Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 144: Suddenly have a backer?

   After Han Qiaosheng announced his mission this month, he took Du Wu and left the hall.

   The disciples discussed in the hall for a while before they left.

   After Ji Tianhang left the hall, he left Fengyunyuan and went to Tai'an Palace.

   Although the one-month period is over, he was fortunate enough to give Wuji instructions before winning the first place in the alchemy assessment.

   No matter what, he has to go to Tai'an Palace to thank Xiang Wuji in person.

   Half an hour later, he came to the gate of Tai'an Palace.

   The dumb sword slave nodded at him when he saw him coming, and forced a smile.

   Ji Tianxing bowed his hand in return, and quickly entered the third courtyard of the Tai'an Palace.

   Xiang Wuji recently cultivated another nursery and replanted more than a dozen Green Soul Grass and other elixir.

   He was carrying a white jade water bottle, watering the herbs in the nursery, and humming a little song in his mouth. He seemed to be in a good mood.

   Hearing the footsteps of Ji Tianxing, he continued to water the water without looking back, and said teasingly: "Hehe, you **** haven't been to Tai'an Palace for three days, why are you here today?"

   "The old man thought you were too scared to come, and didn't want to come and sweep the floor for the old man!"

   Ji Tian walked to his side, bowed respectfully, and smiled and said: "Senior, this junior is fortunate to have you instructed in alchemy. He won the first place in the month-end assessment three days ago."

   "In the past three days, the juniors have been practicing in retreat, so I couldn't come to visit the seniors. Today, I specially came to thank seniors in person!"

   Xiang Wuji raised his eyebrows, and a teasing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "I still know that I came to thank the old man, you guys have some conscience."

   "But, is your so-called gratitude just lip service? Shouldn't your kid express it?"

   "Said it?" Of course, Ji Tianxing understood what he meant, and suddenly became troubled, with a wry smile on his face.

   "Senior, juniors have no long objects, nothing can enter your eyes..."

   "Ah!" Xiang Wuji glared at him irritably, and said with a smile: "Who do you think of the old man? The old man has never seen him in the world, so why would you ask a junior for a gift?"

   After a pause, he looked like he hated iron but steel, and said with a straight face: "Since your kid is an unconscious elm bump, the old man said it clearly!"

   "If you want to thank the old man, you have to take practical actions. From now on, you will be the boy under the old man's seat, and you will be responsible for cleaning the Tai'an Palace!"

   "Huh?" Ji Tianxing was taken aback, feeling depressed like a bitter gourd.

   "Sweeper? This is too... Senior, or else, I will sweep the land for you for another month?"

   licked his lips to Wuji, and said with a wicked smile: "Doesn't you think the sweeping boy is not good? Then, you can be a handyman in Tai'an Palace."

   "Handyman?" Ji Tianxing waved his hand again and again, a little bit dumbfounded, "Then I will be a boy, anyway, I can see it, you are relying on me."

   Xiang Wuji coldly snorted: "Huh! Don't you guys get cheap and behave well, how many disciples are crying and begging to come to Tai'an Palace to sweep the floor, the old man is not happy!"

   "Your boy is now a boy in the Tai'an Palace. Going out, I don't know how many disciples will envy you!"

   Ji Tianxing replied with doubts about what he said, and whispered: "If that's the case, why is there no boy in the Tai'an Palace? No one has cleaned it for several years, and weeds are everywhere..."

   Xiang Wuji was choked, and said annoyedly: "You kid knows what a fart, the old man's Tai'an palace is covered with a green spirit formation, and those weeds can benefit from it, and it can grow to be one person tall in ten days!"

   Of course, Ji Tianxing knew that the old man was bragging, but he didn't expose him so as not to make the old man anxious. In the end, it was him who was unlucky.

   Seeing that he didn't say a word, Xiang Wuji calmed down, put away the white jade kettle, turned and walked towards the lobby.

   "Boy, come with the old man."

   Ji Tianxing didn't know what he was going to do, so he could only follow him into the lobby.

   A sandalwood wooden table in the lobby is filled with various spirit fruits and medicines.

   Qianyue and the little black dragon are lying on the table, eating Lingguo and Pills slowly, in a posture of comfort and enjoyment.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing coming, Qianyue's figure flew to his shoulder as soon as he flashed, and said excitedly: "Old Ji, are you okay? That's great!"

   The little black dragon hurriedly swallowed the spirit fruit in his mouth, flew in front of him and said hello, "Old Ji, you are fine."

   Ji Tianxing could see that both of them have increased a lot in strength and are in excellent mental state.

   He couldn't help showing a smile, and asked, "How do you know that something happened to me?"

   Qianyue raised his head and said triumphantly: "I have the best news, I can't hide anything from me!"

   Ji Tianxing stretched out his fingers and flicked its small head, and said angrily: "Then I was imprisoned in the Batu Caves, why didn't you visit me? You didn't give me something to eat?"

   "You two unscrupulous guys, enjoying yourself comfortably in the Tai'an Palace, but watching me suffer in the Batu Caves!"

   The little black dragon stopped talking, and the ‘huh’ turned into a black dragon sword, and went back into the scabbard hanging on the wall.

   Qianyue rolled her eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ and immediately pointed to Xiang Wuji and said, "Lao Ji, it's not that I didn't visit you, but the old man didn't let us leave Tai'an Palace."

   Ji Tianxing certainly didn't dare to trouble Xiang Wuji, so he could only end this topic.

   reached out to Wuji and grabbed the black dragon sword on the wall in his hand. Holding Qianyue's tail, he handed them both to Ji Tianxing.

   "Boy, these two pets of yours are foodies. I ate thousands of Lingguo and Pills from the old man last month. Take them away quickly. The old man will not take them in!"

   Ji Tianxing was stunned, and thought to himself: "The smelly old man is noble and powerful. I don't know how many rare treasures he has. How can he not be able to raise Qianyue and the little black dragon?"

   "Is he just looking for an excuse to return Qianyue and the little black dragon to me? However, Qianyue and the little black dragon are following me, I don't have so many spirit fruits for them to eat."

   "Let them stay in Tai'an Palace, at least they can quickly recover their strength."

   Thinking of this, he pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Senior, is this inappropriate?"

   "Qianyue and Xiao Heilong are by my side. If they are found out by others in the door, I will violate the rules of the door and be punished. They will also be expelled from the sect!"

   Xiang Wuji glared at him angrily, and yelled: "You kid don't pretend to be garlic with me! Don't you just want to foster them here, and borrow the old man's treasure to restore their strength?"

   "You quickly take them away, you are from my Tai'an Palace, there is an old man covering you, no one in the sect dares to trouble you!"

   Ji Tianxing blinked, and thought to himself: "How come all of a sudden, the smelly old man became my patron?"


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