Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 216: 0 years ago

As night is approaching, the small courtyard is dark and silent.

   Shulan walked into the room expressionlessly, without lighting the lights, closed the doors and windows, and lay straight on the bed.

   She lay motionless on the bed, her eyes closed tightly, and she looked a little stiff, like a puppet.

   Not long after, a trace of dark red blood gushed out of her body, emitting a faint **** air.

   Then, a cloud of blood-red brilliance came out of her forehead.

   She still keeps her eyes closed, her body motionless, as if she is unconscious.

   But the dark red blood light circled and danced twice in mid-air, before it turned into a pale red figure.

   This blood-gathered figure is a woman, nearly two meters tall, just like the Princess of Blood Moon.

   She floated in front of the bed, looking at Shulan on the bed with a cold face, showing deep disgust in her eyes.

   "Damn! The **** of the princess stayed in her for a whole day, and almost broke the princess!"

   While talking, she was still twisting her neck and limbs, seeming to move her body.

   "Huh! The despicable and lowly human race, if it weren't for the implementation of the plan, would this princess succumb to you?"

   "The human race is so hypocritical and cunning. The princess is possessed by you, so you have to smile and pretend to be close to them. It really makes the princess feel sick!"

   Princess Blood Moon had a sharp tone, his eyes fixed on Shulan who was in a coma, showing a look of contempt and hatred, obviously very reluctant.

   After a while, the soul of the Blood Moon Princess stretched out. It seemed to be much more comfortable, and the resentment dissipated.

   She sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the window, muttering to herself in a low voice.

   "The high priest is still resourceful, letting me possess a human body with a secret method, so that I can easily enter the Great Heaven Sect without arousing anyone's suspicion."

   "Hehe, my soul is attached to Shulan, even if the **** Yun Yao comes, I can't detect my breath!"

   "Fortunately, that Xuan Xuan is simple enough, she didn't see the slightest abnormality, and kept me staying for a few more days, which is just what I want."

   "In the past few days, I must seize the opportunity, try my best to destroy the seal formation, and prepare for the rescue of His Majesty the Demon King!"

   At this point, she remembered what happened during the day, and she couldn't help frowning, her eyes showing cold murderous intent.

   "Damn Ji Tianxing! This **** **** seems to have noticed something. He has become suspicious of me and has deliberately observed me for a long time."

   "I have to stay away from him these days! Even if my meta-mystery method is so wonderful that it is almost impossible to be discovered, I have to be careful."

   "After all, I sneaked into the Great Sky Sect alone, and I must make careful preparations before I can reunite with the high priest inside and outside, and break the seal formation in one fell swoop!"

   After whispering for a while, Princess Blood Moon made up his mind and determined the next plan, and then got into Shulan's forehead.


   Five days passed quickly.

   For these five days, Ji Tianxing has been practicing in closed rooms.

  After five days of hard cultivation, he finally tempered the third acupoint.

   His strength has improved a bit, and he is not far from the Second Layer of Tong Xuan Realm.

   In the past few days, the sky has been calm and there is no news.

After    left the customs, Ji Tianxing went to the Baiyun Temple and asked Yun Yao about the news and progress of the Longshan Tomb.

   The elders of Qingtianzong have been to Longshan to investigate for seven or eight days.

   When he wants to come, things should have some eyebrows.

   However, when he asked Yun Yao, he learned that there is currently no progress in Longshan Tomb.

   The Tianyuan array guarding the ancient tomb is too unpredictable.

   The elders of the Great Sky School have been studying for seven or eight days day and night, but they have not been able to find out why, they are still at a loss.

   The only thing they can be sure of is that the Tianyuan Array is ingenious and extraordinary. It has existed for thousands of years and is still intact.

   Ji Tianxing was a little surprised when he heard the news, but he was more curious and confused.

   He became more and more interested in that thousand-year-old tomb, and wanted to see what secrets were hidden in the tomb after the Tianyuan Great Array was cracked.

   It is a pity that his strength is low now, and he can't help much. He can only wait patiently for news in Fengyun Academy.

   Xuan Xuan hadn't come to him in the past few days. He guessed that Xuan Xuan should be with that Shulan.

   Thinking of Shulan's figure and breath, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

   However, since he had never met Shulan before, he could not arbitrarily conclude that she had a problem based on his instinct.

   Shulan is Xuan Xuan's good sister after all, if he entangles and observes again, it will definitely arouse Xuan Xuan and Shulan's resentment.

   In this way, he can only ignore the matter and don't think too much.

   In the middle of the night, he was practicing in the secret room.

   Suddenly, the sound of the sword soul buried in the sky rang in his mind.

   "Boy, I have something to tell you."

   Suddenly heard the voice of Funeral, Ji Tianxing was overjoyed and quickly ended his practice.

   His consciousness entered the tomb of the sword god, condensed into a translucent human form, and quickly flew over the wasteland to under the sword monument.

   He looked up at the towering sword monument, and asked loudly: "Fangtian, have you finally remembered?"

From the huge pitch black sword stele, the voice of the soul of the sword buried in the sky: "Yes, the ancient tomb and Tianyuan array you mentioned before reminds me of a past thousand years ago~www.ltnovel.com~ The sword **** passed by the ancient star realm and stayed here for a while. By chance, he took in a ill-fated young man."

   "The boy had a predestined relationship with the sword god, so the sword **** took him with him, pointed him for a few days, and gave him a secret book of formation."

   "A dozen years after the Sword God left the ancient star realm, he had heard the news of that young man."

   "At that time, that young man had become one of the top Tianyuan powerhouses in Ancient Stars, and he was also a great master who was proficient in formation, and he was famous."

   Hearing this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help being refreshed and somewhat delighted.

   "So, the thousand-year-old tomb deep in the Longshan Mountain is very likely to be related to that young man?"

   "He arranged the Tianyuan Great Formation? Or, is he the strong man buried in the thousand-year-old tomb?"

   Sword Soul Burial Sky pondered for a moment, then said in a low tone: "No, what I just said is just a past event related to the ancient star realm a thousand years ago."

   "I can't determine whether that past event is related to the thousand-year-old tomb at the bottom of Longshan."

   "Boy, if you want to confirm this, you have to go to Longshan again."

   "I have to personally observe the Tianyuan Great Formation and the ancient tomb before I can determine whether the two are related."

   To its request, Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed without hesitation.

   "Okay, then I will go to Longshan Ancient Tomb early tomorrow morning and let you personally check the large formation."

? ? Today is Chapter 5, and there are two chapters at 1 PM and 20 PM. Continue to ask for recommendation tickets and rewards!



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