"You've just never seen it before! Who can know what strange civilizations will appear in the billions of stars, and what advanced technologies will appear? Who can recognize them all?"

An extremely old lieutenant general next to him paused for a moment, then touched his beard and continued softly:

"It's a bit like the [Emperor Penguin quadruple high-explosive main gun] of the Blue Navy, but it's an L-type main gun. This is just an M-type firepower. I don't understand! I can only say that there is something special about this last civilization!"

More than just something?

When the figure of [Conqueror] appeared in 30 portals, the whispers in the command tower directly escalated into bursts of gasping.

"30 ships? Wait! There are more after that?!"

"Damn it, 300 ships!"

"Damn it, it's 3,000!!! It hasn't stopped yet? Old man, please pinch me. Is this a test of the race's strength?"

"Ah! It hurts! Are you really pinching me?!"

It’s not that everyone has never seen the big world, the main reason is that what is appearing now is not a mature fifth-level civilization, let alone a sixth-level civilization that has completed the second industrial upgrade.

What comes here now is just a trial of civilization!

A trial civilization is a civilization that starts from "zero" and climbs up from level to level of trials.

To give a simple analogy, when you see a LoL player on the ladder, you can get out with a 6-cross pickaxe at the beginning?

Just crush it, okay?

The lieutenant generals sitting here are all admirals and marshals, and I have never heard of any civilization that can achieve such a level in the trial stage.

The princess couldn't help but start to "love talents" again. The adjutant next to her saw this and said quickly:

"Your Highness, think twice! Recruitment is not allowed in Xinghai after the first stage. We can only wait until the trial is over. If we express our intention to recruit now, we will be punished by the Xinghai system."

The princess glanced at the adjutant and complained softly:

"I know, why don't you just think about it? The race that came out at the end has great potential..."

Hearing this, the adjutant chuckled:

"Your Highness, which race entering stage 3 has no potential? There is no need to rush recruitment. After they pass the trial and enter the star sea and know how difficult it is to obtain resources, they will figure out what to do."

Nodding, the princess said nothing more and led a group of generals back to the frontline command post to begin studying the "counterattack" plan.

As for the task of arranging these trial civilizations to defend the barriers, it is not the turn of these generals to do it yet.

The Xinghai system will automatically assign defense zones to each trial civilization.

Starting from No. 600 and ending at No. 823, the 223-meter defense zone was barely filled.

There is no way, the number of people brought by each race is different, the number of armies is also different, and these trial races are relatively weak, they are all stuck with the limit of 200 million soldiers, and no one is willing to send one more soldier.

Each defense zone requires 200 million to 400 million soldiers to fully exert its full firepower.

This leads to the fact that on the current defense line, except for the two areas occupied by the human race, all other races have 3-4 races occupying one defense area.

Think about it if three civilizations with different languages, cultures, and racial customs come together. God knows what they can do together.

The human race does not have such troubles. The two defense sections 801 and 802 are filled with human marines.

Only 500 million people were used, and the remaining 460 million were all fleet members.

It is not easy to complete the 200 billion meritorious mission with this configuration.

On the other side, the command center.

The princess has also finalized a counterattack plan, because the human battle cruiser fleet is powerful enough, and its firepower is almost as much as the total of all fleets in the current barrier.

This gave her the confidence to fight back.

What? Why don’t other civilizations above level 5 send battle patrols to support us?

If you want to explore ruins or hunt for food, these civilizations will probably have to get on a pole.

But if you tell those civilizations to go to the Doomsday Barrier at Level 25, donate and support.

Sorry about that! Unless it's a mandatory battlefield trial every six months, don't even think about it.

Doesn’t matter which Valkyrie Empire or Star Empire you are? No one says it will work!

It’s not that those middle-level civilizations are selfish.

As the adjutant said before, it is simply too difficult to obtain resources in a safe area in the star sea world.

The alliance formed by the forces that arrived in advance had already divided the resources.

Most of the places with excellent resources have been occupied by various super first-line forces, and a little less often are occupied by the middle-level civilization alliance.

