Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 273: Providence is so

Countless life and death crises have made Ji Tianxing very vigilant.

   He immediately noticed that there were several warriors in that pitch-black jungle, all of them holding sharp blades, approaching him unclearly.

   He realized that it was not good, and his figure jumped off the grinding stone and rushed down the mountain without hesitation.

   In the wild and uninhabited mountains, he must guard against any warriors who suddenly appear and come from unknown.


   Ji Tianxing used a shadowless step, and his figure flickered a few times before leaving the clearing and rushing into the dense jungle.

   He dashed through the mountains and forests, hurried to the foot of the mountain, and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

   And just when he left the open space, several warriors in the jungle let out a few low roars, speeding up to chase him.


   One after another black figures straddled the open space and the millpan boulder, like a ghost in the night, chasing to Ji Tianxing like a gust of wind.

   In the hands of every black shadow, there is a dazzling sword in his hand, shining with a frightening cold light.

   There are ten warriors in this team, of different heights and shorts, but all of them are fierce and powerful, and exude murderous aura.

   More importantly, every warrior has the strength of the Profound Realm.

   The speed at which everyone ran through the mountains and forests even surpassed Ji Tianxing.

   Nine of them wore black night clothes, only the burly leader wore a blue robe.

   He rushed to the forefront with all his might, his eyes fixed on the figure of Ji Tianxing ahead.

   His face was very gloomy, and his eyes were filled with excitement and murder.

   "Damn little beast, I didn't expect you to be so alert!"

   "However, in this vast mountain range, I see where you can escape!"

   He growled in a cold voice, his hands holding the sword tightly, the veins bulging, he used extra force.

   After all, he has been waiting for this day for too long.

   A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and everyone chased Ji Tianxing to the foot of the mountain.

   At this time, the two sides still kept a distance of 100 meters.

   Ji Tianxing's speed did not decrease in the slightest, galloping wildly in the jungle at the foot of the mountain, actually pulling the distance farther and farther.

   Seeing this situation, the blue-robed man immediately issued the order.

   "Death! You and the three brothers with the best light exercises and physical exercises, pursue the little beast with all your strength, be sure to stop him!"

   Among the black-clothed men behind him, a thin, cold-eyed middle-aged man immediately said, "Yes!"

   After that, the thin man took three men in black and suddenly accelerated towards Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing was shuttled in the dense jungle, stepping flexibly across layers of ridges and obstacles, and ran towards the mountain ahead.

   His expression was solemn and gloomy, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

   "Damn bastard! Ten masters are chasing me, who are these people?"

   Before he could understand the problem, the sound of footsteps behind him became more and more urgent.

   He turned his head and glanced behind him, and saw four men in black, swiftly walking through the jungle, approaching him like a ghost.

   The four were extremely fast, and it only took half a quarter of an hour to chase behind him.

   Finally, by the river at the foot of the mountain, four men in black caught up with him and surrounded him.

   Ji Tianxing could no longer escape, so he had to stand on the bank of the river, took out the black dragon sword from the space ring, and held it firmly in his hand.

   He looked at the four men in black with cold eyes, and asked in a low tone, "Who are you? Why are you chasing me?"

   The four men in black spread out and walked around him slowly, the swords in their hands shone with cold light, and the whole body exuded cold murderous intent.

   Facing Ji Tianxing's questioning, all four of them were expressionless and did not speak.

   Ji Tianxing furrowed his brows, his eyes crossed the four men in black, and looked at the jungle not far away.

   He can guess that these four men in black should be assassins, and the real principals have not yet arrived.

   Sure enough, after a short while, the blue-robed man rushed out of the jungle with five men in black and rushed to the river.

   Nine men in black surrounded Ji Tianxing, holding the profound swords in their hands, murderous all over his body.

   The blue-robed man quickly walked into the court, staring at Ji Tianxing gloomily, showing a smug sneer.

   "Ji Tianxing, didn't you expect it? We met again!"

   Ji Tianxing heard this familiar voice, his body was shocked, and his eyes became gloomy and complicated.

   He looked at the blue-robed man in disbelief, and asked in a low voice, "Ling Sihai... it was you?!"

   He didn't expect to see Ling Sihai in the ancient realm of stars.

   Moreover, Ling Sihai also took nine masters of the profound art to chase him down, obviously he had planned a long time ago!

   Ling Sihai grinned, showing a ferocious sneer, and said in a low tone: "Ji Tianxing! You killed my daughter Yun Fei, I must avenge this grudge!"

   "If you don't break your body into pieces, it's hard to dispel my hatred!"

   "Do you think you left the imperial city and entered the Great Heaven Sect and you are safe? Even if you chase the ends of the world, I will take your life!"

   "In order to deal with you, I entered Yanling City a month ago, and I have already made deployment arrangements."

   "Unexpectedly, you went to the Yanling City in search of your own death. It's really godly! Even God helped me!"

   After listening to Ling Sihai's words ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing suddenly realized.

   "That's it!"

   "When my father wrote to me before, Ling Sihai had secretly left Qingyun Imperial City and did not know where he was going. It turned out that he had sneaked into the ancient realm of stars!"

   "Ling Sihai recruited these nine assassins in Yanling City. Since I left Yanling City, I have followed all the way here..."

  Understanding the whole story, he clenched the black dragon sword in both hands, and his whole body was running at swift speed, sending out a fighting spirit and murderous aura.

   "Ling Sihai! Believe it or not, I will say it one more time at the end, I didn't kill Ling Yunfei!"

   Even though this is the truth, how can Ling Sihai believe it?

   "Ji Tianxing! You little beast, do you want to quibble when you die?"

   "Follow me, everybody, and smash this little beast into pieces and throw it away!"

   Ling Sihai gave a murderous anger and gave the order.

   The nine men in black wielded their swords without hesitation, displayed powerful killer moves, and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing had long expected that Ling Sihai would not believe it, and stopped talking nonsense. He drew out the black dragon sword with a ‘chiang’ and swung the sword back.


   The moment the black dragon sword was unsheathed, a dazzling cold light was lit, and a five-meter long dragon shadow sword light was cut out.

   The two men in black who were closest to Ji Tianxing, had no room to escape, were instantly hit by the Black Dragon Sword Shadow.


   The swords in the hands of the two were smashed, and the people were also smashed and rolled upside down, sprinkled a large rain of blood, and fell into the grass ten meters away.


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