In the first step, he sent the unknown coordinates of the core of the universe to his fleet, and ordered the fleet to build a position to prevent chaotic creatures from stealing chickens.

And he continued to take Haka's spirit body for a "walk"~

A few minutes passed by, and Haka's spirit body had already caught up to a location less than 100 kilometers away from the [Conqueror].

Seeing this, Zhao Feng no longer thought about anything, his pupils shrank and he suddenly used the [Pupillary of Time] towards the opponent.

Although the name of Haka's spirit-transforming move is very fantasy, it actually has certain scientific principles.

After all, the soul is just a layer of body composed of more microscopic particles.

The essence of [The Pupil of Time] is to slow down the vibration of basic particles, thereby achieving the purpose of slowing down the flow of time.

With the eighth sense activated, Zhao Feng can observe the energy body, and as long as these eyes can see it.

Don't care who the other party is, then he can have an effect on it.

His purple starry eyes flashed continuously, and the speed of Hakaqi, who had transformed into a spirit body, suddenly slowed down.

Haka, who could have raced with the [Conqueror], transformed into an iron bastard on the spot.

The state was so slow and slow that Zhao Feng couldn't help but show an expression of relief.

'That's it? What about the Blood God? ’

The contempt for the big demon did not last long. As time went by, after ten minutes, Zhao Feng's expression became less relaxed.

. . .

Under normal conditions, [The Eye of Time] does not consume a particularly high amount of mental energy.

For example, releasing it on his body and the battleship will not put too much pressure on him.

But when dealing with high-ranking demons.

Even though this big demon is a projection or a spirit body, the strength of his class makes Zhao Feng's mental energy consumption faster and faster.

Compared with the unchanged state when dealing with the Chaos Warship.

Even if an existence like the Blood God Projection controls the flow of time, it can still counterattack to a certain extent.

The specific effect is that the mental power consumed by the caster will be increased several times.

Of course, as a party to the art, the demon's own mental power was consumed twice as much.

Fortunately, in the second stage of the trial, Zhao Feng improved a lot by killing monsters, and his mental attributes improved a lot.

Otherwise, just relying on the previous upper limit of more than 1,600 points of mental power, it may not be possible to last for one hour.

As time passed by, Zhao Feng's ability to suppress Haka became weaker and weaker as his mental power decreased.

Seeing that he was in poor condition, Zhao Feng had no choice but to activate the trump card he had hidden earlier.

With a swipe of his hand, he directly brought up the tab for the 10% mental attribute bonus and clicked to receive it.

This is the initial reward given by the time-limited system for breaking the mental attribute.

He kept this trump card for a long time. It was useless against the lizardmen, and it was useless when he went to the trade area to fight Shatans.

Unexpectedly, it was used in a relatively low-intensity mental wrestling.

The next second, with the bonus of deep space gaze, the 10% attribute bonus became 20%.

And because of the influx of massive mental attributes, Zhao Feng's mental power was reached to full value almost instantly.

Of course, regardless of how many attributes are added, in fact this bonus cannot be used indiscriminately.

Before using it, Zhao Feng made some careful calculations and only dared to receive it after confirming that there was no problem.

The reason why it is necessary to calculate in advance before receiving it is mainly because the triggering condition of the strange event is the mental attribute.

I think when he made a wish with Xinghai, his mental attribute was about 164 points.

With the help of [Deep Space Gazing], he made two wishes.

Once for every 200 points of spirit added, reality will bite back and trigger a weird event, and once for every 200 points of spirit added to offset the previously accumulated probability, a weird event will be triggered.

The two wishes plus the previous attributes are 164+200+20.

Um. . . 384.

And now Zhao Feng's mental attribute is 301.

After passing the 20% mental attribute bonus, it came to 361.

There are still 23 points of mental attributes left before triggering the strange event.

After making sure that it would not make the situation worse, he dared to activate this backup blue bottle.

With the huge amount of spiritual power injected into the pupils, the extraordinary ability of [Pupillary of Time] became stable again.

The last 20 minutes flew by.

Haka's spirit body failed to stir up the waves, and a howl echoed at the soul level.

The Blood God's projection was completely eliminated in this universe.

At the same time that Haka was completely dead, the Xinghai System popped up a corresponding prompt message.

