Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 237: Wuyashan

Hearing what Ji Tianxing said, Elder Wu was immediately taken aback.

   He frowned, staring at Ji Tianxing solemnly, and asked: "Ji Tianxing, is this true?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded without hesitation: "Naturally it is true. If Elder Wu can believe me, within five days, I will personally offer a Tier 3 spirit beast!"

   Elder Wu was silent, weighing and considering silently.

   If you really want to punish Ji Tianxing according to the rules of the door, it will not help but also make this head disciple feel resentful.

   Until now, only this way can recover the loss as much as possible.

   So, Elder Wu nodded, and said solemnly: "Ji Tianxing, you are a direct disciple of the head, of course I can trust you."

   "This seat gives you a five-day period, waiting for you to accompany a Tier 3 spirit beast! During this period, your pet beast Qianyue will be impounded in my spirit beast hall."

   "After five days, if you can't compensate, then don't blame this seat for not being affectionate, and you must deal with you according to the rules.

   Ji Tianxing nodded without changing his face and said, "Thank you, Elder Wu, then we're all set."

   Elder Wu nodded slightly and said in a calm tone: "If you want to catch the spirit beast, you can go to Wuya Mountain, two hundred miles southeast of the gate, which is a treasured spiritual vein."

   "Wuya Mountain is often haunted by spirit beasts, and most of the spirit beasts kept in this hall are captured from there."

   Ji Tianxing silently wrote down his words, clasped his fists, and said, "Thank you Elder Wu for your guidance."

   This matter is settled.

   He comforted Qian Yue with another sentence, and let it wait patiently in the hall of spirit beasts.

   Qianyue nodded and agreed, and told him to be careful.

   Then, Ji Tianxing saluted Elder Wu and turned and left the hall of spirit beasts.

   Shortly after he left, a young man in white robe walked out in a corner outside the beast hall.

   This person is Bai Wuchen.

   He glanced at the Great Hall of the Spirit Beast Hall, and then looked at the direction where Ji Tianxing was leaving, with a playful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

   "Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing, with your strength, dare to go to Wuya Mountain to catch spirit beasts?"

   "Huh! You won't go back at that time, and you will die tragically in the Wuya Mountain. That's great news!"

   "I secretly attacked the shadow leopard with a flying needle, making the shadow leopard madly attack the fox...Unfortunately, the strength of the smelly fox is not weak, and it was not killed by the shadow leopard!"

   whispered a few words in a low voice, before Bai Wuchen turned and left, he quickly left the Spirit Beast Peak.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing returned to Tianxingyuan.

   He summoned the maid and two handymen, and exclaimed with a solemn expression: "I want to go out once, and it will take about three to five days."

   "In the past few days, you have stayed in the Tianxingyuan and will not meet anyone. If anyone comes to me, let them come again in five days."

After    gave the order, he left Qingtian Peak and hurried to Wuya Mountain to the southeast.


   On the Chixiao Peak, in a palace, Chu Tiansheng was dealing with sect affairs in the study.

   At this time, a middle-aged security guard wearing a black robe walked quickly to the entrance of the study, and reported respectfully: "Thanks to the head, Ji Tianxing has something wrong."

   Chu Tiansheng put down the file in his hand, frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

  The middle-aged guard walked into the study, came to Chu Tiansheng, whispered a report: "Not long ago, the executive Wu of the Ling Beast Hall went to find Ji Tianxing..."

After listening to the report of the middle-aged guard, Chu Tiansheng frowned for a moment before he slightly nodded: "Since his pet beast killed the spirit beast in the spirit beast garden, Elder Wu also acted in accordance with the rules and did not deliberately. Make things difficult for him."

   "He is going to the Wuya Mountain to catch the spirit beasts and pay compensation to the spirit beast garden. It is natural, let him go."

   "Although, using his strength to catch spirit beasts in Wuya Mountain is indeed very risky."

   "But he is a disciple of this seat. If he can't even solve this matter, how can he convince the public in the future? You don't need to secretly protect, let him solve it by himself."

  The middle-aged guard hesitated for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Head, what the subordinates are worried about is that if Ji Tianxing goes to Wuya Mountain, will he alarm the young master in the mountain...?"

   Chu Tiansheng was silent for a moment, then gently shook his head and said: "There is a guardian formation in the mountains, so there should be nothing wrong."

   "Subordinates understand."

   The middle-aged guard bowed his hand, turned and exited the study.


   Ji Tian exercises the light power of shadowless steps, using the power of true essence, to run wildly in the lofty mountains.

   His speed is extremely fast, like a gust of wind, rushing over the mountains to Wuya Mountain.

   While rushing, he was still trying to analyze it secretly.

   "Although Qianyue is a little bit naughty, she will not deliberately cause trouble, let alone kill the spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden for no reason."

   "It said before that when it was wandering in the beast garden, it was attacked by a crazy ghost leopard, and it subconsciously counterattacked it and killed the ghost leopard."

   "The spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden have been domesticated and domesticated by the spirit beast hall for many years. They are very psychic and will not go crazy for no reason."

   "There may be something else in this matter. After I go to Wuya Mountain to catch the spirit beast, and pay compensation to the spirit beast hall, I must clarify this matter."

   About an hour later, Ji Tianxing traversed two hundred miles of mountains and rivers and finally arrived at Wuya Mountain.

   It was close to the evening, and the setting sun was about to set.

   He stood at the foot of Wuya Mountain, looking up at the Wuya Mountain shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun, a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

   Wuya Mountain is the closest spiritual treasure land to Qingtianzong~www.ltnovel.com~ This mountain range is tens of miles in radius, steep and steep, with lush forests on the mountain, which contains a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

   At the foot of the mountain, there is a large meandering river. The water is crystal clear, and you can clearly see groups of fish swimming slowly from the bottom of the river.

   Not far away, there are three yellow-brown golden deer and a few white birds, drinking by the river.

   Seeing people coming, the three golden deer hurriedly left the river.

   A few white birds are not afraid of people. After drinking the water, they are still walking in the grass by the river, seeming to be hunting insects for food.

   "This boundless mountain is full of aura and lush vegetation. It really is a treasure land of spiritual veins."

   "Not only are psychic beasts haunt here, there are also many monsters and ordinary beasts, all entrenched in the mountains."

   "I hope my luck is good enough to meet the spirit beasts that haunt here."

   Ji Tianxing stared at Wuya Mountain for a moment, then walked towards the mountain.

When    entered the dense jungle, the afterglow and light of the setting sun were obscured by the trees.

  The light in the mountains and forests is dim, and the ground is moist, faintly exuding the smell of rotten vegetation and leaves.

   Ji Tianxing walked through the forest lightly, making no noise as much as possible, and hurried to the depths of the boundless mountain.

  While traveling through the forest, he searched around with keen eyes, searching for various beasts hidden in the forest.

   An hour later, the sun finally set.

   The mountains and forests became dim, and there were roars of beasts in all directions.

   As night is approaching, various beasts will also come out to move or forage.

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