Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 274: Become stronger in **** battles


   Black Dragon Sword, once out of the sheath, it must drink blood.

   The dazzling light of the sword, the phantom of the dragon that looks like a real illusion, is the strongest blow of the black dragon sword.

   The two men in black have the strength of the Profound Realm's fifth level, and they are also killer assassins who walk on the edge of death all the year round, licking blood.

   Even though they were cautious enough and had a wealth of combat experience, he still couldn't stop the black dragon sword's strongest blow.

   This is probably what the saying goes.

   Both of their chests were cut into a narrow wound by sword light, exposing Bai Sensen's bones, and dark red blood poured out.

   was so tragically traumatized, it was fortunate that the two of them had not been killed on the spot, they could only lie on the ground and convulsively, without any fighting power.

  As soon as the two sides fought, Ji Tianxing slashed out such a earth-shaking sword and severely injured two black assassins on the spot.

   Ling Sihai and the other seven assassins were shocked, and there was a deep look of horror in their eyes.

  If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe that this is an attack that can be performed by a triple martial artist in the Tongxuan Realm?

   Just as everyone was stunned, Ji Tianxing had already taken the lead in attacking with his sword, exploding his life's potential and using his sword skills, cutting out the dazzling sword light in the sky.


   Twelve Dawson's cold sword light spread out in the night sky, like a fan, to the surrounding black assassins.

   The assassins immediately recovered, and they did not dare to underestimate Ji Tianxing, and they all resisted and counterattacked desperately.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The swords and shadows cut by the two sides violently collided in the night sky, bursting with dazzling light, bursting out violent and raging energy.

   Ji Tianxing’s attack was blocked, and several other black-clothed assassins took advantage of the situation and violently attacked, swaying dozens of swords and shadows, covering his entire body.

   He was suddenly caught in the danger of life and death, his will to survive burst out strongly, his martial arts potential broke out again, and he swung his sword to resist and fight desperately.

   The true essence in his body was urged to the limit, surging through each meridian, scouring and tempering the acupuncture points vigorously.

   In just ten breaths, the second acupuncture point of his third sword vein was successfully tempered!

   Of course, Ji Tianxing was paying full attention, fighting with the black assassins with all his might, without realizing this.

   He used a shadowless step, his speed reached the limit, and he flickered to avoid the beheading of the sword and shadow.

   Ling Sihai and the seven black-clothed assassins all launched a murderous onslaught, each move and every style is a fatal lore.

   These seven black-clothed assassins, apparently often fight together, have formed a tacit understanding, and have also practiced an exquisite combined fencing technique.

   The seven people attacked Ji Tianxing in an orderly manner, offensive and defensive, and their attacks were like turbulent waves, and their power became stronger and stronger.

   Ji Tianxing's pressure is increasing, and his situation is getting more and more dangerous. He may be killed on the spot at any time.

   The two sides fought fiercely by the rolling river, their figures flickering and moving back and forth, quickly dizzying.

   The sound of "ding ding dong dong" sword collision is endless, and the violent sword aura and strong wind continue to spread around.

The ground on the banks of the    river was covered with sand, and it was also flying all over the sky stirred by strong wind and sword energy, like heavy rain.

   With the passage of time, Ji Tianxing gradually loses his energy, and the beaten steadily retreats.

   He fought against Ling Sihai and others hundreds of strokes, the true energy consumption was very great, his body was sweating like rain, and his face was pale as paper.

   Despite his profound background and exquisite swordsmanship, he stabbed several assassins with the black dragon sword.

   But those assassins have extremely sufficient fighting experience, and they can always dodge the key cleverly.

   Several assassins were only slightly injured and still retained their combat effectiveness.

   But Ji Tianxing's injuries were more serious. He suffered six sword wounds, and his clothes on his chest and back were torn, revealing hideous wounds, and red blood was constantly pouring out.

   Especially the blood hole on his waist, it was the sword that Ling Sihai took advantage of when he was resisting the assassin's siege.

   However, in this tragic and treacherous battle, he has completely stimulated his potential and refined six acupuncture points!

   Now his third sword vein has tempered seven acupuncture points, and only one can reach the fourth level of the Tongxuan Realm!

   "Ji Tianxing! You are dying, do you still want to resist?"

  Ling Sihai held a three-foot sword in his hand, staring at him bitterly, and shouted grimly: "Kneel down to lead death! Pay for my daughter Yun Fei!"

   Ji Tianxing swung his sword to resist the siege of the seven assassins, and roared in a low voice: "Ling Sihai! You dream!"

  Finally, he swept the sword desperately and forced back the three assassins on the side.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, he immediately put away the black dragon sword, spurred a huge sword light with all his strength, and displayed the unique skill of Flying Star Sword Art.

   "Red Dragon Flash!"

   The golden sword light, which is more than two meters long, rises into golden flames, like a golden dragon, blasting fiercely towards the three black assassins.


   Amid the deafening loud noise, two black-clothed assassins could not evade, and were bombarded by the red dragon and flew out.

   The swords in the hands of the two were thrown out, and fell into the rolling river.

   There was a huge wound **** wide on their chest and abdomen.

   Internal organs fragments and a lot of blood gushing out of the wound, spilling from the air on the river bank, exuding a thick **** air.

   After the two fell to the ground, they rolled around for a few laps and then stopped moving. They were obviously breathless and killed on the spot!

   Only five of the seven assassins were left, and the encircling circle was immediately torn open.

   Ling Sihai and the five assassins were stunned for a moment ~www.ltnovel.com~ was stunned by the dazzling, terrifying red dragon flash.

   Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing broke through the gap decisively and fled upstream along the river bank.

   He didn't care about his own injuries, endured the heart-wrenching pain, and rushed desperately.

   In the blink of an eye, he dashed more than ten meters away and got into the dense jungle.

   Ling Sihai and a few assassins recovered, and immediately chased after them angrily.

   However, Ling Sihai took only four assassins and continued to hunt down Ji Tianxing.

   There is also a black-clothed assassin who wants to stay to deal with the bodies of the two assassins and heal the two seriously injured companions.

   The two sides started chasing and killing them, and they rushed and shuttled desperately in the jungle under the night.

   Ji Tianxing was full of big men, rushing out of breath, his physical strength was constantly exhausted, and his eyes became a little blurred.

   But he always gritted his teeth and ran away desperately.

   He ran wildly for an hour, climbed over several mountains, and finally threw Ling Sihai and the others away.

   At this time, he was at the end of the crossbow, staggered into a cave, and immediately fell to the ground limply, breathing out of breath.

   After a short break, he quickly took out two pills for healing and restoring the true essence and took it, and then bandaged the wound.

   He knew very well that he was only temporarily safe.

   It will not take long before Ling Sihai and others will catch up and find him.


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