Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 268: Encountered him here!

Lei Qianjun's words irritated nearly a thousand people in the field.

   Almost immediately after his voice fell, there were countless people placing bets.

   More than a dozen principals of Tianying Gambling House, scattered around the stands, were immediately surrounded by everyone.

   After two quarters of an hour passed, nearly 80% of the audience in the field placed a bet.

   There is no doubt about the result. Almost all spectators bet on the Werewolf Shadow, betting that it will win.

   There are a few people who place bets on Ji Tianxing, but the amount of bets is pitifully small, and they are basically playing casually.

  Even, two people pestered the owner of the gambling house, repeatedly claiming that they had placed the wrong bet and wanted to change the bet to the Werewolf Shadow.

   In short, nearly a thousand spectators present all agreed that the end of this duel has not yet begun.

  A human teenager with three levels of the Profound Realm, how dare to challenge the shadow of a werewolf in the fifth level of the Profound Realm?

   This is no longer a challenge, it's just killing you!

   The last challenger was a young genius with the fifth level of the Tongxuan Realm, but he was also torn into pieces by the Shadow Werewolf.

  The audience in the field are all talking about what will happen to the teenager who challenges the Werewolf Shadow tonight?

   was unloaded? Or become a pile of meat sauce?

   Everyone was full of expectation, their eyes fixed on the arena in the middle of the hall.

   Two quarters of an hour came, Lei Qianjun announced that he would stop betting, and the dozen or so principals left one after another.

   Then, the four men with strong costumes behind Lei Qianjun walked to the north and south sides of the arena and opened two black iron doors.

   To the south of the arena, two highly-dressed men took Ji Tianxing out of the secret room and walked to the arena to stand still.

   The gazes of countless spectators immediately focused on Ji Tianxing.

   Everyone looked at him condescendingly, sneered with joking and pity, whispering talk.

   "Tsk, a teenage boy, who is about to be torn to pieces by a werewolf, what a pity!"

   "Hey! This kid has reached the Tongxuan Realm at a young age, and he is considered a young genius, but unfortunately he will die soon!"

   "Hey, I bet on five spirit stones, that is all my belongings. That kid must lose, or I will go bankrupt!"

   "I also paid two million taels of silver. That is all the property I tried to collect. Don't worry, that kid is dead, and the Werewolf Shadow will win!"

   In the east corner of the grandstand, sits a middle-aged man in a blue robe.

   This person has a strong face and a tall and burly figure. He is the father of Ling Yunfei, Ling Sihai, the head of the Ling family!

   More than a month ago, he secretly left Qingyun Imperial City and came to the ancient star realm.

   In order to avenge Ling Yunfei, he tried every means to get into Yanling City.

   He has been in Yanling City for a month, secretly making deployment arrangements and also recruiting several masters.

   Originally, he planned to plan slowly in Yanling City, wait for the right opportunity, and then take revenge on Ji Tianxing.

   But he didn't expect that he just came to the Tianying Gambling House to watch a gambling fight, and he saw the familiar figure here.

   When he saw Ji Tianxing walk into the arena, he immediately showed a surprised expression on his face and his eyes widened.

   "Ji Tianxing? It turned out to be him!"

   After a moment of stunned, he recovered, and the expression on his face immediately changed to ecstasy and excitement.

   "Why did he come here?"

   "Hahahaha... It's really nowhere to find anything to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. I didn't expect I would meet him here!"

   Ling was full of excitement from all over the world, and roared with surprise in his heart, and there was a deep light in his eyes.

   "Great! I was still thinking about **** him, but I didn't expect that he wanted to die on his own, and even challenged the five-layer werewolf shadow in the Tong Xuan realm!"

   "Hehehe, Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing, you will be torn to pieces by the shadow of the werewolf... It's really exciting!"

   He sat peacefully on his seat, watching the duel with a smile, waiting to appreciate the scene where Ji Tianxing was torn to pieces and there was no corpse.

   At the same time, the black iron gate on the north side of the arena was opened.

   Two men with strong costumes pulled a thick iron chain and pulled the werewolf shadow into the field.

   As soon as the Werewolf Shadow came out, everyone's eyes gathered on it.

   Around the stands, cheers and shouts erupted.

   Many people cheered for the Werewolf Shadow to make him win, tearing Ji Tianxing to pieces.

   After all, these people have made a lot of bets on Werewolf Shadow.

  While everyone shouted and cheered, Ji Tianxing also stared at the werewolf shadow, silently looking at it.

   This is the first time he has seen a demonic werewolf, and he can't help but look at it a few more times.

   I saw that the werewolf shadow was nearly two meters tall, walking upright with his feet on the ground like a human.

   Its legs and hands are very strong, and its black nails are as sharp as daggers.

   It has black iron shackles on its feet, and a thick black iron chain tied to its neck. It makes a crashing sound as it walks.

   Dark Shadow has a dark gray hair all over his body, so it can cover key parts without clothes.

   Its body part below the neck looks very similar to the human race, but it is covered with hair and is thicker.

   But its head is a pointed wolf head, with a wide and long wolf beak, and its green eyes are shining with a cold light.

   "It turns out that this is the werewolf clan of the demon clan." Ji Tianxing muttered in his heart.

   Two men in strong costumes pulled the werewolf shadow into the field, reached out their hands and unfastened the chains around its neck and the shackles on its feet, allowing it to regain its freedom of movement.

   It hurriedly twisted its neck and feet, moved its body, fixed its eyes on Ji Tianxing, revealing a bloodthirsty cold light.

   At this time, Lei Qianjun announced loudly: "This challenge begins now!"

After    finished speaking, he took four guards with strong outfits and quickly left the arena.

   In the wide and flat arena, only the werewolf shadow and Ji Tianxing were left, facing each other a hundred steps away.

Both of them stared at each other with cold eyes, secretly accumulating strength, ready to launch a thunderous blow~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing silently circulates the true essence in his body, causing the true essence to surge, like a rushing river, containing With surging power.

   Werewolf Shadow slowly bends down, the wolf's head leaned forward, exuding a strong and cold aura.

   Seeing its movements, everyone realized that this was a precursor to an attack, and it was finally about to attack!

   Ji Tianxing also clenched his fists secretly, fixed his eyes on it, ready to fight back.


   At this time, the werewolf shadow let out a sharp scream, and the figure resembled an arrow from the string, bringing up gray afterimages, rushing towards Ji Tianxing.

   Its speed is too fast, so fast that people can't see its movements, but it feels like it has become a gloomy shadow.


   In the blink of an eye, it rushed out nearly a hundred steps away and rushed to Ji Tianxing.

   It stretched out its sturdy hands, opened its sharp wolf claws, drew out a few cold rays, and grabbed Ji Tianxing's forehead.

  The werewolf tribe was really ferocious, and he wanted to shred Ji Tianxing's head and kill him on the spot.

   Ji Tianxing had been prepared for a long time, although he was surprised by the speed of the shadow, but he did not panic.

   He immediately performed the Shadow Step, and with a flash of his figure, he flashed more than three meters to the side, and escaped the shadow's wolf claws.

   Shadow rushed into the air with one move, but the action did not lag, and the footsteps did not stop.

   With a twist of its body, it rushed to the side, and once again stretched out a pair of sharp wolf claws, firmly grasping towards Ji Tianxing's head.

   Ji Tianxing had just gotten firm, his forehead was shrouded in wolf claws and a few cold lights.

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