Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 213: 1 letter

Sect Master Tianjian frowned when he heard it, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "This disciple was recruited from Yong'an Domain. It has only been two months since he started, and he doesn't have much loyalty to the school. How can he know the secret of Longshan?"

   "Elder Tang, Ran Donglai disappeared on the second day of the Big Bi. Why did you report this matter until today?"

   Elder Tang was enveloped by the fierce aura of the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, he immediately lowered his head in fear and explained quickly.

   "Sovereign, please calm down!"

   "The disappearance of a newly enrolled outer disciple is not a big deal. The lord has been busy these days, so his subordinates dare not disturb."

   "Since the subordinates learned of Ran Donglai's disappearance, they sent people to search and investigate. There has been no news and results in the past few days, and the subordinates cannot explain to you the suzerain..."

   Heavenly Sword Sect Master twisted his brows together, waved his hand impatiently, and shouted in a low voice: "Nothing! Now that something has happened, it's useless to talk about it!"

   "Elder Tang, I have ordered you to personally lead people to investigate this matter, and you will definitely find Ran Donglai back. You will see people or corpses in your life!"

   Elder Tang hurriedly bowed and bowed, clasped his fists to take orders, "Subordinates obey!"

   Tianjian Sect Master’s anger diminished a little, and he looked at Huangfu Keqing beside him.

   "Huangfu Keqing, the Nine Dragon Spiritual Vessels of Qingtianzong, how are you deducing?"

   Huangfu Keqing nodded, and said with a calm expression: "Sect Master Qi, already has some eyebrows."

   "However, when Deacon Qi spent a few days exploring the Great Heaven Sect, the spiritual vein pattern and topography he found were still a bit superficial, just superficial information."

   "Based on the clues investigated by Deacon Qi, the subordinates preliminarily deduced the pattern of the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessel, but the most critical details are still missing."

   At this point, he sighed with regret.

   "Hey... if there is a chance to let your subordinates enter the Great Heaven Sect and observe the Nine Dragon Spirit Veins personally, the subordinates will definitely be able to present a detailed map for the sovereign."

Sect Master    Sky Sword Sect Master narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed under his eyes, and said in a low tone: "Qing Tianzong has taken precautions against the main school. This idea of ​​Huangfu Keqing may be difficult to realize."

   "However, destroying the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessels of the Great Sky School is a major event, and we still have to plan slowly. This seat is not in a hurry."

   "Huangfu Keqing, you are the Great Master of the Formation Dao, this will trouble you, and I would like to ask you to investigate the clues and try your best to perfect the Nine Dragon Spiritual Vessels."

   "After this seat destroys the Nine Dragon Spirit Vessels and destroys the thousand-year foundation of the Great Heaven Sect, this gate will be able to secure its position as the first major sect and replace the Great Heaven Sect to control the Tianchen Domain!"

   "Wait until that time, this seat is set to be Huangfu Keqing's first record!"

   Huangfu Keqing showed a smile and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute, flatteringly said: "It is an honor for the subordinate to contribute a modest effort to the supreme master's dominance!"

   "Sect Master is so far-sighted and far-sighted, he will be able to destroy the Great Heaven Sect and dominate the Tianchen Domain soon!"

   Of course everyone understands that Huangfu Keqing is sloppy.

   His flattery hit the heart of the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, which made the Heavenly Sword Sect Master happy and his anger dissipated.

   Next, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master asked about some things about the sect, and announced the end of the assembly, and let the elders execute their orders.


   Two days passed in a flash.

   For these two days, Ji Tianxing has been practicing in a closed room.

   After more than 20 hours of hard work, with the help of the elixir, he successfully tempered another acupuncture point.

   Although this achievement is not big, it can't allow him to significantly improve his strength, but it also makes him happy.

   "In just a few days, I successfully tempered two acupuncture points, this speed should be very fast."

   "When I finish refining the eight orifice points of the first meridian, I will be able to advance to the second level of the Tongxuan Realm!"

   After finishing his practice, Ji Tian walked out of the secret room.

   He left the room, ready to go to the Tai'an Palace.

   However, as soon as he walked into the yard, he ran into the deacon Du Wu.

   Seeing him, Du Wu seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly waved and shouted.

   "Ji Tianxing! I just met you, I have something to give you."

   A hint of doubt flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes, he quickly walked up to Du Wu, saluted and asked, "Deacon Du, what is it?"

   Du Wu took out a letter from the space ring, handed it to him, and explained: "Here is a letter, sent to you by someone in the secular kingdom."

   "This letter was delivered to this seat yesterday, and this seat learned that you are practicing in retreat, so I will keep it for you temporarily."

   Ji Tianxing took the envelope, thanked Du Wu, and turned back to the room.

   "A letter from the secular kingdom? My father should have sent it?"

   He whispered a word, and with a glimmer of expectation, he opened the fire-lacquered envelope.

   The handwriting on the letter is neat and majestic, with a thousand words eloquently spilled, and he recognized at a glance that it was the handwriting of his father Ji Changkong.

   I saw the letter saying: "My son is going to heaven, since you left, I have missed my father very much, and worried that you will not be able to adapt to the rules of the sect of Qingtianzong..."

   "For my father, I know that you are thoughtful and prudent. But the world of martial arts is complicated ~www.ltnovel.com~ People's hearts are unpredictable, so you have to be more vigilant. You must not be harmful, and you must be defensive."

   "For the father's injury, most of the injuries have been recovered, and there is no problem for the time being, you don't need to worry. The Ji family industry is also gradually recovering, and it will be back to the original within six months..."

   "Half a month ago, the people from Jianyingtang captured Ji Hao who had fled in Yokogawa, and they have taken him back to Ji's house."

   "Reading for the father is that his father has given him the head, and he is also a descendant of the Ji family, and he has not been executed. For his father, he was imprisoned in the dungeon, and he was placed under house arrest for life, thinking about it."

   Ji Tianxing sat at the desk, holding the letter and reading it carefully.

   Knowing that Ji's situation has stabilized and that his father's injury is not serious, there is a smile on his face.

   He continued to look down and saw the letter written: "Not long ago, the news that Ji Ling was killed has been sent back to Qingyun Imperial City."

   "The royal family and several major families have learned the news, but the royal family was not angry about it, nor did it respond."

   "I have secretly inquired about for my father's trustee, the emperor meant that Ji Ling was killed within the Dynastic Sect. It is inconvenient for the royal family to intervene and intervene. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the royal family's revenge."

   "After Ji Ling's death, the Ling family lost this backing, and they have calmed down, they have converged a lot, and no longer take action against our Ji family."

   "However, my father can feel that the Ling family is only superficially calm. My father has investigated that Ling Sihai, the head of the Ling family, left the imperial city half a month ago and has nowhere to go."

   "Tian Xing, although you are in the Great Heaven Sect, you should be safe. But for the father, I still hope you be careful not to make any accidents..."

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