【Ding! Congratulations to player Zhao Feng for successfully killing the big demon, military rank +1]

[Your current military rank: Major General Xinghai]

[Since your military rank is only at the school level, you have killed the high-level demon of the Chaos forces, and you have gained an additional opportunity to increase your military rank. 】

[This military rank promotion can be used at any stage except general promotion to commander level. 】

【Ding! You killed the big demon and successfully defended the territory of Xinghai. Your feat has won the worship of hundreds of millions of races. Your race contribution +10 million]

[You have won a chance to draw all items. This draw will exclude items below gold level quality for you. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the human race for successfully defending the Doomsday Barrier. The human race won first place in this trial. 】

【Ding! The human race has obtained the authority to explore the universe. . . 】

【Ding! It was detected that in this layer of the universe, one and only the human side of the trial persisted to the end, and the merit points are being statistically calculated. . . 】

【Ding! The human race has received a total of 987.1 billion racial merit points. 】

[Cumulative merit points obtained by the human race: 1.1007 billion points]

[It is detected that the human race's meritorious service has exceeded 100 million, and the meritorious service store has been opened. . . 】

[It is detected that the human race's meritorious service has exceeded 10 billion, and the second level page of the Meritorious Service Store has been opened. . . 】

[It is detected that the human race's meritorious service exceeds 1 trillion, and the third level page of the meritorious service store is opened. . . 】

[It is detected that the human race has a king, and you gain purchase permission from the racial merit store. 】

【Ding! The human race ranks first in this trial. As a reward, the human race can choose one of the following options as a reward. 】

[1. The only building of the race, 2. The only battleship of the race, 3. The only weapon of the race, 4. Rule modification: cosmic species]

(Tip: The only building of the race is the Death Star fortress, a war planet integrating offense and defense, but it moves very slowly, requires a lot of resources, and takes a long time to build. If there is no shortage of resources, based on your current manufacturing industry, at least It takes 20 years to build to have initial combat power, and it can be fully constructed in 50 years)

(The only battleship: the Beluga Titan ship, the manufacturing period exceeds 10 years, and it does not have supporting weapons. It cannot be built with the resources you currently have.)

(The only racial weapon: the star-based super main gun [Galaxy Tearer], a super main gun that penetrates the entire planet, can fire energy, live ammunition and missiles, can easily destroy stars, can be installed on the Death Star, and can also be dug through Install it on an ordinary planet by penetrating the core of a rocky star.)

(Cosmic species: Changing the inner structure of the human body at the regular level can enable humans to ignore the low temperature and negative pressure damage associated with the vacuum environment, become immune to the cosmic background radiation in the normal vacuum environment, and adapt to the sudden change of gravity environment to a great extent. Of course, human body strength has not been additionally enhanced, and the pulse laser can still penetrate tens of thousands of people in one shot.)

After browsing, Zhao Feng directly clicked on the last rule modification without even thinking about it.

The only building, the only weapon, the only battleship.

It can be said that everything coincides with his superimposed enhancement device.

As long as the keel main cannon is strengthened to a certain extent, it will be easy to destroy the star with one shot.

There is no need to create a new set of drawings.

The same goes for the Death Star and Moby Dick.

Although the Titan ship seems to exceed all battleship levels known to Zhao Feng.

But that thing cannot be made at the current level of the human race, so it is better to choose something affordable.

This rule change is very good.

Adapting to drastic changes in gravity is equivalent to adapting to sudden changes in gravitational acceleration.

The two basically mean the same thing.

In this way, humans can use faster speeds for war, exploration, development, and transportation.

The improvement of civilization "software" can make great progress in the upper limit of human race.

In addition, not to mention the ability to withstand cold, pressure, and radiation.

These allow humans to have a higher fault tolerance rate in the universe.

After choosing, there is no special feeling.

Zhao Feng didn't pay too much attention and clicked on the lottery page with his finger.

As his eyes flashed, a 1,200-frame super large turntable appeared in front of him.

Among them, 1000 slots are for various gold quality items, 197 slots are for dark gold quality items, and finally only 3 slots are for dark gold only items.

Among the golden quality categories, Zhao Feng took a general glance.

Most of them are various special battleships, such as the ship he saw at first sight, the Scalar Technology [Dream Weaver]

As a golden-quality battlecruiser, it is not as half-baked as Zhao Feng's [Conqueror].

Whether it is the various attributes of the ship itself or the blessing of weapons, it can reach the battleship level.

In addition, this [Dream Weaver] is not a blank slate. It has corresponding supporting weapons and equipment, hull slots and the most important battleship skills.

