Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 149: Tit for tat

   Since Ji Tianxing killed Ji Ling, he put it down.

   People die like a lamp, Ji Ling is dead, he thinks this is over.

   But after listening to Yun Yao's explanation, he realized that the matter was not over yet, and even left a huge hidden danger!

   At the same time, he was deeply afraid of the strange and mysterious demons.

   "People are dead, so you can extract souls to torture secrets?"

   "The Demon Race has mastered such an evil secret? It's incredible!"

   Ji Tianxing muttered a few words solemnly, and then asked Yun Yao: "Sister, how are we going to search for Ji's soul?"

   Without waiting for Yun Yao to explain, Bai Wuchen replied: "This mysterious pagoda of the second elder is a very mysterious treasure. It can use blood as a guide to investigate the whereabouts of Ji Ling's body."

   He stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said in a low tone: "Didn't Ji Ling take your bloodline? With your bloodline flowing in his body, he has an intimate connection with you."

   "I will activate the formation of the mysterious pagoda in a moment, and I need a drop of your blood as a primer to assist the mysterious pagoda in searching for the traces of Ji Ling."

   Ji Tianxing immediately understood, nodded, and thought to himself: "It's no wonder that the big sister needs my help. This matter has nothing to do with strength. It turns out they just need my blood."

   He thought for a while, and said to Yun Yao: "Master sister, since you just need my blood to lead, then this is easy."

   "I will give you a drop of essence and blood, and then you will perform the task. I won't go with you anymore, I have to go back and practice hard."

   Last month, Fengyun Academy was going to assess the alchemy, but he was framed by Ji Ling and kept in the black wind cave for more than ten days, delaying alchemy.

   If it were not for Wuji to make alchemy, he would definitely not pass the test and would be punished.

   This month Fengyun Academy is going to test the Array Dao again. He doesn't want to delay the time and affect the Array Dao cultivation.

   Before, he was lucky enough to pass the alchemy test and also won the first place.

   But he knows very well that one cannot always have good luck.

   If he doesn't care about learning the Array Dao, this month’s Array Dao assessment will most likely be the bottom.

   Hearing his words, before Yun Yao spoke, Bai Wuchen showed a scornful look.

   "I said Junior Brother Tianxing, you are not afraid of the ferocity of the demons, you are timid and fearful, so you deliberately found an excuse to shirk?"

   Ji Tianxing glanced at him blankly, and said indifferently: "Brother Bai, don't treat a gentleman like a villain!"

   Bai Wuchen's face was gloomy, and he shouted in a harsh tone: "Ji Tianxing! Who do you think is the villain?"

   He thought that Ji Tianxing was not pleasing to his eyes, and it was a rare opportunity to seize the opportunity to hurt Ji Tianxing in front of Yunyao. Of course he would not miss it.

   Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing was so bold that he dared to ridicule him as an elite genius. How could he not be angry?

   At this moment, Yun Yao frowned slightly, stepping forward and blocking between the two.

   She looked at Ji Tianxing calmly, and said sincerely: "Junior Brother Tianxing, you don't know anything."

   "Although, the mysterious pagoda can use your essence and blood as a guide to detect the traces of Ji Ling's body."

   "But if the distance is too far, the mysterious pagoda can only point out the direction, not the specific location."

   "You still need your great help in this operation, and go with us."

   After hearing Yun Yao's explanation, Ji Tianxing understood the reason.

   To be fair, Yun Yao has always treated him well.

   Since Yun Yao asked him to help, how could he refuse?

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and then nodded in agreement: "If this is the case, then I will act with you."

   "Thank you, Junior Brother Tianxing!" Yun Yao nodded slightly and said thanks.

Ji Tianxing glanced at Bai Wuchen, and saw his lingering anger, and said in a playful tone: "Master sister is very powerful, my blood can detect the traces of Ji Ling's body, we are all in this mission. The indispensable person."

   "I really want to know, Brother Bai, why do you want to go together?"

   Bai Wuchen damaged him just now. Of course he wouldn't swallow his anger, he would definitely give a tooth for a tooth.

  Sure enough, Bai Wuchen felt that his dignity was being challenged, and stared at Ji Tianxing angrily.

   "Ji Tianxing! I am proficient in formations, and I can manipulate the mysterious pagoda!"

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said in a playful tone: "Oh? Isn't the master sister proficient in formations and can't manipulate the mysterious pagoda?"

   Yunyao is the number one genius in the Tianchen Domain. Not only is he extremely talented in martial arts, he is also proficient in formation and alchemy, so he can naturally manipulate the mysterious pagoda.

   Bai Wuchen was immediately choked with a green complexion, angrily clenched his fists secretly, wishing to beat Ji Tianxing.

   Seeing this scene, Yun Yao had to make a round again.

   "Junior Tianxing, it was the master master who asked Junior Brother Bai to assist me."

   In that case, Ji Tianxing didn't say anything any more, lest Yun Yao be caught in the middle.

  Bai Wuchen also knows how to measure, and will not make trouble too much, so as not to anger Yun Yao.

   This incident was revealed, and the three-person team was formed, although...the relationship was not so harmonious.

  Bai Wuchen also sacrificed to the mysterious pagoda, dispelling distracting thoughts, and used the formation method to open the pagoda.

   After that, Ji Tianxing also cut his finger with a sword, and his luck forced a drop of blood into the mysterious pagoda.

   The mysterious pagoda, blooming with golden light, immediately revolved quickly, releasing mysterious and invisible power, pouring into the faint green underworld.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao all stared at the pagoda, waiting for the pagoda to show the detection results ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After about a hundred breaths, the rotation speed of the mysterious pagoda slowed down significantly, and finally stopped.

   Ji Tianxing could see that one of the eight corners of the golden pagoda was blood-red and pointed to the northwest.

   Obviously, Ji Ling's body should be in the northwest direction of Sky High School.

   "Go to the northwest, let's go!"

   Yunyao immediately gave the order and took Ji Tianxing to jump on the Linghe and flew into the sky.

   Bai Wuchen also put away the mysterious pagoda, riding on the silver giant wolf, rushing towards the northwest.

   On the way, he looked up at the crane in the sky ahead.

   Linghe’s back, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao stood side by side, seeming to be chatting.

   Seeing this scene, Bai Wuchen couldn't help being jealous, his face turned cold.

   "Abominable Ji Tianxing! A tubao from a small country in the countryside is getting closer and closer to the master sister!"

   "It's a pity, the head seems to be paying attention to this kid secretly! If not, how can I let him be so close to the master sister?!"

  As early as in Qingyun Kingdom, Bai Wuchen hated Ji Tianxing.

   Of course, it is more accurate to say that it is jealousy.

   Although this kind of jealousy is not enough to make him murderous.

   But he did think about it, trying to drive Ji Tianxing out of the sect, so as not to get closer and closer between Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   It's just that he didn't expect that Ji Tianxing could get the secret attention of the boss.

   This caught him off guard and was unable to implement the plan for the time being.

   He can only pray silently in his heart, hoping that there will be a chance during this mission to let him fulfill his wish.

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