Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 201: This is just the beginning

In the vast mountain range thousands of miles away from Longshan, there is a desolate and silent peak.

   Inside the mountain peak is the magic cave. Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others broke into this place.

   Inside the magic cave, in a dark and icy secret room.

   Blood Moon Princess and the high priest stand indoors, their eyes fixed on a mirror on the wall.

   It is a two-meter-high oval mirror, the whole body is made of blood-red crystal, which contains the magical formation and magic.

   This is a powerful magic weapon of the demons. Like the smoke umbrella of the high priest, it is a treasure of the Tianyuan level.

   A slightly blurred picture appeared in the mirror, showing the scene of Wanglongtai.

   The Dragon Mountain Competition has ended, and the Blood Moon Princess and the High Priest also watched for more than an hour.

   The two watched the entire Longshan Competition and witnessed the scene of Ji Tianxing defeating Hang Chen.

   Both of them were silent and did not speak, their eyes flashed with a thick cold light, which made the indoor temperature even colder.

   After a long time, the high priest spoke with a hoarse voice: "From the perspective of this seat, the previous Dragon Mountain Competition is just a small fight between the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Great Sky Sect."

   "This time, the boy Ji Tianxing participated in the Longshan Grand Competition, and it really made the Grand Competition very exciting!"

   "Hehe, you can see that kid's strength and hole cards. It's worthwhile for this seat to consume more than a dozen spirit stones to activate the magic mirror!"

   Princess Blood Moon said in a deep voice: "High Priest, you have long guessed that the kid has an extraordinary talent and will surely become our confidant in the future, so you pay attention to him so much, right?"

   The high priest nodded, and said in a low tone: "Yes! That kid is indeed weird!"

   "In just one month, he actually reached the Tongxuan Realm, and he could defeat the five-level masters of the Tongxuan Realm. It is incredible!"

   Princess Blood Moon frowned, and whispered: "At the beginning, you detected the breath of Sky Star Pearl in his body."

   "It seems that his aptitude is so enchanting, and he probably has something to do with the Sky Star Pearl!"

   "I only hate that I didn't kill him in the first place and made him grow up to this point! If you give him a few more years, I'm afraid he can grow up to the point where he can grow up to my shoulder!"

   The high priest showed a sneer, and said coldly: "So what? We only need to keep an eye on him, and we can get clues and whereabouts of the Sky Star Orb through him!"

   "That's good." Princess Blood Moon nodded, and said in a harsh tone: "For the revival of the Sky Star Bead and my clan, let him live a few more days."

   The high priest was silent, frowned and thought for a while, then talked about another topic.

   "Longshan is just an ordinary treasure, not even this seat. In the ancient territory of the stars, this kind of spiritual treasure is everywhere, everywhere."

   "Now Longshan has been arbitrarily excavated by the Heavenly Sword Sect, and it is almost hollowed out."

   "How can the two most powerful sects in the ancient stars compete so fiercely with this spirit vein that is about to be abandoned?"

   "Especially the Heavenly Sword Sect, it seems that the Dragon Mountain competition is bound to win. Is a hollowed out mountain worthy of such unscrupulous competition?"

   Upon hearing this, Princess Blood Moon frowned and wondered.

   After a while, she tentatively asked: "High Priest, then you mean, what secrets and treasures may be hidden in Longshan that make the Heavenly Sword Sect be so unhappy?"

   "That's right! This seat has this suspicion." The high priest's face was solemn, and his eyes shone with scorching light.

   "But this is just our guess, what the reason is, we still need to investigate before we know!"

   He thought for a while, and then said to Blood Moon, "Princess, you personally take people to the Heavenly Sword Sect. It's best to catch a disciple who participated in the competition."

   "At that time, I will have a good interrogation to see what the Heavenly Sword Sect wants to do!"

   "Okay, I'll go right away."

   Princess Blood Moon bowed his hand, turned and left the secret room, and went to perform the task.


   After returning to Qingtianzong, Chu Huaishan drove the beast and bird and landed outside the gate of Fengyunyuan.

   He saw that Ji Tianxing was very weak and suffered serious injuries, so he asked Ji Tianxing to return to Fengyun Hospital for treatment first.

   "Ji Tianxing, you should go back to Fengyun Academy for convalescence first."

   "This time you made a great contribution to this sect, I will go to the head in a moment and ask for your contributions!"

   "I believe that after you have recuperated, the head will definitely reward you personally!"

   Ji Tianxing smiled slightly, bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Elder Chu, the disciple retired."

   After he bid farewell to Chu Huaishan, he returned to Fengyun Academy.

   Back in the room, he quickly took out the medicine powder and white cloth from the treasure bag to treat the wound on his body.

   Others only know that he defeated Hang Chen in public and created a miracle, but they don't know how much effort he put in to create this miracle.

   In order to defeat Hang Chen, he did his best, using almost all his abilities and hole cards.

   Before the competition started, he had learned about Hang Chen's details.

   He knew that Hang Chen's martial arts was powerful, but his formation talent was dull, so he used sword formations in the fight.

   But even so, he still couldn't beat Hang Chen, and was injured by Hang Chen, leaving several hideous wounds on his body.

   In the end, he was forced to use the hole card of Sword Tire to completely defeat Hang Chen.

   Hang Chen was severely injured and unconscious, and his injuries were very miserable.

   But Ji Tianxing is not easy ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After using the sword fetus, he has consumed 80% of the true yuan, and his strength has been extremely weak.

   Even the sword fetus has become bleak, no longer showing sharp edges, and he is also badly injured.

   Fortunately, everything is over.

   He won back Longshan for the Great Sky School, and he is bound to be cultivated by the sect.

   Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing's pale face also showed a smile.

   "There is no honor or treatment. I can get it for nothing. I need to fight for it by myself!"

   "Only when I am getting stronger and stronger and show my value to the sect, can I get the respect of the sect."

   "Fortunately, I succeeded! Now I can see the moonlight and I can finally practice peace of mind and continue to improve my strength."

   whispered a few words in a low voice, Ji Tianxing only started to heal his injuries and restore his weak physical strength and true essence.

   Unconsciously, one day passed.

   In the early morning of the next day, Ji Tianxing's injuries were no longer serious, and his face returned to normal.

   Next, he still needs to medicate for half a month before he can return to his peak state.

   At this time, the news of Longshan Competition's victory had already spread in the Great Sky School.

   Not only the outer disciples, but also the inner disciples, many deacons and elders, all learned about the victory of Taibi.

  The disciples of Fengyun Academy also publicized the process of the big competition, and described the battle of Ji Tianxing against Hang Chen, which was wonderful, ups and downs, and very exciting.

   Soon, the peak decisive battle between Ji Tianxing and Hang Chen spread through the Qingtian Sect, causing shock and discussion among countless disciples.

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