Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 276: Cut off grievances

Ling Sihai's body was trembling, his expression ugly.

   When he left Yanling City, he was full of confidence and thought he was bound to win.

   Even if Ji Tianxing's growth rate is amazing, he will surely be able to kill him with nine masters of Tong Xuan.

   However, when he fought with Ji Tianxing, he discovered how terrifying Ji Tianxing's potential is!

   Nine experienced assassins, all of them have strengths above the fifth level of the Tong Xuan realm.

   But these assassins were killed or wounded by Ji Tianxing, and they all lost their combat effectiveness.

   Now he is the only one left, facing Ji Tianxing alone.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing's murderous appearance, he suddenly became cold, and a touch of regret flashed in his heart.

  He doesn't regret coming to the ancient realm of stars to seek revenge on Ji Tianxing, he only regrets that he despises Ji Tianxing too much, and has not recruited more assassins, stronger powerhouses!

   Ji Tianxing stared at him with cold eyes, slowly approaching, and shouted coldly, "Ling Sihai, it's you!"

   "At this point, we can only fight to death and life! Don't try to escape, you should know that you can't escape!"

  Ling Sihai is the fourth level of the Tongxuan realm, very close to the fifth level of the Tongxuan realm.

   And Ji Tianxing successfully tempered another acupuncture point in the fight just now.

   At this moment, all the eight orifice points of the third sword vein have been tempered, and he has reached the fourth level of the Tongxuan realm in a natural way!

   The ending of this **** battle is doomed.

   Ling Sihai watched Ji Tianxing approaching, and suddenly backed back with an ugly expression, holding the cyan sword in both hands, and sternly shouted: "Ji Tianxing! You stop! I have something to say!"

   "I believe you, Yun Fei was not killed by you! There must be a misunderstanding about this matter!"

   "Don't do it for the time being. When I go back, I will investigate it carefully. I will definitely pay you back!"

   Without a doubt, Ling Sihai was so timid, he actually agreed with Ji Tianxing's words and begged for mercy in disguise.

   Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a playful sneer, and said in a playful tone: "Ling Sihai, you finally believe that Ling Yunfei was not killed by me?"

   "Believe! Of course I believe!" Ling Sihai held back the anger and humiliation, and nodded repeatedly.

   Ji Tianxing sneered and said, "Hehe, I tell you the truth, but Ji Ling personally killed Ling Yunfei and planted and blamed me."

   Ling all over the world was startled, obviously can't believe this fact.

   But in order to survive, he still nodded without hesitation: "Yes! I doubted it too!"

   "Ji Tianxing, since this matter is a misunderstanding, then you let me go and I will investigate it clearly..."

   Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Tianxing.

   "No need!" Ji Tianxing said coldly indifferently: "From the moment you chase me down, you are doomed to die!"

   "Now that you know the truth, go to death with peace of mind!"

When   's words fell, he no longer gave Ling Sihai a chance to speak, and immediately urged two sword auras to perform the second move of the Flying Star Sword Art.

   "Wind and lightning strike!"

   Two huge golden sword beams slashed towards Ling Sihai in a joint attack.

  The dazzling sword light and the violent wind mixed into a golden thunder, which instantly struck Ling Sihai.


   With a loud noise like a thunder explosion, Ling Sihai's figure was drowned in golden light.

   His cyan sword flew out and fell into the grass not far away.

   The ground was chopped into a three-meter-wide pit, splashing out mud and grass clippings.

   The deafening loud noise reverberated fiercely in the valley for a long time.

   Ling Sihai was smashed by wind and lightning, and the corpse fell into a big pit, half of his body was buried in the soil.

everything is over.

   As Ji Tianxing said, his grievances with the Ling family have been completely resolved here.

   The valley is silent, only the **** air is quietly permeating.

   Ling Sihai is dead, and the four black assassins he brought with him have also died.

   The black-clothed assassin who did not die by chance fell to the ground covered in blood and fell into a coma.

   Ji Tianxing staggered over, picked up the sword on the ground, and pierced his throat with a sword.

   After doing all this, he also exhausted all his strength and fell limply on the grass, panting silently.

  I don't know how long it took, and his physical strength recovered a little, so he found a few pills from the space ring, and after taking it, his exercises were refined.

   Time passed quietly, and the morning mist in the valley gradually dissipated.

   The morning sun is rising, and a ray of golden sunlight is poured into the valley.

   About two hours later, Ji Tianxing's luck suppressed the injury, and Zhenyuan also recovered a few percent.

   He simply dealt with the injury, then returned the same way and left the deep canyon.

   After he gets away from the canyon, he is completely safe.

   At noon, he found a hidden and dry cave in the rugged mountains and temporarily settled down.

   It took him an hour to arrange a formation at the entrance of the cave.

   Then, he sat cross-legged in the cave, and healed his injuries and recovered his strength in silence.

   The chase and fight that night left him badly injured.

   He can only stay in this cave to recuperate from his injuries, and wait for his strength to recover before continuing on his way.

   Two days passed quickly.

   In the early morning of the third day, Ji Tianxing just finished his exercises~www.ltnovel.com~ and opened his eyes.

   After two days of recuperation, he consumed four high-grade mysterious pills and finally recovered his true essence.

   As for his internal injuries, he also recovered 60% to 70%. There is no major problem for the time being and his actions will not be affected.

   is just a sword trauma on his body, leaving many scars, but he can't recover in a short time.

   After dawn, Ji Tianxing left the cave and awakened Qianyue in the Hundred Treasures Kit.

   Qianyue slept and rested for two days, and his physical strength recovered 80/90%, and he carried him to the sky again, and continued to drive to the misty mountains.

   On this night, Qianyue carried Ji Tianxing across thousands of mountains and rivers, flew for nearly a thousand miles, and finally came to the misty mountains.

   Even in clear daylight, the misty mountains are shrouded in layers of mist, making it difficult to distinguish things.

   It was late at night, and the fog in the mountains was thicker and more mysterious and dangerous.

   Ji Tianxing did not rush into the hidden mist mountain range, and asked Qianyue to stop in the canyon at the entrance.

   "Qianyue, the misty mountains are very dangerous, and it is not suitable to enter the mountains at night."

   "We will rest in this canyon tonight, and we will go in early tomorrow morning."

   Qianyue did so and landed at the entrance of the canyon.

   It shrunk to the size of a kitten, and went back to rest in the treasure bag.

   Ji Tianxing stood at the entrance of the canyon, and looked around with keen eyes by the dim starlight in the night sky, observing the surrounding situation.

   The gorge where he is located is one of the entrances of the Hidden Misty Mountains. The valley is covered with thick mist, which lasts for years.

   Go through this gorge to the end, you can enter the misty mountains.

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