Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 267: Shadow Werewolf

   In the dark secret room, there are only two stone lamps with dim yellow lights.

   The stone slab on the floor of the secret room has cracked a few cracks, there are many broken pits, and huge claw marks.

   Ji Tianxing can see that these are traces caused by monsters or monsters.

   There is no doubt that the monster races and monsters who want to participate in the gladiatorial battle are all locked here before they enter the field.

   He sat on the stone bench in the corner, and murmured with a gloomy expression: "Damn bastard, shut me up here like a monster beast!"

   "This should be the Beastmaster Casino... It seems that monster duels are often held here, which will attract many people to watch or place bets on gambling."

   Thinking of this, he looked up at the black iron gate opposite.

   You don't need to guess that he knows that in the secret room behind the black iron gate, the werewolf shadow he is going to challenge tonight should be held.

   Before Ji Tianxing, in ancient books and classics, I saw an introduction about the monster clan.

  The monster race is not a monster, but a special race between humans and monsters. Its appearance is similar to humans, but it has the characteristics of monsters.

   It is said that the physical strength and defense of the monsters are as powerful as monsters. Not only are they responsive and extremely fast, they are also very resistant to blows.

   If ordinary warriors do not have profound weapons, they can hardly hurt monsters in the same realm.

   Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing raised his brows, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "The five-tiered shadow werewolf in the Profound Realm must have strong strength and speed. Ordinary warriors in the Profound Realm, fighting against them with bare hands, certainly can't hurt it."

   "Fortunately, I am different from ordinary warriors. Instead of using mysterious weapons, I can exert a stronger combat effectiveness!"

   There was silence in the secret room, and time passed.

   Not long after, there were some noises around, and the sound of people talking.

   As time passed, the sound of footsteps and voices from all around became denser.

   Obviously, many people are pouring into the arena, sitting in the surrounding stands, whispering discussions.

   Ji Tianxing listened for a while, and understood the whole story.

   It turned out that after Deacon Tian put him in the secret room, he sent someone to release the news in the city, saying that someone would challenge the Shadow Werewolf tonight.

   When many warriors heard the news, they rushed to the Tianying Gambling House to watch the gladiatorial fight, and even prepared to bet to participate in the gambling.

   As more and more spectators poured into the arena, the sound in the arena became more and more noisy and became very lively.

   Ji Tianxing silently listened to the sounds from all around him, and he heard a few young warriors gathered in the stands 20 meters away from him.

   "Hey, the Beastmaster Casino only opens every ten days, and it's only the sixth day today, so it opens again?"

   "What's so good about those gambling fights before? Every time two monsters fight each other, not even the violent bear and the shadow play, it's really boring!"

   "Yes! Or tonight's gambling battle is more exciting! There is another guy who does not live or die, wants to challenge the shadow of the werewolf!"

   "I remember, it seems that no one has dared to challenge the shadow for half a year?"

   "Yes! The last time someone challenged the Shadow, I watched it with my own eyes. That guy seems to be an inner disciple of the True Wuzong. He has the strength of the fifth level of the Profound Realm, and he was quite confident before he took the stage."

   "Master Liu, what was the result? Did the kid succeed in the challenge?"

   "How can the challenge be successful? Dream about you? That kid's fate is worse than those of the previous challengers, he was torn to pieces by the werewolf shadow on the spot!"

   Hearing this, several young warriors all let out a cry of surprise and excitement.

   After a while, several young martial artists calmed down and continued to discuss.

   "Master Liu, the challenger last time, since he was a disciple of True Wuzong, was torn by the shadow of the werewolf, wouldn't Zhen Wuzong be held accountable?"

   "Follow me! People from Zhenwu Sect learned about this, but they came to collect the body of that kid, but they can't take the Tianying Gambling Shop."

   "That kid initiated the challenge voluntarily. He knew the rules before he took the stage to challenge, and he was arrogant. The real Wuzong is irresponsible, so how can Tianying Casino be held accountable?"

   "Tsk, if that's the case, then the challenger tonight may be miserable. I guess he will die without a whole body?"

   "Yes, the Werewolf Shadow hasn't appeared for half a year. I must have been stunned. I just want to kill you?"

   "Let me remind you a few first, even if you see the challenger torn to pieces by the werewolf later, don't make a fuss, don't be like a bumpkin who has never seen the world!"

   A few young warriors nodded quickly to agree, and patted their beards to please Young Master Liu.

   Ji Tianxing in the secret room heard the words of the young warriors clearly.

   His face immediately darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "In this way, the combat power and bloodthirsty of the werewolf shadow, I am afraid that exceeds my expectations, I have to be careful!"

   Although, he only realized at this moment that the rules of the Beastmaster Casino are so cruel.

   However, he does not regret coming to the Beastmaster Casino to participate in the gambling fight.

   When he decided to investigate the clues of the Hidden Fog Mountain and the Sky Star Orb, he was mentally prepared to deal with various dangers.

   For him, tonight's gambling fight was just the first test in the search for clues to the Sky Star Orb.

   Finally, an hour passed.

   It's already night, and when the lantern is in hand, the Tianying Gambling Shop has reached its most lively moment.

   The stands around the arena are already full of spectators who come to watch the gladiatorial fight~www.ltnovel.com~ Even the private room on the second floor of the hall is basically occupied by some distinguished guests.

   Thousands of people around the arena are all talking excitedly, looking forward to the start of the battle.

   At this moment, a burly old man in a black robe and four men in strong costumes walked into the arena.

  The old man has a strong body, gray hair and beard, and his body exudes a powerful and majestic aura, his eyes scanned the audience like electricity.

  Four men in strong costumes in the Profound Realm, standing straight like a javelin behind the old man, exuding a sharp sword-like aura.

   Nearly a thousand people in the stands immediately calmed down, their eyes gathered on the burly old man.

   Many people know this old man, his surname is Lei, who is the chief manager of Tianying Gambling House and the right-hand man of the mysterious shop owner.

   Chief Lei saw the scene calm down, and he announced in a loud voice like Hong Zhong: "This seat Lei Qianjun, thank you for coming!"

   "Tonight, this workshop will bring you a wonderful and exciting duel!"

   "A young man with three levels of Profound Realm, wants to see our owner, and will challenge the Werewolf Shadow here!"

   When his voice spread throughout the audience, nearly a thousand people immediately caused a sensation, and they started talking.

  Lei Qianjun continued expressionlessly: "Who is this young man sacred, and what is his extraordinary ability?"

   "What kind of performance will the Werewolf Shadow, who has not appeared for the first time in half a year? Please wait and see!

   "From now on, you can start betting!"

   "After two quarters of an hour, Honbo will stop accepting bets and the duel will begin!"

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