Bonanza? Zhongmine? Don’t even think about lone wolf civilization!

Just like reality, class has been extremely solidified.

Especially those mid-level lone wolf civilizations, it is impossible for them to settle in a certain star field.

The thirst for resources and the enterprising spirit of civilization keep them wandering at all levels in the star sea universe.

In deep space, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find those rare asteroid resource belts.

For these civilizations, it is understandable how difficult it is to build a decent main fleet.

Bullshit? They see clearly that those who occupy the rich mines are unwilling to spend money, so why should they follow suit?

Therefore, the returning fleet that Zhao Feng saw and the seemingly prosperous Level 25 were actually false prosperity based on the mandatory rules established by the Star Sea System.

But it doesn't matter, those civilized choices have nothing to do with Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng, who had already built enough wealth for the human race, didn't think about what he had or didn't have at this time.

As for future development, the current fleet size is sufficient.

There is no need to continue to expand, because the population is here.

The level of the legion also limits the number of combatants.

Therefore, the development direction of the human fleet will remain unchanged in terms of number, and may even be reduced to 5,000 or even 2,000 ships.

The main goal of the next stage of development is still to improve the level of battleships.

As well as the acquisition of special battleships under advanced technology.

This is easy to understand. After all, the Conqueror itself is a single-sided fire support gunboat with strong firepower, strong maneuverability, but weak armor.

Excessive pursuit of quantity will actually affect the shooting range and increase the area affected by bullets.

At this time, quantity and quality need to be appropriately chosen.

The human race is okay, they have relatively good luck and still have the opportunity to make choices.

Like other races, at this stage they can only accumulate numbers in order to protect themselves.

I want to advance in technology and build advanced ships, but I don’t have enough resources.

It can only keep wandering at the current level.

Participate in the trial battlefield, lose manpower, replenish the number of fleets, and then participate in the battlefield again in a continuous cycle. . .

But the human race with superimposed enhancement devices will not fall into such a strange circle.

Strengthening the capabilities of the battleship can allow T3 materials to exert the effects that only T5 can have.

At Lv.7 level, the Conqueror's firepower can reach the level of a battleship.

This is how to get through the long technological development process of high-end battleships.

Of course, battleships and flagships must be built, but not now, and not through the ordinary technology tree.

As for the future development direction of the human race's combat power, he had already made a decision from the moment "Neutrino Technology" displayed [Banshee].

Give up mediocrity and prefer lack to excess.

Without high-end battleship blueprints, he would rather not build one.

And after he acquired the inheritance of [Light Trending], this thought became even more solid.

. . .

Time flies so fast, and five days have passed before the Earth players arrived at the Doomsday Barrier.

During this period, the Chaos Legion's attack never stopped, but when faced with the fire support of the battle cruiser fleet, the tide of Chaos seemed so weak.

Zhao Feng, who was bored, was sitting in the captain's seat playing a small game.

In order to train the soldiers' abilities, Zhao Feng delegated all control authority.

On the battleship, 16 M-type cannons discharged ammunition wantonly.

Yes, there are 16 M-type guns. Before coming here, in order not to reveal his true identity, he deliberately removed all the L-type main guns.

Don't underestimate the M-type [Quad Cannon].

At level 11, it has already touched the threshold of L-shaped firepower.

Coupled with the bonus of the captain's ability, facing the biological weapons of the Chaos Legion, the [Conqueror] fleet at this time is like a combine harvester.

One harvest after another, there is no stopping.

Merits, experience points, etc. were jingling in his ears.

Of course, it was said that it had a star-destroying bonus, but Zhao Feng did not fully activate it.

The 1,200 times increase in fire rate and that level of firepower density will directly make him a beacon on the battlefield, attracting everyone's attention.

It completely went against Zhao Feng's idea of ​​avoiding the princess's attention.

Therefore, he distributed most of his bonuses to the warships in the fleet through the title of [Leader].

The firepower projection density of hundreds of thousands of warships was abruptly increased six times.

As for energy consumption, there is no need to worry about it. Zhao Feng specially brought an improved "Dyson Ring".

