

   He saw the brightly colored flowers that were as big as a basin. He only thought they were ordinary flowers and plants, and didn't take it seriously.

   However, just as he walked past the huge flowers, those huge flowers seemed to come alive, and they craned their necks to stick to him.

   The huge half-open and half-closed flower suddenly opened completely and turned into a huge mouth as big as a washbasin, which was attached to his body.

   The huge mouth was covered with sharp spikes, like rows of teeth, which immediately pierced his robe, and pierced his flesh through the ragged golden sun armor.

   Ji Tianxing immediately shook his body, and felt tingling and numbness all over his body, and his face became a little ugly.

   "Damn it! It turned out to be a piranha!"

   He reacted in an instant, those plants with thick roots, gorgeous and huge flowers are the legendary piranhas.

   This is a monster between animals and plants. It is static and disguised as ordinary flowers. It also emits aura fluctuations and fragrance to attract prey.

  Once the prey gets close, the piranha will open its mouth and wrap it tightly to fit the prey.

   It will use sharp spikes to pierce the defenses of its prey, and use thick venom to paralyze and corrode the prey.

  Not to mention human beings, even if it is a powerful monster, it is difficult to get out if it is entangled in a few piranhas.

   Even the bones that will eventually be swallowed will become nourishment for the piranha.

   Ji Tianxing realized what was wrong and struggled with all his might.

   But his legs, waist and abdomen were all wrapped in cannibals, even if he burst out with all his strength, he couldn't escape.

   Fortunately, he could still move his hands, immediately took out the black dragon sword from the space ring, shook his hand and slashed at the piranha.


   The dark green stems of several piranha flowers, all as thick as his arm, were instantly cut off by a sharp black dragon sword, and the dark green venom was sprinkled on the grass.


   White smoke immediately appeared on the ground, and a large area of ​​weeds was corroded into black ash.

   If these venoms were poured on people, would they still have it?

   Ji Tianxing saw his heart beating, and quickly backed away to avoid being stained with venom.

   Although the stem of the piranha has been cut off~www.ltnovel.com~, its vitality is extremely tenacious.

   The big flowers in the washbasin still envelop Ji Tianxing's legs, waist and abdomen, and those spikes are still digging into his flesh, constantly injecting venom.

   He hurriedly tore off a few piranhas, slashed them with a black dragon sword, and threw them into the bushes aside.

   finally escaped, he couldn't help letting out a breath.

   looked down at his legs, waist and abdomen, only to find that where he had been bitten by the piranha, his clothes had been corroded with big holes.

   The wound was covered with pinholes and small eyes, and large areas of skin became dark purple, which was obviously poisoned.

   Fortunately, he had bought a poisonous powder in Yanling City, and quickly applied it to the wound. It quickly had an effect, and the numbness and tingling sensation all over his body disappeared.

   "This time it was really careless! I was attacked by a piranha before entering the Hidden Fog Mountain Range. It's really a disadvantage!"

   "Fortunately, I reacted in a timely manner. If the poisoning is deeper, I am afraid that my whole body will become paralyzed and become the nourishment of piranha!"

   After treating the wound, Ji Tianxing murmured a few words full of reproach.

   He held the black dragon sword tightly, stepped cautiously into the sky, advancing vigilantly.

  After the incident, he really realized how dangerous this fierce place as the Hidden Mist Mountain Range is.

  In this inaccessible mountain range, danger may be encountered anytime and anywhere.

   Not only living creatures and poisonous snakes, insects and ants can be fatal, even those humble flowers and shrubs may also bring him life-threatening.

   If he wants to enter the Hidden Fog Mountain alive and explore the whereabouts of the Sky Star Orb, he must work hard and be cautious!

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