Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 200: A true glory

The crowd on Wanglongtai hasn't calmed down after a long time.

   The people of the Heavenly Sword Sect were both grief and humiliation, and Elder Tang had no face to go on stage and announce the result of the fight.

   In the end, it was Chu Huaishan who walked into the court and announced the final result in a loud voice.

   "In the third match, the Skymaster wins!"

   After all, he looked at the two elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect with a smile on his face, and said loudly: "This seat announces that this time the Dragon Mountain Competition, Qingtianzong won two games in three games and won the Grand Competition!"

   "From now on, Longshan belongs to my Sky High School!"

   "According to the regulations, the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect must evacuate Longshan within two days!"

   As his voice fell, the disciples of Fengyun Academy let out another cheers with excitement.

   Everyone knows that the victory of this competition was hard-won, and it was beyond everyone's expectations.

   Ji Tianxing is worthy of being the first genius of Fengyun Academy. He created an incredible miracle in public and won the victory and honor for Qingtianzong!

   Although the disciples did not take the stage to participate in the war, they are brothers in the same sect as Ji Tianxing. They are on the same front and share the same honor and disgrace!

   Now that Ji Tianxing has won an incredible victory, several disciples are also proud of You Rongyan!

  The members of the Heavenly Sword Sect were all gloomy and silent.

   Those disciples were arrogant and proud before, but now they cry like dead parents.

   Elder Tang and the elders of the Discipline Hall were full of anger, but they could only hold back.

   Even after hearing the results announced by Chu Huaishan, the two had to bow their hands and said in a low voice, "Congratulations to Guizong for the victory!"

   "If I lose, I will definitely follow the rules and evacuate Longshan as soon as possible."

   The Heavenly Sword Sect had already lost embarrassingly enough, and the two elders definitely couldn't play tricks, it would only be even more embarrassing.

  They just want to leave Wanglongtai as soon as possible, so as not to be ridiculed by the people of Qingtianzong.

   At this point, this Longshan Competition is finally over.

   Ji Tianxing walked back to the crowd with an indifferent expression, and was surrounded by several Fengyunyuan disciples, like stars holding the moon.

   The deacon of the Heavenly Sword Sect hurriedly rushed to the field, took away Hang Chen, who was lying in a coma in the big pit, and quickly returned to the Heavenly Sword Sect.

   With Hang Chen's severe injuries, if not treated in time, his life would be endangered.

   After a while, the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect left Wanglongtai one after another.

   When the two elders and the deacons left, they didn't even say hello to the Great Sky School, obviously they were extremely angry and disappointed.

  The people of Qingtianzong were not in a hurry to leave, and they were still discussing on Wanglongtai for a long time.

  Han Qiaosheng walked to Ji Tianxing's side, smiled in relief and said, "Ji Tianxing, great!"

   "Today you did a miracle and defeated Hang Chen. You really gave us the face of Dean Fengyun!"

   "The battle between you and Hang Chen will inevitably spread throughout the ancient realm of stars and be known by the major sects!"

   After speaking, he looked at several disciples from Fengyun Academy.

   "Are you very envious of Ji Tianxing, and imagine that one day, like him, you will be able to contribute to this school and become famous in the ancient world of stars?"

   The disciples nodded one after another, showing their faces full of expectation and longing.

   Han Qiaosheng smiled and said earnestly: "I believe you have also seen that with Ji Tianxing's strength, he is not Hang Chen's opponent, but why can he defeat Hang Chen?"

   "It is because he is calm and wise, knowing that he can use his strengths and advantages to combine formation and martial arts, constantly weakening Hang Chen's strength, and finally defeating Hang Chen!"

   "In the previous two months, I often taught you to learn and use, read and think, study the alchemy and formations, which is also of great benefit to your martial arts."

   "You all saw it today. Ji Tianxing did just that, so he created a miracle and defeated Hang Chen!"

   "If you can also be like Ji Tianxing, I believe that one day you can also become true geniuses and become famous for you!"

  Han Qiaosheng's remarks immediately made all the disciples excited and applauded.

   Two months ago, when Han Qiaosheng spoke these words to them, they hadn't felt too deep.

   At this moment, Ji Tianxing’s performance proved this truth, and only then did the disciples truly understand and comprehend Han Qiaosheng’s intentions.

  Budo is the foundation of life and it is very important.

  Although Dan Dao and Formation Dao are supplementary learning, if they are thoroughly studied and used reasonably, they can also strengthen everyone's martial arts strength.

   Today’s battle between Ji Tianxing and Hang Chen also taught the disciples of Fengyun Academy a vivid lesson!

   Everyone's eyes were on Ji Tianxing, who regarded him as a great hero, a great hero, a top genius, and the pride of Fengyun Academy.

   And Lu Mingyang stood in the crowd, completely forgotten by everyone.

   No one paid attention to him, and no one blamed him. Everyone ignored him.

   He looked at Ji Tianxing silently, his heart was full of unwillingness and jealousy, his face was very ugly.

   But he saw with his own eyes how Ji Tianxing defeated Hang Chen, and he admired Ji Tianxing's strength.

   He has to admit that Ji Tianxing is indeed a genius with courage and strategy, and he is qualified to receive such an honor.

   Regardless of courage, resourcefulness and strength, Ji Tianxing can crush him. What qualifications does he have to be dissatisfied with Ji Tianxing?

   After a long time, everyone calmed down.

   Han Qiaosheng and Du Wu took the nine disciples down the mountain and rode the wind-driving horses back to Qingtianzong.

   Ji Tianxing was treated specially ~www.ltnovel.com~ and got the treatment only by the hero.

   Chu Huaishan took him on the giant bird of the beast, soaring in the sky to fly to the Great Sky School.


   In Qingtianzong, in the palace where the head of Chu Tiansheng lives.

   He is sitting cross-legged in the secret room, with an old bronze chess board in front of him.

   Although there are criss-crossing lines on the chessboard, there is no chess piece, but a certain pattern of formation.

   There was white light on the chessboard, condensed into a white light curtain, like a mirror.

   The picture that appears in the mirror is the Wanglongtai on the top of Longshan Mountain.

   This bronze chessboard is called Yuetian Pan. Like the Heavenly Fate Star Chart, it is a powerful magic weapon of the Tianyuan level and one of the many secret treasures of the Great Sky School.

   Chu Tiansheng was sitting in the secret room, and through this reading sky disk, he was always paying attention to Wanglongtai, hundreds of miles away, and seeing the situation of Longshan Dabi.

   Now, the Longshan Competition has ended, and both factions have left.

   Chu Tiansheng frowned and thought for a moment before he showed a gratified smile on his face and put the reading plate away.

   "Hehe, Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing, this constellation did not misunderstand you, you are indeed the person shown in the destiny chart!"

   "Your resourcefulness and talents are comparable to Yun Yao. As long as this seat continues to cultivate you in secret, sooner or later you will become a genius with the same reputation as Yun Yao!"

   "It is fortunate that this sect can get Yun Yao this genius, and now there is one more Ji Tianxing! God bless me in the sky!"

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