And the corresponding energy projection tower, dedicated to charging the fleet's weapons.

Of course, you can also connect to the energy network of the barrier, but that will be charged.

Tens of millions of merit points are consumed in one day, and the price is simply not too expensive.

At this time, there was sufficient energy and intensive warship firepower on the human defense line. No chaotic creature could get close to the 10-kilometer range of the barrier.

This makes all the "little friends" around me envious.

The civilizations of the same period were all crying. They were also fleets, so why was the gap so big?

Can it be smaller? Let’s not talk about the various auxiliary bonuses and halos provided by Zhao Feng.

The enhanced battleships and weapon systems alone are not comparable to those of their civilizations.

Take [Kite] as an example. As a missile frigate and upgraded to Level 7, it is a swarm launcher with a pair of wings!

Every time a round is fired, it is a rain of bullets that covers the sky.

And what is the concept of level 11 missiles hitting level 2 and 3 armies?

That is equivalent to a 50-cent popsicle dropped on the asphalt road in the summer, a four-word adjective.

"Evaporate instantly"~

Carry? They can't bear it!

Intermediate units at levels 4 and 5 can be destroyed with one blast and taken away with two last hits.

A higher-level aggregate of flesh and blood?

Just set the fire and that’s it~

This is a missile, not a purely kinetic energy projectile like an electromagnetic gun, nor a pure energy weapon like a pulse laser, or a particle cannon.

The energy density and explosive power of missiles are not comparable to those two weapons.

The power of the strengthened S-type missile is already comparable to some direct-fire M-type high-explosive torpedoes.

Coupled with the number of hundreds of thousands, they can completely cover the human race's defense line when lined up.

If the defense lines are allocated according to the density of firepower projection, Zhao Feng estimates that his frigates alone can cover 40-60 defense sections.

Nothing else, the powerful firepower can be so willful.

This is just a frigate.

You must know that the battle patrol is not staying in its own defense area at this time.

The 8,000 [Conquerors] were divided into 200 teams by Zhao Feng and dispersed to various defense sections of other races.

Under the banner of helping each other, merit points were harvested crazily.

Although there are only 40 [Conquerors] in each defense zone, the bonuses are there.

6 times the firepower increase, 10 times the energy recovery speed, plus a nearly unlimited energy supply.

Even if there are only 40 Conquerors in a defense zone, they can still produce a firepower density of more than 240 ships.

This is because Zhao Feng came here and did not activate the bonus effect to its full value.

But even so, it's enough to be astonishing.

Soon the abilities displayed by the human race were delivered to the princess via video message.

After carefully reading the evaluation report and the video content, the princess became more determined to take the human race under her command.

The adjutant next to him looked at the content in the video and showed a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly she thought of something, and regardless of whether it was beyond her limits, she whispered something directly into the princess's ear.

The princess's face couldn't help but change slightly after hearing what the adjutant said.

And suddenly turned his head, his beautiful eyes flashing, staring at his adjutant.

The adjutant met the princess's gaze and nodded fiercely.

‘Leader level? It turns out this is the leader level! Provide capability bonuses to more than 100,000 warships at once? ! too strong! No, I have to recruit that civilization. ’

‘With the addition of that leader, Eden Eden doesn’t even need the intervention of other civilizations. The empire alone can recapture it!

And Valhalla will surely return to the top of all races! ’

The princess fell into a high nest in her skull, let’s not mention it for now.

The current situation is very clever. Previously, the princess fell in love with Zhao Feng because of his personal ability, but he also found out the clues and ran away.

Now I pretended a lot and kept coming, but in the end, I was still noticed.

If Zhao Feng knew that even if he lowered his profile like this, the princess was still chasing him, he would probably sigh that not even aliens could resist his handsomeness~

. . .

They didn't dare to show too much urgency about recruiting humans.

Now the adjutant can see the difference in the other party. If she acts too eagerly, it will inevitably attract the attention of other races.

After all, the "leader level" is an existence that no civilization can despise, and it not only restrains the rules of Level 26 Eden.

Even at the later levels, the leader level can play an extremely critical role.

. . . (End of chapter)

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