Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 154: Escape from the dead?

   Yunyao cut out a few sword beams, and immediately killed two demons in the Profound Realm.

   The corpses of the two demon men fell in a pool of blood, blocking the door of the secret room.

   Ji Tianxing kicked the two bodies away, and hurriedly followed Yun Yao out of the secret room.

   However, the demons in the stronghold have been alarmed, and bursts of anger continued to sound in the cave.

   When Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing rushed out of the stone gate and entered the empty cave, more than a dozen demons rushed over with murderous aura and surrounded the three.

   These demon guards have the strength of the Profound Realm, and they are all burly and sturdy like black bears, exuding a brutal and cruel killing aura.

   Their swords and weapons are also different from the human race. They are all very thick and huge heavy weapons, and only warriors with amazing arms can use them.

  Of course, the demon guards use this heavy weapon, and the lethality is also very powerful.

   A warrior like Ji Tianxing in the real yuan realm will be chopped into meat sauce with just one knife.

   There are a total of sixteen demon guards. After surrounding the three people, they roared and shouted the words of the demon.

   Soon, they wielded long swords and broad swords, chopped out purple sword lights, and launched a siege on the three of them.

   Yunyao dignified and shouted: "Don't love to fight, break through with all your strength, and escape from here as soon as possible!"

   Bai Wuchen squeezed the sword tightly, and shouted coldly, "Understood!"

   The next moment, the fight broke out instantly.

   More than a dozen powerful and violent sword lights, Qi Qi slashed towards the vitality of the three.

   The energy carried by the sword light and sword light actually blew a gust of wind in the empty cave.

   The strength of Yunyao and Bai Wuchen obviously surpassed these demon guards.

   The two wielded their swords with all their strength, continuously cutting out dazzling sword lights, wounding or beheading the surrounding demon guards, no one can stop them.

   However, there are too many demon guards, and they are cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and are not afraid of death.

   Even though the two injured six demons and killed four, they still couldn't break through in a short time.

   But Ji Tianxing's situation is much more dangerous. He would never dare to head-on with the demon guards like Yun Yao and Bai Wuchen.

   He can only hold the Black Dragon Sword tightly, and keep retreating to avoid the fierce attacks of the demon guards, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

   At this moment, a demon guard slashed at him with a knife, and was dodged by him in a thrilling manner.

   Yunyao hurriedly came to help him get out of trouble, stabbed the demon guard with a sword and forced him back.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Tianxing decisively drew his sword out of its sheath, slashing at the demon guard with his full strength.


   The black dragon sword turned into a three-meter-long snow-white sword light, which instantly smashed the demon guard's head.

   only heard a crisp sound of "click", the demon guard was cut in half by the black dragon sword on the spot, and there was no whole body!

   The dark purple blood splashed out and fell on the ground, suddenly filling the cave with a thick **** atmosphere.

   The dazzling snow-white sword light illuminates the gloomy cave and clearly reflects the surprise on Bai Wuchen's face.

  Bai Wuchen couldn't believe it, Ji Tianxing, who was in the real original realm, had the courage to counterattack and killed the demon guard in the Tongxuan realm with a single sword!

   This is incredible!

   Yunyao seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, so she was not surprised.

   Seeing that Bai Wuchen was a little dazed, she drank in a low voice, "Junior Brother Bai, quickly break through!"

  Bai Wuchen recovered his senses, and hurriedly used his kendo skills, pierced thirty-six sword lights with one sword, and pierced the two demon guards who were besieging him into sieves.

   Yunyao also swung his sword to kill two demon guards in seconds, and forced the surviving demon guards back.

   The three of them broke through the encirclement and rushed towards the entrance like a gust of wind.

   As long as they rush into the entrance on the edge of the cave, they can use their speed advantage to get rid of the chase of the demon guards, and successfully escape outside the cave.

   However, the three of them had just rushed to the entrance, and a dozen demon guards rushed out on the left and right sides.

   These demon guards were mad by the rage stimulated by the smell of blood in the cave.

   They knew that they could not beat Yunyao and Bai Wuchen, but they were still crazy, and they slaughtered them desperately.


   More than a dozen long swords burst out with light and sword lights, and slashed at Ji Yunyao and Ji Tianxing.

   The three of them were forced to fight back with their swords again.

   Yunyao dashed bravely in front, sweeping the intercepted Mozu guards.

   Behind the White Wuchen Palace, he wielded his sword and used marvelous swordsmanship to kill the demon guards one after another.

   Ji Tianxing's strength was the weakest, and he was protected by the two in the middle, following Yun Yao's steps to break out.

   But in fact, he didn't need the protection of Yun Yao and Bai Wuchen at all, and he was able to protect himself in this fierce battle.

   With his exquisite shadowless step, he flickered and moved extremely fast, always avoiding the attack of the demon guards.

   While avoiding the attack, he observed the situation with keen eyes, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

  Once he finds a good opportunity, he will make a decisive move, and use his full strength to use a stunning and stunning sword to instantly kill a demon guard.

   This battle lasted only a hundred breaths of time, and Ji Tianxing killed three demon guards one after another, which shocked Bai Wuchen even more.

   Yunyao and Bai Wuchen also beheaded eight demon guards, severely wounded the remaining guards, and forced them to retreat.

   The three of them finally broke through the encirclement, rushing into the entrance as they wished, and ran into the passage where they came.

   Despite the darkness in the passage~www.ltnovel.com~, Yunyao opened the road ahead, her sharp eyes could clearly see a radius of 50 meters.

   The three rushed extremely fast, and in just a quarter of an hour, they rushed out of the dark passage.

   "Wh! Wah! Wah!"

   The three finally rushed out of the dark cave and returned to the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

   Although it was already evening, the light in the jungle was dim.

   But seeing the blue sky and the golden sunset, the three of them still felt like seeing the sky again.

   "Huh!" Bai Wuchen let out a sigh of relief, swiping his sleeves to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and said with relief, "Finally escaped!"

   "Master sister, let's leave as soon as possible and go back to our lives!"

   He said subconsciously, he wanted to put away the sword.

   However, Yun Yao did not answer him, and even Ji Tianxing did not make a sound.

   Bai Wuchen looked up, only to find that Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing who were walking in front had stopped.

   In the jungle a hundred steps in front of them, two burly figures in black robes were standing.

The figure in the black robe on the left of    is a woman, tall and hot.

   However, in the blood-red eyes under her cloak, there was a terrifying cold light and killing intent.

   The figure on the right is the demon high priest.

   His purple hair was tied into dozens of long braids, and he was naked with a pair of big feet like a fan, and he was full of blood.

   Seeing the figures of two powerful demons, Bai Wuchen's expression suddenly changed, and a gloomy cold light flashed in his eyes.

   He did not expect that he had just escaped from the dead, and in a blink of an eye he was stopped by two powerful demons.

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