As long as it is redeemed, it will be able to compete with the [Banshee-class] battleship displayed by Neutrino Technology before.

After roughly scanning around, Zhao Feng lost interest in these gold rewards.

Not to mention anything else, he still has the blueprint of the battleship [offensive class] in his hand!

That thing, strengthened to Level 6, is only stronger than these so-called gold rewards.

You must know that the strengthening effect increases with the superimposed strengthening device.

The gun emplacements and armor shields on the battleships have been doubled and increased.

Just like online games, low-level gold is definitely not as practical as a high-level whiteboard.

And this doesn’t even count his [Light-tending] technology~

Shaking his head, Zhao Feng glanced at the other 190 secret gold reward options.

The dark gold rewards are completely different from the gold level rewards.

There are no battleships here, just various drawings.

What kind of [Star Collector] specializes in harvesting stellar energy?

[Boson Jump Cannon] that can instantly travel several light years regardless of distance and perform ultra-long-range attacks.

Disrupt regional signals and use [full-band jammer] for special operations

There is also the [presence weakener] which sounds extremely evil just by the name.

196 kinds of dark gold drawings, each with its own characteristics.

The only drawback may be that it is difficult to obtain the resources required for manufacturing, and based on the current strength of the human race, it is basically useless.

After smacking his lips, Zhao Feng finally set his sights on the three items with the only quality of dark gold.

He knew very well what dark gold only represented.

The only unique gold that seems to be the weakest in his hand is [Spear of Sparta]

Although this thing can be added to enhance any item, to be honest, since he came out of the trade area, he has never encountered a time when he can use it.

If the enemy is too strong, additional reinforcements will actually have no effect. Just make it a little weaker. Zhao Feng has telekinesis and perception. If it doesn't work, [The Eye of Time] can kill him instantly.

Therefore, this thing is usually added to his protection to prevent the cosmic environment from causing damage to his body.

Rather tasteless.

Needless to say, the only powerful dark gold is definitely the creation of the ancients [High Dimension·Superposition Enhancer]

The technology of the ancients is capable of resisting, running and outputting.

The functions are quite comprehensive.

In the end, you will definitely ask where the [Biological Mothership Core] went?

Although the core is strong, it is not the only item.

At most it's just rare dark gold.

And now the three unique dark gold items that Zhao Fengzheng is looking at have very powerful attributes.

At some levels, it is not even weaker than the Ancient One’s [Higher Dimension Superposition Strengthening Device]

1. [Omega Upgrade]: Can be used to transform life forms, strengthen strength, sensitivity, and body strength by 1000%, and can be immune to low-level memetic pollution.

(Tip: Every time the life form increases by 100 levels, the attribute enhancement will be increased by one additional time)

2. [Fantasy Works]: Ship plug-in can fully strengthen the ship's energy weapons to increase the range, rate of fire, and power by up to 1000%, and cover the warship with an additional layer of psychic network, which can absorb 50 % spiritual attack and mysterious attack, while adding special battleship skills: [Lingering Barrage]

[Lingering Barrage]: The energy weapons of the whole ship can be concentrated at one point through refraction and then explode. It can gather up to 10,000 times the energy of the bombardment.

(Tip: Every time the battleship hull level increases by 6, the effect of this plug-in will increase one additional time.)

3. [Black Stone High Dimensional Core]: Maintain a dimensional rift in space and time, and obtain massive energy by separating dimensions.

Each time the dimension is separated, the full carrier energy will be directly returned, and a layer of [Dimension Impact] BUFF will be accumulated.

Release 1 layer of [Dimensional Shock] centered on the battleship, and a super-large lightning storm will occur in the space.

Release 3 layers of [Dimensional Impact], with the battleship as the center, and dimensional energy filaments will be generated within the lightning explosion range, which will destroy all physical attacks within this range, such as cannonballs, missiles, and energy bombs.

After releasing 5 layers of [Dimensional Impact], the warship can pass through the dimensional rift, and after reaching the designated target, it will release an arc impact containing lightning bursts and dimensional energy, and trigger a gravitational abnormality. Within this range, all attacks will be annihilated and offset. And it has the effect of instantly killing ships below destroyers.

(Tip: This equipment can be mounted on any object, including people, armor, battleships, and Death Stars. When the carrier is a person, for every 200 levels it increases, the energy level of [Dimensional Impact] increases by 1, and the scope of the impact doubles.) (End of this chapter) )

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