Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 215: Nothing to do

  The smell of medicine overflows in the Danfang.

   Xiang Wuji, dressed in a purple robe, was staring at the bronze pill furnace in front of him, waved his hand to hit the majestic true essence, and adjusted the real fire in the pill furnace.

   After a while, he stopped to take his work, with a gratified smile on his face.

   "This furnace spirit pill will soon be completed."

   He whispered a word, turned around and walked to the corner of the wall, lying on the wicker chair comfortably.

   Then, he took out the green wine gourd from the space ring, and raised his head to drink.

   At this moment, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, there are two small heads at the door, looking into the altar with their heads.

   Seeing this scene, Xiang Wuji suddenly smiled, and said angrily: "You two little guys, you are here, what are you doing in hiding?"

   Qianyue and Xiao Heilong smiled joyfully when they heard this, and quickly flew into the pill room and came to Xiang Wuji.

   "Senior, we come to visit you!" The little black dragon stared at Xiang Wuji in a serious way.

   Qianyue stretched out his front paws, made a polite gesture, and said with a smile: "Senior, I haven't seen you for so long, we all want to die of you."

   After finishing speaking, it also squeezed the little black dragon next to it and winked at it.

   The little black dragon was taken aback for a while before he realized it, and quickly nodded in agreement, and said with a serious expression: "Yes, we want to kill you."

   grinned towards Wuji, showing a teasing smile, glanced at them both.

   "Hehe, don't you come to this one. I don't know how careful you are? Do you want the old man, or the old man's panacea."

   Little Black Dragon said without hesitation: "I want it all!"

   Qianyue glared at it angrily, and quickly explained to Wuji with a smile: "Senior, of course we miss you!"

   "When we were in the Tai'an Palace, you took good care of us and gave us so many spiritual fruits and elixirs. We have always kept it in our hearts and are grateful to you."

   said that, its eyes had already drifted away.

   Seeing the bronze pill furnace in the pill room, and smelling the fragrance of pill medicine emerging from it, it couldn't help swallowing.

   Xiang Wuji took the wine gourd and took a sip of wine, and said slowly: "Since you are so grateful to the old man, why don't you go to work for the old man?"

   "Little Black Dragon, you go to the wood shed to chop wood. You must fill the wood shed before it gets dark."

   "Little fox, you go and fetch water for the old man. Today, you must pick a full 36 tank of water."

   The little black dragon was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Qian Yue, revealing a questioning look.

   Qianyue's eyeballs rolled around, and quickly said with a smile: "Senior, you are joking. A strong Tianyuan like you, with unpredictable strength and vast supernatural powers..."

   "You can burn the mountains with your finger, and you can flood the Seventh Army with a wave of your hand. Where does it take us to carry water and chop wood."

   "I think you have worked hard to refine alchemy, so why don't I give you a back beat!"

   After all, without waiting for Xiang Wuji to refuse, it waved a pair of small paws and beat Xiang Wuji **** the back.

   Seeing that the little black dragon was still floating in the air in a daze, it quickly winked at the little black dragon and motioned it to give Xiang Wuji a kick.

   The little black dragon stunned for a moment before reacting, and quickly stretched out a pair of cold flashing dragon claws and patted it towards Wuji's legs.

   Xiang Wuji frowned immediately, and cursed angrily: "You two little bastards! Nothing to do, what do you want to do?"

   The little black dragon quickly retracted his claws in fright, and stared at Xiang Wuji blankly, not knowing what to say.

   Qianyue continued to help him beat his back, and said in a grieved voice: "Senior, you don't know, since we left Tai'an Palace, we have not had enough to eat or wear warm..."

   "Uh, I can't get enough to sleep well! Senior, we miss you very much and miss the days in Tai'an Palace!"

   As he talked, there was a layer of mist in its big clear eyes.

   It looked like weeping, and it looked at Xiang Wuji with extremely sincere eyes, looking extremely pitiful and sad.

   Xiang Wuji couldn't help rolling his eyes, "So, that kid Ji Tianxing abused you?"

   Qianyue hesitated and said nothing, but the little black dragon nodded blankly.

   Xiang Wuji glared at the little black dragon, then knocked on Qianyue’s forehead, and cursed angrily: "You two bastards, don't play tricks with the old man."

   "Forget it, the old man doesn't bother to care about you, look at how pitiful you look..."

   Before he finished speaking, Qian Yue burst into laughter, and said happily, "Thank you, senior, I know senior is the best!"

   At this time, the water mist in its eyes has long since disappeared. How can there be any aggrieved and pathetic appearance?

   Xiang Wuji shook his head quite speechlessly, took out a dozen spirit fruits and spirit pills from the space ring and placed them on the table next to them.

   "Okay, stop acting, eat quickly."

   Little Black Dragon and Qian Yue both let out a cheer of joy, and hurriedly flew to the table to devour the spirit fruit and the spirit pill.

   Xiang Wuji looked at the two of them full of joy, couldn't help showing a smile, and continued to drink with the green gourd.

   During this time, Ji Tianxing's cultivation resources are not many, and naturally there is no extra spirit pill and spirit fruit for Qianyue and Little Black Dragon.

   The two of them can only absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and slowly recover their strength, they are already full of anxiety.

   Now that I can have a full meal, these spirit pills and spirit fruits are enough to refine them for ten and a half days.

   In less than half an hour, Qianyue and Little Black Dragon ate all the spirit pills and spirit fruits on the table.

   They both thanked Wuji, and left the alchemy with satisfaction~www.ltnovel.com~ They both flew back to Ji Tianxing's side, and both fell asleep in the treasure bag, refining the power of the spirit pill and the spirit fruit.

   After Ji Tianxing cleaned the room, he went to the alchemy room to find Xiang Wuji and asked questions about his practice.

   After receiving Xiang Wuji's guidance, he suddenly started to understand the key to the problem.

   Unknowingly, one afternoon passed.

   When the sunset went down, Ji Tianxing left Tai'an Palace and returned to Fengyunyuan.


   In a splendid palace, in a quiet courtyard.

   Xuan Xuan walked into the yard with Shulan and said with a smile: "Shu Lan, you haven't visited me for half a year, so let's stay a few more days this time."

   Shulan smiled, nodded and said: "That's natural. Our two sisters can get together for a few more days."

   Xuan Xuan pointed to the quiet courtyard and smiled and said: "Shu Lan, then you will live in this small courtyard these few days."

   "This small courtyard is dedicated to hospitality. It is basically unoccupied on weekdays. You will not be disturbed if you live here."

   Upon hearing these words, Shulan suddenly smiled, and nodded again and again: "It's so good, but sister Xuan Xuan is thoughtful."

   "Well, then you can rest earlier, I will come to see you tomorrow." Xuan Xuan waved goodbye, turned and walked out of the yard.

   Shulan kept smiling. After watching Xuan Xuan leave, she suddenly reduced her smile and her face became gloomy.


   The mixed-race female anchor forgot to turn off the camera after the live broadcast. The life video was exposed! Please follow the WeChat public account to watch online: meinvmei222!!  

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