Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 153: Rescue the sealed soul

   The phrase ‘send you to reincarnation’ is considered a curse under normal circumstances.

   But in Ji Ling's situation at the moment, Ji Tianxing is undoubtedly helping him and rescuing him.

   However, Ji Ling didn't appreciate it, but became more and more angry.

   He stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and roared with a twisted face: "Ji Tianxing! You **** beast! Bastard!"

   "Obviously I have the blood of Profound Sword, why can't I open the big formation?"

   "If I can successfully open the big formation, I will become a direct disciple of the head, how can I be reduced to this point?"

   Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly, and a sneer of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, the blood of Xuanjian was originally mine!"

   "You despicable and shameless robber, even if you take my Profound Sword bloodline by conspiracy and trickery, your bloodline is not pure, it will be very thin, of course it will not work!"

   Where is Ji Ling willing to listen to his explanation, and snarled again: "It's you **** who made me so miserable! If I die, I will be drawn by the demons and sealed here!"

   "We are all from Qingyun Kingdom, you are only the heir of Xiaoxiaoji's family, and I am the noble prince! Why did it become like this? I am not reconciled!"

   "You kill me, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

   Ji Tianxing's sneer at the corner of his mouth became stronger, and he said indifferently: "If we don't come to save you, you won't even have the chance to be a ghost."

   Originally, the souls in the crystal **** around Ji Ling were silently asleep.

   But after hearing the conversation between him and Ji Tianxing, in an older crystal ball in the corner, a silent gray mist suddenly turned into the appearance of a blue-robed old man.

   The blue-robed old man made no sound, but listened carefully to the conversation between Ji Tianxing and Ji Ling.

   When he heard the words "Xuanjian Bloodline", his face suddenly changed.

   After hearing the words "Qing Yun Guo" and "Ji Jia", his complexion changed drastically, his eyes flashed with deep light, and his emotions seemed a bit excited.

   But he did not utter the voice of the soul, staying quietly in the crystal ball, silently observing Ji Tianxing.

   At the same time, Yun Yao and Bai Wuchen came to Ji Tianxing's side, stared at the crystal ball where Ji Ling was, and observed carefully.

   Ji Ling was still roaring in the crystal ball, cursing angrily.

   Yunyao and Bai Wuchen ignored him and were discussing the rescue method in a low voice.

   "Master sister, these silver chains are all magic silver, and they are connected to the crystal ball. They are all magical artifacts with special magic power."

   "It seems that the formation and magic on the chain must be broken before the crystal ball can be taken away."

   "Junior Brother Bai, can you crack the formation of the magic silver chain?"

   "It should be no problem, I will try!"

   After the discussion, Bai Wuchen offered a sacrifice to the mysterious pagoda, unleashing his mastery of formation and breaking the formation on the magic silver chain.

   After about a hundred breaths of time, the formation on the magic silver chain was broken, the special magic power dissipated, and the chain became dim.

   Yunyao took out the sword, and the sword of "唰" cut the magic silver chains, and held the crystal ball containing Ji's soul in his palm.

   Bai Wuchen showed a touch of joy, and said quickly: "Master sister, the things are ready, let's get out of here and return to the sect!"

   Before Yun Yao could answer, the sealed souls in the surrounding crystal **** started shouting and begging bitterly.

   "Young man, please help me!"

   "This young hero, are you a master of the Great Sky School? The old man is an elder of the Liuhe Sect. He has been to Guizong several times!"

   "Three young heroes, please do your best! I am the deacon of Qianqiumen. I was a good brother with Deacon Li of Guizong!"

   "Please help us, let us reincarnate! If there is an afterlife, I will repay you as a cow and a horse!"

   Many pleading voices, both men and women, young and old, were imprinted in the minds of the three Yunyao, making them feel sad and intolerable.

   Bai Wuchen didn't want to have extra branches. He just wanted to escape from the demon stronghold as soon as possible and return to the Great Sky School to return to the head.

   But Yun Yao couldn't bear it. He hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice, "Junior Brother Bai, the souls imprisoned here are all fellows of my clan and innocent people."

   "Looking at the appearance of those crystal balls, the souls of many people have been sealed for at least tens of hundreds of years. If we let them go, we should do good deeds."

  Bai Wuchen didn't want Yun Yao to be underestimated. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Also, since the master sister is kind-hearted, of course I can do it correctly."

   So, with the help of the power of the mysterious pagoda, he used the magic of the formation and constantly cracked the formation on the crystal ball.

   Whenever the formation of a crystal ball is broken, Yun Yao smashes the crystal ball with a sword, releasing the imprisoned soul.

   Those souls were all excited and grateful to the three of them, and then dissipated in the world, reincarnation.

   Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

   A total of thirty-nine crystal balls, thirty-eight have been cut into pieces by Yun Yao.

   There is the last crystal ball in the corner of the secret room. Bai Wuchen is manipulating the mysterious pagoda to break the formation on the crystal ball.

   As long as the soul in this crystal ball is rescued, the matter will be accomplished and the merits will be fulfilled.

   But no one thought ~www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the secret room.

   Yunyao and Ji Tianxing were shocked, they turned their heads to look at the door of the secret room.

   The next moment, a two-meter tall, sturdy, dark-skinned Mozu man appeared at the door.

   This person only wears an animal skin apron and an animal skin waistcoat.

   He was covered with thick hair and tattoos on his neck and arms. He looked very sturdy.

   When he saw the Ji Tianxing three in the secret room, he suddenly let out a roar and swung the heavy sword murderously.

   The black epee in his hand that is wide enough to the bench, gleaming with a purple sword light more than two meters long, swept towards Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing with the power to destroy everything.

   Ji Tianxing knew in an instant that the strength of this demon man had reached the Tongxuan Realm.

   At this time, Yun Yao also had a cold face, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he swung his sword to cut out three sword lights.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   In the muffled sound, the demon man was pierced by the sword mang on his chest, and immediately splashed a stream of purple blood, flying upside down and falling outside the secret room.

   But the demon man just fell down, and two more burly and sturdy demons rushed into the secret room with a black sword.

   "We have been found, let's go!"

   Yunyao's complexion immediately changed, and she took the initiative to swipe her sword to kill the two demons, and shouted to Bai Wuchen.

   Bai Wuchen was cracking the formation of the last crystal ball, only halfway through.

   Seeing this, he could only stop his hands, put away the mysterious pagoda, and rushed to the door of the secret room holding the sword.

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