Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 212: Conspiracy of the Sky Sword Sect

   Ji Tianxing told Sword Soul Funeral Sky about the details of the Tianyuan Great Formation.

   After listening to the Sword Soul Funeral, he pondered for a moment before saying in a low tone: "Boy, I have to think about this big formation."

After    said it, there was no sound.

   Ji Tianxing didn't know if it was asleep or lost in thought.

   He waited for a quarter of an hour, but the Soul of Sword Burial did not speak, so he had to leave the Tomb of the Sword God temporarily.

   After the consciousness returned to the body, he entered the secret room and began to practice exercises.

   Before, he had obtained a lot of resources such as pill and spirit fruit, which can help him quickly temper the acupuncture points.

   One night passed quickly.

   Early the next morning, Ji Tianxing left Fengyunyuan and hurried to Baiyun Temple to find Yun Yao.

   When he saw Yun Yao, Yun Yao was sitting on the roof of the Baiyun Temple, sitting cross-legged on the highest stone platform.

   The stone platform is a thousand-year-old jade that can assist martial artists in their cultivation, gather the spiritual energy of the world, and make people clear and clear. It is a valuable treasure.

   Yun Yao, dressed in a long white dress, sits on the jade platform, meditating with her eyes closed.

   She is bathed in the clouds and mist on the mountain top in the morning, facing the rising sun in the east, she looks like a fairy in the nine worlds.

   Ji Tianxing jumped from the corridor on the third floor of the palace, jumped onto the roof, and stood a few steps behind Yun Yao.

   Yunyao didn't need to look back, and knew that he was here, so she ended her Yungong practice, and asked calmly, "Junior Brother Tianxing, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

   Ji Tianxing arched his hands and said with a smile: "Sister, excuse me."

   "I came to you to ask about that ancient tomb."

   Yunyao is still sitting on the jade platform, with her back facing him, facing the sea of ​​clouds and the rising sun in the east, and replied: "I have reported the news to the master teacher last night."

   "Master sent five elders to Longshan overnight to investigate the Tianyuan formation and the ancient tomb."

   "Several elders are stationed at Longshan, studying the large formation day and night, I believe there will be results in the near future, and we no longer need to worry about this matter."

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "That's good! There are several elders stationed in Longshan, even if the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect have any conspiracy, it is difficult to display."

   "However, big sister, I thought about it for a long time last night, and I always find this matter a bit weird."

   "I carefully recalled the process of our discovery of the ancient tomb yesterday. I think the demons appeared very strange, like deliberately leading us to the edge of a cliff, leading us to discover the ancient tomb..."

   Yunyao nodded slightly, agreeing: "Yes, I also thought about this problem."

   "However, I did not detect the aura left by the demons under the cliff and near the ancient tomb."

   "So, the people of the demons did not go down to the bottom of the cliff, and probably did not find the ancient tomb."

   "As for why the Demon Race kidnapped the handyman disciple and two deacons, and why did they ambush us and attack us... The head has sent someone to investigate the matter thoroughly, and the truth may be revealed soon."

   After listening, Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded and said: "That's all right, then I won't bother the master sister's practice."

   After that, he bowed his hand to Yunyao, and then turned to leave.

   Before leaving, he did not forget to add a sentence, and said: "Of course, if there is any news about the Longshan Tomb, I hope the master sister can tell me."

   "Definitely!" Yun Yao nodded and agreed.

   Ji Tianxing was relieved and left the White Cloud Palace.


   In the Heavenly Sword Sect.

  The main peak of the mountain gate is called Shenjian Peak, and there is a magnificent, magnificent palace on the top of the mountain called Shenjian Palace.

   This is not only the residence of the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, but also the place where the elders discuss matters on weekdays.

  The rule of the Heavenly Sword Sect is that on the fifth day of every month, the overlord will summon the elders to discuss matters in the Excalibur Palace.

   Coincidentally, today is the day of discussion, and the elders of the various halls have entered the Excalibur Palace long ago and waited patiently.

   Nine elders in purple robes stood in two rows on both sides of the main hall.

   Everyone talked in a low voice, their expressions a bit solemn and righteous.

   Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, thin like a bamboo pole, and aura like a sword, walked into the hall.

   Although this person is not good-looking, he has the aura of a strong Tianyuan and exudes a fierce and domineering temperament.

   When the nine elders saw this person, they immediately stopped talking, bowed and saluted together: "See Sovereign!"

   There is no doubt that this person is the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword, the top three powerhouses in the Star Ancient Realm.

   Behind the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, followed by an old man with white eyebrows wearing a yellow robe and goatee.

   Although this person has dark skin, five short stature, and a big belly, he wants to pretend to be an immortal, superior person.

   The nine elders had mixed opinions on this person, but on the surface they did not dare to be disrespectful, and they all bowed their hands.

   "I have seen Huangfu Keqing!"

   This person has the surname Huangfu, his real name is unknown, and he is temporarily the elder Keqing of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   Although he has the same position as the nine elders, he is deeply trusted and relied on by the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, and his status in the Sky Sword Sect is extremely high, second only to the Sect Master.

   Heavenly Sword Sect Master walked to the first place and sat down, and Huangfu Keqing stood still beside him.

   "Elders, today's council, this seat will discuss a major matter with you."

   The Heavenly Sword Sect Master looked at the people with a solemn expression, and said with a solemn and low tone: "I believe everyone has learned the news. Yesterday the people of Qingtianzong discovered the ancient tomb at the bottom of Longshan."

   "Of course, this will happen sooner or later. From the day when I lost the Dragon Mountain Competition and returned Longshan to the Great Sky School, it was destined that the Great Sky School would find the ancient tomb."

   Mentioned the failure of Longshan Grand Competition, the outer door Elder Tang showed a face of shame and was very disturbed.

   Fortunately, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master did not delve into it, and went on to say: "Qing Tianzong has occupied Longshan for so many years, and has not been able to find the ancient tomb deep underground."

   "The main gate occupied Longshan for only three years, and then found the underground tomb~www.ltnovel.com~What does this mean?"

   "The main gate is the destiny of heaven. There is a large group protected by martial arts. That thousand-year-old tomb should be owned by this gate!"

   Hearing this sentence, several elders nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement.

   Heavenly Sword Sect Master continued: "The people of Qingtianzong are already investigating the ancient tomb. It is impossible for this door to fight them."

   "Furthermore, I have worked hard with Huangfu Keqing for several months, but they have not been able to crack the big formation of the tomb. Perhaps only the people of the Great Sky School can crack the big formation."

   "In this case, this seat appointed three elders to secretly stare at the movement of the tomb."

   "Wait until the Great Sky School has cracked the tomb formation, this door can take the opportunity to act and **** the tomb!"

   After all, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master named the three elders and asked them to go to Longshan after the council was over and stare at the tomb in secret.

  The elder of the Commandment Hall frowned for a moment, and asked, "Sovereign, that ancient tomb is located deep in the Longshan area and is very hidden."

  "Qing Tianzong took over Longshan for a few days, how could he discover the tomb so quickly? Is there something strange in this?"

  The Heavenly Sword Sect Master nodded slightly, and said with a solemn expression: "It's really strange! This seat suspects that someone in this door has leaked the news of the ancient tomb!"

   Upon hearing these words, the expressions of the elders changed and they started talking in a low voice.

   Among the major sects, traitors are the most taboo. Once discovered, they are basically punished with death.

   Outer door elder Tang hesitated for a moment before he gave a report: "Sect Master Qi, Outer Sect disciple Ran Donglai, disappeared for no reason on the second day after the Longshan Competition ended." Install wanbenheji!!  

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