Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 145: Wood Spirit Array

   Ji Tianxing accepted the Black Dragon Sword and Qianyue, and put them both in the Hundred Treasure Pack.

   Of course, he also packed the dozens of spirit fruits and medicine pills left on the sandalwood table.

   Xiang Wuji frowned when he saw him doing this, but didn't say anything.

   He was sitting on the Grand Master’s chair, took a few sips of wine with the green-skin gourd, and asked casually: "Boy, what are you going to learn from Fengyun Academy this month?"

   Ji Tianxing replied truthfully: "This month, Deacon Han will teach us the formation, and the assessment will still be conducted at the end of the month."

   "Formation?" Xiang Wuji was startled, a strange color flashed under his eyes.

   He raised his head to drink with a wine gourd, but he thought to himself in his heart: "Autumn Yu'er was the most outstanding array genius in this school back then, and no one can reach the entire Tianchen domain."

   "Ji Tianxing, this stinky boy, if he is really a descendant of Qiu Yu'er, should he be able to inherit Qiu Yu's talent?"

   Thinking of this, Xiang Wuji put down the wine gourd and asked Ji Tianxing slowly: "Boy, you should be a rich young master in the world? What does your family do?"

   Ji Tianxing didn't know why he asked this, but he replied truthfully: "If you go back to the seniors, the junior family is proficient in forging and use this as a career."

   "Forging tools?" Xiang Wuji frowned, and muttered in his heart: "The old man thought he was from a family of Daoists, but he didn't expect to use forging tools."

   "However, forging tools are also tied to the formations. With Qiu Yu's disciple's formation talents, even if they use forgings as a career, they can definitely create a huge family business."

   After a pause, he asked Ji Tianxing again: "Boy, have you ever met your great grandmother?"

   Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said calmly: "Now only my father and uncles are still alive, my grandfather has passed away long ago, and the great grandmother has never seen it."

   "Oh." Xiang Wuji nodded, did not ask anything, frowned and sank into thought.

   "Autumn Yu's disciple's array talents astounded Tianchen Domain, and it was the old man's greatest pride."

   "This kid is a descendant of Qiu Yu's disciple, so the old man must tune it up carefully|teach him, never let him embarrass Qiu Yu's disciple!"

   After making up his mind, Xiang Wuji got up and walked out the door.

   He walked to the middle of the yard, stood on the ground paved with bluestone slabs, and beckoned to Ji Tianxing.

   "Boy, come here!"

   Ji Tianxing walked into the yard without knowing it, and stood still in front of him.

   Xiang Wuji pointed to the bluestone floor under his feet, and asked solemnly: "You look at the ground carefully, and then tell the old man, what do you see?"

   Ji Tianxing looked down at the ground under his feet, watching carefully.

   The ground paved with bluestone slabs is about six meters in circumference, which looks ordinary at first glance.

   But after a few careful observations, he could see that the bluestone slabs were of different sizes, and their arrangement order and direction were different.

   The gaps between the slabs are like lines, which seem to contain a certain pattern, forming a strange pattern.

   Ji Tianxing frowned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Xiang Wuji, and said with certainty: "Senior, if the junior guessed correctly, this should be a formation!"

   nodded to Wuji, and said calmly: "Yes, if you have some eyesight, you can actually see that this is the formation."

   In his heart, he thought to himself: "Disciples with ordinary formation abilities can only see patterns, disciples with good formation abilities can see that this is a formation."

   "From this point of view, this kid has some aptitude for formation, the old man will observe again."

   He looked at Ji Tianxing calmly, and asked: "Generally speaking, there are four types of formations, magic formation, sleepy formation, killing formation and auxiliary formation."

   "Let's take a closer look, what type of formation is this? If you are not sure, the old man allows you to use the true element to investigate."

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and continued to lower his head to observe the formation under his feet.

   He has already started the formation, and of course he knows that there are four types of formations.

  Fantasy formations, sleepy formations, and killing formations needless to say. As for auxiliary formations, they are generally used to aid cultivation or cultivate medicinal materials.

   For example, in the secret room in his room, there is a gathering element formation, which is used to gather the heaven and earth vitality to assist in cultivation. This is the auxiliary formation.

   Observed carefully for a moment, Ji Tianxing had a preliminary answer in his mind, and guessed that the formation at his feet was the auxiliary formation.

   But he did not dare to answer rashly, stretched out his palms to press the bluestone slab on the ground, released the true essence, and further explored this formation.

   His true essence poured into the bluestone floor, and he soon discovered that the underground soil was warm and humid, and there was a majestic green wood atmosphere surging.

   frowned and thought for a while, before he said to Wuji with a certain tone: "Senior, as seen by the younger generation, this formation is a supplementary formation and should be used to cultivate medicinal materials."

   Xiang Wuji showed a smile, nodded and said: "Yes, your kid is right, this wood spirit formation is indeed for cultivating medicinal materials."

   "Since your kid has some talent for formation, the old man will test you today."

   After that, he waved his hand and shot out a dark cyan beam of true essence, pouring into the bluestone floor.

   The blue stone floor suddenly lit up with blue light, and the cracks in the stone slabs also turned into blue lines, which gave out mysterious power.

   In the blink of an eye, a dark cyan mask appeared.

   This light mask is like an inverted bowl, covering Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing looked around and found that the surrounding scenes had changed.

   The yard disappeared~www.ltnovel.com~ He was actually in a lush jungle with a radius of one thousand meters.

   is green and soft grassland underneath, surrounded by towering trees, you can't see the edge at a glance.

   He can't see outside the woods, he can only look up and see the sky above his head, which is a dark blue light wall.

   Obviously, Xiang Wuji activated the Wooden Spirit Formation and locked him in the big formation.

   Just as he looked around, Xiang Wuji appeared next to him out of thin air, with a white beard in his hand, and said with a smile: "Boy, now you are in the wood spirit formation."

   "If you can crack the formation and get out of this big formation, come to the lobby to meet the old man, and the old man will reward you."

   "Otherwise, you will stay here forever and let the old man grow the weeds!"

After    said, Xiang Wuji smirked twice, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

   After he left the wood spirit formation, he walked back to the lobby with his hands on his back, lying on a large rattan chair, drinking small wine and humming a little song leisurely.

   In the silent courtyard, there is only a cyan mask with a radius of six meters.

   That is the Great Wood Spirit Array.

   From the outside, it looks like this large formation is only six meters in radius, but there is actually another world inside the formation, which is very mysterious.

Xiang Wuji took the wine gourd and took two swigs, glanced at the cyan mask in the yard, and murmured with a smile: "Huh, my old man, this wood spirit formation is only a medium-level profound formation, but only Only the martial artist of the profound realm can crack it smoothly."

   "If your kid can break the formation in one day, you have inherited the Qiu Yu disciple's formation talent, and the old man will teach you everything. Otherwise, you are not worth the time for the old man..."

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