Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 289 The evil magic of Loha God System【4000】

The barrier defenders silently connected to the core of the universe and activated the ship-borne transmitter.

The energy fluctuations when the teleporter was running were very conspicuous, and Haka immediately sensed the defenders' intentions.

At the moment when it was determined that the barrier defender wanted to run away, Haka's attack frequency couldn't help but become a little faster.

At this time, its goal was not to keep the dreadnought, but to destroy other battleships as much as possible.

Deplete the strength of the Xinghai forces as much as possible.

The battle has continued for tens of thousands of years, and the top combat forces of both sides are very aware of the other side's situation.

The forces of evil gods representing chaos have almost no flaws. As long as there are creatures with energy, their consumption of resources is quite small compared to technological civilization.

In terms of combat power, as long as there are enough life forms, high-level combat power can be continuously generated through some evil methods.

On the other hand, the Xinghai Universe Civilization, which represents the order side, has been continuously eroded after tens of thousands of years of war. From the beginning, it occupied hundreds of universe levels, and now, only 25 levels are left.

If a technological civilization wants to maintain sufficient high-end combat power, it must spend high-end resources to build top-level warships.

The problem lies here.

The star sea world, whose living space has been continuously compressed, no longer has the same productivity as at the beginning of the war.

The top shipyards and even the "shipyard universe" had been infiltrated by the evil forces in advance and completely collapsed before the war began.

The same goes for the levels that can produce high-level resources. They are either "incited to rebel" or "destroyed" by the evil gods.

Although there are many docks in the rear now, they are far worse than before.

The simplest one is that when high-level battleships are lost, it will take a lot of time to replenish them.

Even if it takes a year and a half to produce 10,000-20,000 flagships, in a deep-level battlefield, these 10,000-20,000 flagships simply cannot withstand the consumption of a large-scale battle.

Not to mention resources. Although the space in the surface universe is vast, the resources are not that open.

There are countless resource points, and the high-level materials that can be produced every day are fixed.

If you want to accumulate enough warships, it often takes longer than building them.

The civilization of the Star Sea World itself knows these problems very well.

As for the evil god, it was clear about this early on due to methods such as memetic pollution and even soul corruption.

Therefore, almost all the high-end combat forces of the Evil Gods know very well that if they want to exterminate the Xinghai, they must attack their main battleships.

In this way, you can slowly eat away at the opponent.

. . .

Just as Haka blasted two more battleships that were unable to dodge, a huge blue light door also popped up behind the barrier guarding the fleet.

Immediately afterwards, the light door slid, and in the blink of an eye, all the remaining battleships were wrapped in it.

Then the blue light door suddenly shrank.

Only the satisfied and satisfied projection of the Blood God was left in place.

"Hahaha, run, run away! The doomsday barrier is mine! Finally I..."

Just in the middle of speaking, Haka suddenly felt alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Immediately, a harbinger of death suddenly erupted from the ground beneath its feet.


At the moment when it sensed the danger of death, the Blood God's snake eyes couldn't help but shrink, and at the same time, its body underwent earth-shaking changes in the next second.

Just like the heaven and earth in Xianxia novels, the body of Blood God Haka expanded rapidly, and his body completely filled up the heaven and earth in almost the blink of an eye.

Just as it reacted to activate its second form, terrifying energy spurted out from under its feet.

A pure energy explosion without any unnecessary impurities.

In addition, the location of the barrier is at the edge of the universe.

All the energy that spread was bounced back intact by the cosmic wall.

The violent energy is constantly superimposed, superimposed, and superimposed.

The 100,000-meter-high snake body was instantly dissolved by energy.

If the blood sea is still there at this time and has an energy resistance of more than 99.5%, Haka may still be able to withstand this blow.

But now it's not in very good condition.

The huge body can only slow down the erosion of energy, allowing it to "cut off its tail to survive" in time.

Zhao Feng, who had already run thousands of kilometers away and turned on the [Guardian Shield·Pseudo], quietly stared at the magnificent scenery.

The energy of the Doomsday Barrier's self-destruction was not excessively leaked.

In addition to all the space occupied inside the barrier, the energy from the outside only escapes less than 100 kilometers.

Such high-density energy is the trump card for dealing with big demonic creatures.

. . .

The explosion lasted for a full 20 minutes.

