Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 150: Demon Stronghold

   Yunyao and Ji Tianxing rode on the Linghe, flying in the high sky, heading to the northwest.

   Ji Tianxing thought of a key question and was a little bit confused, so he asked Yun Yao.

   "Master sister, the Mozu robbed Ji Ling's body, will it have escaped from the ancient realm of stars?"

   Yunyao gently shook her head and explained: "The Ancient Star Realm is an independent space, which is always guarded by the door. Even the strongest demons cannot enter and leave at will."

   "In the past 100 years, the powerful demon clan has sneaked into this door several times. Therefore, the master master suspects that the demon clan has been lurking in the ancient star realm, waiting for opportunities."

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said solemnly: "That's it! The heavens and the earth in the ancient territory of the stars are full of aura and materials, and the demons are lurking in the ancient territory, but there is no shortage of training resources."

   "Furthermore, the area of ​​the ancient star realm is vast, and it is extremely difficult to find the demons where they hide."

   Yunyao went on to say: "The base of the Demon Race is far away. After they rob Ji Ling's body, they must use secret methods to extract Ji Ling's soul within a few days."

   "If the seven days pass, the soul will dissipate between the heaven and the earth. Therefore, the Demon Race will definitely hide in the ancient territory of the stars and extract the soul of Ji Ling as soon as possible."

   Because of this, Yun Yao dared to be sure that the demons were hiding somewhere in the ancient land of stars.

   After listening to her explanation, Ji Tianxing dispelled the doubts in his mind and stopped asking the matter.

   Soon, an hour passed.

   Linghe carried Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao four hundred miles away, into the endless stretch of mountains.

   Looking down from the sky above, I saw the towering peaks closely connected, and the dark green forests covered the mountains.

   In the mountains and jungles, there are many traces of the activities of monsters and beasts, and there are several roars of beasts in the depths of the mountains.

   Ji Tianxing even saw with his own eyes a huge gray eagle hovering and flying over the distant mountains.

   The monster gray eagle seemed to have found its prey, and suddenly dived down from the sky and got into the rugged mountains.

   The next moment, the huge gray eagle flew back into the sky with a blood-stained black bear in its mouth, and quickly disappeared.

   Such a shocking picture is something Ji Tianxing has never seen before.

   A vast expanse of breath came, making him deeply feel the vastness and mystery of the ancient star realm.

   At this time, Yun Yao made Linghe land on the top of a mountain.

   After the two waited for a while, Bai Wuchen rode the Silver Moon Wolf to the top of the mountain and came to them.

   "Junior Brother Bai, use the mysterious pagoda to explore it again." Yun Yao said calmly.

   Bai Wuchen nodded, and immediately sacrificed the mysterious pagoda and activated the pagoda formation.

   Ji Tianxing also forced out a drop of blood and dripped it into the mysterious pagoda.

   The top of the octagonal tower of the mysterious pagoda revolved quickly, releasing a dazzling golden light, with blood faintly glowing in it.

   Before long, the top of the octagonal tower gradually stopped rotating.

   One of the corners is blood red, still pointing to the northwest, but the orientation is slightly off.

   Bai Wuchen carefully observed for a moment, then used the mysterious method to carefully sense the breath of the mysterious pagoda.

   After sensing the specific results, he said to Yun Yao: "Master sister, we are closer to the goal, and the sense of the mysterious pagoda is clearer."

   "According to my judgment, Ji Ling's body is in the northwest, and it should be only about six hundred miles away from us."

   Yunyao nodded, and said solemnly: "Okay, it should not be too late, we will go as soon as possible!"

   Then, Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing jumped onto Linghe's back and continued to drive northwest.

   Bai Wuchen also rode the Silver Moon Wolf, rushing down the top of the mountain whistling like the wind, rushing across the mountains.

   For the next two hours, the three have been on their way.

   Yunyao and Ji Tianxing were flying in the sky on the Linghe. Not only were they extremely fast, they were also safe.

   Even if there are vast mountains in a radius of eight hundred li, there are endless monsters, and they dare not attack Linghe.

   Bai Wuchen was unlucky, riding the Silver Moon Wolf through the high mountains and mountains, constantly encountering groups of monsters attacking and hunting down.

   Several times he was surrounded by a group of monsters, and only after he fought **** battles did he break the siege.

   However, Bai Wuchen is indeed worthy of being an elite genius of the Sky High School, even if he has killed several times along the way, he has not been injured.

   Two hours passed, and the three of Ji Tianxing also stopped on their way.

   Linghe landed on the top of a 3,000-meter high mountain. Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing jumped off the back of Linghe and waited in the woods on the top of the mountain.

   After a while, Bai Wuchen rode the Silver Moon Wolf to the top of the mountain and came to the two of them.

   The white robe worn by Bai Wuchen was already dyed red with blood, and looked shocking.

   Of course, these are the blood of monsters.

   Yunyao looked at Bai Wuchen, her face solemnly said: "Junior Brother Bai, according to the results of your previous investigation, Ji Ling's body should be nearby."

   Bai Wuchen nodded, and once again offered the mysterious pagoda, "Master Sister, I will explore again, this time I should be able to determine the specific location of the target."

   After that, he opened the formation of the mysterious pagoda and began to explore.

   Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and cut his fingers again to force a drop of blood into the mysterious pagoda.

   The mysterious pagoda revolved quickly, bursting with dazzling golden light, releasing invisible and mysterious power, pouring into the faint green underworld.

   After a while ~www.ltnovel.com~ The mysterious pagoda pointed out the direction, and Bai Wuchen used the mysterious method to sense it, and then got the concrete result.

   He looked forward with scorching eyes, pointed to a towering dark green mountain, and said solemnly: "Sister, Ji Ling's body is in that mountain."

   "Furthermore, I used the mysterious pagoda to sense the aura of the Demon Race. There is more than one Demon Race in that mountain, and it is most likely a temporary base for the Demon Race!"

   Yunyao frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "In order to avoid the grass and startling snakes, we leave the Linghe and Silver Moon Wolf here, we sneaked into the mountain and started searching."

   Linghe and Silvermoon Wolf are too big, and will be noticed by the demons, and their whereabouts are easily exposed.

   It is of course the wisest decision to leave the two spirit beasts on the top of the mountain, and Bai Wuchen has no objection.

   After that, Yun Yao took Ji Tianxing and Bai Wuchen, rushing towards the mountain ahead.

   It seems that the two mountains are not far away, but in fact there is a canyon between them, which is dozens of miles away.

   A full half an hour later, the three people entered the majestic mountain.

   The three of them shuttled through the dense jungle, and Yun Yao and Bai Wuchen both used their spiritual consciousness to continuously search for the breath of the demon.

   Ji Tianxing has not reached the Tongxuan realm, and has not yet born spiritual consciousness, but he also observes the surroundings sharply, hoping to find clues.

   After traveling through the jungle for a quarter of an hour, he was keenly aware of a problem.

   The whole mountain is silent, there is no trace of the monster beast activity, nor can the roar of the monster beast be heard.

   This seemingly vibrant mountain peak with lush jungle seems to faintly exude an icy breath of death.

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