Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 236: Give you a spirit beast

   Hearing Xiang Wu's words, Ji Tianxing raised his brows, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

   "Deacon Xiang, is this impossible?"

   "My family Qianyue is still young and low in strength, how could it be possible to kill a Tier 3 spirit beast?"

   Ji Tianxing knew that the strength of Tier 3 spirit beasts was equivalent to a master of the fifth or sixth level of the Tongxuan realm.

   Although, there are dozens of spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Garden of the Great Sky School.

   However, most of the spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Garden are first- and second-order spirit beasts.

   Tier 3 spirit beasts are relatively rare and rare, and there are not many in number, only a few.

   Hearing the news that Qianyue had killed a Tier 3 spirit beast, his first reaction was that he couldn't believe it.

   But Xiang Wu nodded solemnly and said: "Ji Tianxing, this is true, you can take a trip with me."

   Ji Tianxing said calmly: "It's fine, I also want to see if there is any misunderstanding in this matter."

   Then, he followed Xiang Wu to leave the Tianxingyuan and hurried to the Spirit Beast Garden.

The mountain where the    Spirit Beast Garden is located is relatively behind the nine peaks of the Great Heaven Sect.

   The two hurried on for more than half an hour before reaching the top of Spirit Beast Peak.

   There are more than a dozen palaces and houses on the top of the mountain, but most of the area is empty land, in which low shrubs and grass grow.

   That area is protected by tall walls and formations. It is the Spirit Beast Garden where the spirit beasts are raised.

   Of course, there are three beast gardens on the Spirit Beast Peak, and two beast gardens halfway up the mountain, dedicated to raising low-level spirit beasts of the first and second levels.

   In this animal garden on the top of the mountain, only seven Tier 3 spirit beasts were raised.

   Xiang Wuxian took Ji Tianxing into the spirit beast garden and checked the spirit beast that was killed.

   It was a shadowy leopard, more than four meters long, black-gray all over, and muscle lines full of strength.

   This is a genuine Tier 3 spirit beast, which can be used as a master's mount and can also participate in the fight.

   It's a pity that this shadow leopard, which has been in the beast garden for five years, is now lying silently in the woods.

   There are no obvious scars on its body, only a few claw marks on its head.

   But its forehead bones were smashed, blood, bones and meat were mixed, and it looked shocking.

   Ji Tianxing knew from a glance that this ghostly leopard was attacked by a spirit beast and slapped to death.

   Xiang Wu looked at the tragic death of the shadow leopard, his face full of pity, and said in a low tone: "This shadow leopard has been domesticated for five years, and it has been domesticated and very psychic."

   "Originally, this shadow leopard was to be rewarded to the inner disciple who performed outstandingly in the next month's ranking list."

   "But now... hey!"

   Xiang Wu shook his head and sighed heavily.

   Ji Tianxing didn't say much, and said blankly: "Deacon Xiang, take me to see Qianyue."

   Xiang Wu nodded, and said in a deep voice: "This incident has alarmed Elder Wu in this hall. Your pet beast has been detained by Elder Wu."

   "Elder Wu is waiting for you in the hall, I will take you there now."

   Half a quarter of an hour later, Xiang Wu led Ji Tianxing into the main hall of the Beast Hall.

   In the main hall, a thin old man with gray hair and beard was sitting in the first seat, his eyes closed blankly.

  He is the elder Wu of the Ling Beast Hall. He gave Ji Tianxing a congratulatory gift before in the ceremony of apprenticeship.

   On the wooden table beside Elder Wu, there is a black iron cage with a big washbasin.

   The iron cage is carved with array patterns, faintly shining with colorful brilliance, and exudes true power.

   Qianyue was curled up in the iron cage, looking drowsy.

   Xiang Wu took Ji Tianxing into the hall, bowed to Elder Wu, and reported: "See Elder Wu! His subordinates have brought Ji Tianxing here!"

   Elder Wu opened his eyes and looked at Ji Tianxing indifferently.

   Qianyue in the iron cage was also awakened by Xiang Wu's words, and immediately raised his head and looked out.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing coming, his eyes showed a relieved smile.

   Ji Tianxing stepped forward and bowed his hand to Elder Wu, saying: "Disciple Ji Tianxing, see Elder Wu."

   Elder Wu nodded slightly and said slowly: "Ji Tianxing, the corpse of the shadow leopard, Deacon Xiang has already taken you to see it?"

   Ji Tianxing said truthfully: "The disciple has already seen it."

   "However, this does not prove that my pet killed the Shadow Leopard. There may be something hidden in this matter."

   "Other secrets?" Elder Wu raised his eyebrows, and said in a majestic tone: "This incident was seen by the deacon and your pet has already confessed. Do you still want to defend it?"

   Ji Tianxing did not refute, looked at Qianyue in the iron cage, and asked: "Qianyue, that shadow leopard was really killed by you?"

   Speaking of this incident, Qian Yue said angrily: "Old Ji, don't blame me for this!"

   "It was the little leopard who suddenly went crazy and attacked me for no reason, so I fought back!"

   "Who knows, that little leopard looked mighty, but it turned out to be so weak that it was slapped to death by my paw..."

   Ji Tianxing was surprised in his heart, and asked with an incredible face: "Did you really slap the shadow leopard with one paw? That is a Tier 3 spirit beast!"

   When Elder Wu saw that he didn't have any guilt, his face was full of surprise, and his face suddenly became darker.

   Xiang Wu also looked at Ji Tianxing speechlessly, and muttered in his heart: "This kid is too uncomfortable, right? Your pet has caused a catastrophe, why are you happy?"

   Qianyue seemed to be afraid that Ji Tianxing would be angry, and quickly explained: "Old Ji, I was really wronged about this!"

   "I just wandered around in the Beast Garden~www.ltnovel.com~Who knew that the little leopard would suddenly bite me crazy?"

   "And it's too weak! I just counterattacked instinctively, slapped a paw at random, and it was slapped to death by me."

   "Old Ji, I really just patted it casually. I never thought about killing it."

   Hearing Qianyue’s explanation, Ji Tianxing was even more surprised.

   "Qianyue only recovers his third success force and is so powerful, he can slap a third-order spirit beast with just one claw."

   "If it recovers 50% or 6 success power, wouldn't it be able to deal with the fourth-order spirit beast of the Yuandan realm?"

   Thinking of this, he was full of expectations.

   Seeing Qianyue's anxious and aggrieved appearance, he quickly smiled and nodded and said: "Qianyue, I believe you were unintentional. You are not to blame for this."

   Qianyue immediately nodded with a smile, and said coquettishly: "Old Ji, I know you are very reliable!"

   Elder Wu's face darkened, and he said with a majestic tone: "Ji Tianxing, this seat is calling you to come, not to comfort your pet beast, but to solve this matter."

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a calm tone: "Since the shadow leopard was indeed killed by my pet, I have nothing to say."

   "How to solve this matter, please also ask Elder Wu to show me."

   Elder Wu was very dissatisfied with his attitude, and shouted in a majestic tone: "How to solve it? Of course, this seat is to punish you according to the rules, can you return a shadow leopard to this seat?"

   Ji Tianxing immediately handed his hand: "You may not be able to get the Shadow Leopard, but the disciple can find a way to return a Tier 3 spirit beast to Elder Wu."

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