The projection body of Blood God Haka was melted by more than 97% on the spot.

The battleship's life detection radar showed that its life energy level had dropped to about 2%.

Staring at the data in front of him, Zhao Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, drove the [Conqueror] without hesitation and rushed out of the sinkhole where he was hiding.

Immediately afterwards, his mental synchronization rate with the battleship suddenly increased to 96.5%.

At the same time, the battleship skill [Manifestation of Willpower] is activated, the telekinesis tentacles grow in the wind, the eighth sense covers the world, and the star-quenching strength comprehensively improves the battleship attributes.

On the other hand, the Blood God Haka, as a projection body, was first destroyed by the sea of ​​blood and the Dharma, and then used super powerful escape techniques in a life-and-death crisis. It has long lost the overwhelming power it had at the beginning.

But even so, the strength of the Blood God's projection cannot be underestimated.

Of course, Zhao Feng also understood this. He didn't act like a reckless man and rush over with a battleship to engage in bloody close combat.

At any rate, he had reached 96 points in the cruiser assessment, and he was the absolute ace certified by Xinghai.

After driving the [Conqueror], it flew to a distance of 2,000 kilometers from Haka.

Only then did Zhao Feng use his mental strength to micro-control the rudder, causing the battleship to draw a beautiful arc and launch a standard orbit around Haka.

At the same time, all the fire control radars and phase radars on the battleship were also locking in Haka's position as quickly as possible.

When a soft "beep" sound came from the fire control subsystem, Zhao Feng understood that the entire ship's firepower had locked up Haka.

The next second, under the coordination of mental power, firepower suddenly broke out on the starboard side of the battleship.

I saw that with the addition of a thousand times the rate of fire, the [quadruple cannon] that was supposed to be the type of Iowa battleship that could only fire in sections, now turned into a Gatling.

And it also has blue fire.

The continuous acceleration of the electromagnetic track caused the fire at the muzzle to gradually change from dark red to light blue.

Thousands of artillery shells hit Haka every second.

Originally, live ammunition weapons would not cause harm to the Blood God.

But [Conqueror], which has the core of a biological mothership, has the blessing of the battleship skill [Willpower Manifestation].

This perfectly solves the problem of "kinetic immunity".

Of course, live ammunition kinetic energy attacks are still useless, but here we have added 12 times the mental damage to the projectiles.

The additional damage that has been upgraded to the star level is no joke.

In addition, before coming here, all his gold-level conquerors were equipped with level 11 [quadruple cannons].

The firepower of the M-type alone has been enhanced to Level 11, and the power of the shells it fires has been close to that of the L-type artillery.

Coupled with the state of various BUFF stacks, its instant burst of firepower is much stronger than the princess's fleet.

On this basis, the mental damage increased by 12 times, which is simply a disaster for the blood god.

Don’t forget, what the Blood God Haka is afraid of are mysterious attacks.

This set of bonuses is just right for dealing with Haka.

On the other hand, the Blood God was directly suppressed in place in the face of the sudden attack.

Get up?

The cannonball was like it had eyes. When it got up to avoid it, it directly predicted its next move.

As we all know, the famous martial arts master Bruce Lee once said that whoever moves first will reveal his flaws first.

The situation is the same now, as long as Haka dares to move.

Zhao Feng, who has opened the eighth sense of energy vision, can directly predict the enemy's opportunities at the level of energy flow.

Let the blood god who exposed his flaws suffer greater damage.

Fight back?

That's even worse!

Because from the beginning to the end, the attack methods Haka displayed were nothing more than those types.

The sea of ​​blood has been abolished, so I won’t say much.

Spray the fallen blood to corrode the battleship, use the touch of blood to control the blood of the crew members, and finally shake off the scales~

Counting it down, there are only three axes.

Zhao Feng has the absolute ability to counter it.

oh? Mobilize energy to the head and want to spurt blood?

Put the cannonball directly into your mouth and brush your teeth!

Flick your tail and throw scales?

If you dare to stick out your tail, I will smash it to pieces!

A touch of blood?

You can't even touch it, but you still want to control the blood?


Such a target, coupled with the fact that the [Conqueror] always carefully circles around the longest attack distance shown by Hakkar before.

Even if its methods are successfully used, Zhao Feng still has enough reaction time to avoid them.

The scene at this time was just like in Transformers 1, when the mold AC130 air gunship circled and beat the Decepticon giant scorpion monster.

It's just that Cancers can burrow into the ground, and they can still run away if they can't be beaten.

Haka here is finished.

After the barrier self-destructed, the terrain here became flat and flat, not to mention it was an area at the edge of the universe at this level.

That indestructible cosmic wall cannot be hammered even if Haka's body comes, let alone the current projection body.

At this time, Haka could only be beaten passively, walking step by step towards the abyss of death.

Even if you want to roar, you will be slapped in the face.

Frustration and despair filled its mind.

Its snake eyes stared intently at the warship circling at high speed in the distance, with a hint of sinisterness flashing in its eyes.

Immediately, the ancient Loa divine language slowly came out of its mouth.

The obscure sound gradually expanded the oscillation space, thus generating a large amount of mysterious energy out of thin air.

Zhao Feng, who had his eighth sense activated, immediately discovered the other party's abnormal state.

He really wanted to prevent the situation in front of him, but now it was the maximum output that Zhao Feng could achieve.

I want to use [Eye of Time] to control one hand, but the distance is too far.

To be cautious, Zhao Feng could only control the battleship and increase the orbiting diameter.

Looking at the changed trajectory of the conqueror, Haka bared his fangs in disdain.

At this time, the divine curse has been activated, and no matter how far the opponent runs, it is meaningless.

As more and more mysterious energy was gathered, after reaching a certain critical value, his body was pulverized at a strange speed.

Soon, Haka's body projected in the real world was completely turned into ashes.

In reality, Haka was turned into ashes, but in Zhao Feng's eighth sense energy vision, the opponent still maintained his original form.

And at the next moment, it suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the [Conqueror].

At this time, Zhao Feng was surprised to find that all the warship's radar systems seemed to have failed.

The weapon system's own fire control radar also lost its target.

While feeling slightly startled, Zhao Feng had a sudden thought and used his own spirit to take over the original control system.

After "manually" controlling the battleship's firepower, the intensive battleship firepower was still unable to stop its progress.

This shocked Zhao Feng, and he quickly switched to his normal vision.

But after switching to normal vision, he was even more surprised.

At some point, Haka's physical body had completely died.

"No wonder the battleship radar lost its lock on the target. It turned out to be dead? Hiss...that's not right. Then what did I just see?"

Zhao Feng frowned and opened his eighth sense vision again, only to see that Haka's figure had flown more than half the distance.

It is visually estimated that there is less than 800 kilometers away from the conqueror.

At this time, the plug-in system popped up a corresponding prompt message.

(Tip: This is the unique ability of the Loha God system in the different universe, "spiritualization".)

(Spiritualization: Incarnate into a spirit body, directly harming the essence of life from the source, it can also invade the opponent's body, and it can also plant terrifying soul poison.)

(Warning: Please stay away from the target as soon as possible. Your mental and will attributes are not enough to resist the opponent's attack.)

(Suggestion: In the spiritualized state, its state can only last for 1 hour, and it will die naturally after the time has passed.)

(Attention! At the current speed of the battleship, it only takes 10 minutes to be overtaken by the opponent.)

Looking at the system prompt information, Zhao Feng directly controlled the battleship without saying a word and sailed towards the edge of the universe.

But it's obvious, just as the plug-in suggests.

The [Conqueror]'s high-speed sailing did not widen the distance between the two.

Haka's spirit body was still behind the [Conqueror], slowly closing the distance between the two sides.

Zhao Feng was not surprised when he saw this.

After all, flying within the atmosphere, air resistance and even the gravity of the magnetic field are no small obstacles.

If he chooses to climb upward and out of the atmosphere. . .

No, if you do that, you might have been caught up by the opponent and successfully possessed by the other party.

Now that he knew the opponent's speed and would catch up to him sooner or later, Zhao Feng had no intention of escaping using conventional methods.

What? Who said to use a jump engine?

Don't make trouble~ Then the battleship needs to be in a relatively stationary state first, and the engine must be pre-charged~

Zhao Feng was not panicked about this matter.

He has many ways to deal with Haka.

But those methods have more or less risks and side effects.

So, before setting out to deal with the "Spirit of Haka".

He had to finish explaining the "future affairs" first.

I saw him controlling the battleship to fly forward while contacting the human fleet.

. . . (End of chapter)

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