Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 279 Return to the Doomsday Barrier [4000] Thanks to book friend DrMango for the reward


Staring at the prompt information in front of him, Zhao Feng had an expression on his face that he had known this for a long time. He had completely understood the bottom line of the Xinghai System.

As for the other races accompanying him, they were not as calm as Zhao Feng.

I've only been here for 15 days, and the good times are just about to begin, but I end up being dragged to the front line to fight? !

Or some kind of doomsday battle? The one whose name makes it difficult to deal with!

But what can they do? Being a group of chess pieces and being manipulated by chess players is their only fate.

Under the panic of the general situation, only absolute strength can guarantee the survival of civilization.

【Ding! Attention all civilizations! The second phase of the trial will end in 24 hours, and the areas occupied by the civilization will be retained at that time. 】

【Notice! The occupied area must be occupied for more than 23 hours! And must be connected to major cities! 】

【Ding! The rules of the doomsday battle are as follows]

[1. The minimum number of people sent by civilization to participate in the war shall not be less than 200 million. 】

[2. Before the end of the Doomsday War, the total merit points obtained by the civilization shall not be less than 200 billion points. 】

[3. The assigned defense area must not be lost. 】

[If any of the above standards are not completed, or if all the legions participating in the Doomsday War are wiped out, the punishment mode will be triggered, and 1 billion tribesmen will be sent to the battlefield immediately until all requirements are met. 】

If the previous Star Ocean system ended the second phase of the trial "early", leaving other civilizations helpless.

Now, after seeing the new prompt message, they are already getting angry and cursing.

Moreover, he was cursing his mother while frantically expanding his territory.

But how much can we expand in one hour by running towards death?

They are not like the human race. The tribes that have just come over are short of time and manpower, and there is not even a shadow of the legion station.

The industrial development has not been upgraded, and we are still relying on the initial building tree. We really can’t move faster even if we want to!

Of course, although the human race has almost all the advantages, even so, it can only occupy a continent.

Facing the last day, the human race did not expand the territory without thinking. Instead, they mobilized all the warships to transport the resources mined on the Mimic Continent.

This is used to increase the continent’s resource reserves.

At this time, 7 billion humans plus nearly a trillion robots are all busy.

In addition to gathering resources from the Mimic Continent.

Zhao Feng did not miss the silicon crystal mine located in the neutral area. He had established an "Old Seal" base there before.

The human race's territory is almost connected to that side.

Now that the announcement from the Xinghai System has been issued, this base will be completely connected.

Anyway, it’s just an enclosure. The rigid King of Souls will not do anything “extraordinary” as long as you don’t disturb others’ rest.

As for dealing with it, Zhao Feng had never even thought about it.

Even though he has a large fleet, the total number of frigates, phase destroyers, supply ships, and battlecruisers even exceeds 150,000. The battle cruiser, which is the absolute main force, has been expanded for the second time in the dock. Later, 8,000 ships were accumulated

But dealing with the King of Souls, in plug-in terms, is a four-word review.

"Don't send it away, okay?"

One can imagine how strong the opponent must be.

With Zhao Feng's configuration, even a small battleship formation would feel numb when seeing him, but what about facing the King of Souls?

Should it be cannon fodder or cannon fodder?

Without Xilang, Zhao Feng focused on stability and development during the only one-day safety period.

T3 nuclear fuel and vanadium.

T4 amethyst.

T5 complex crystal

This is the largest number collected in these 24 hours.

Needless to say, nuclear fuel is a necessary material for ordinary warships.

Vanadium is used to make nanometals.

Amethyst is used to make photonic crystals.

Complex crystal is a different kind of crystal, which is different from ferrite, austenite, cementite, pearlite and other metal crystal structures with special functions.

Although the integration is also a metal crystal, it is more perfect.

It is also an important material used to make T5 level armor and crystal armor.

The output of these things on the continent is also different according to their levels.

T5 is the least, and there are only two proven crystalline veins in the human continent.

Even if all the T5 mines in Mimicry are mined, they probably won’t be enough.

T4 is better, with 12 amethyst mines, including those mined by Mimic, which is definitely enough for development.

If you want to build a fleet mainly made of T4 materials, you may need to go to the trade area to purchase in large quantities.

T3 has the highest output, which may be due to the refresh based on the level of the race. At the beginning, when the human race did not advance to the late stage of level 3, very few minerals were discovered in T3.

Now after being promoted to T3, the amount of T3 minerals is a bit scary.

As for T2, T1 and T0, it goes without saying, they are everywhere.

One day passed quickly as the whole family worked hard and overtime in the mining operation.

As the countdown ended, except for the occupied areas of various races, all other lands collapsed in the next moment and fell into the bottomless abyss.

The same goes for the stone bridges connecting other continents. Except for the "big bridge" occupied by Zhao Feng, they all collapsed and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding environment changed, and the continents of various races were teleported back to the Level 0 universe.

At the same time, two corresponding prompt boxes popped up in front of the kings or rulers of each clan.

[Number of soldiers: 0/200 million]

[Teleport countdown: 9 minutes and 58 seconds. . . 】

The meaning was already obvious. Zhao Feng glanced at it and didn't take it seriously.

The human fleet has already been fully boarded.

Not to mention 200 million soldiers, you must know that just 8,000 conquerors would require 400 million people to drive.

The other supply ships, frigates, and destroyers together have a population of close to 100 million.

In addition, each ship is full of marines, so this group will go out.

Zhao Feng only left tens of millions of soldiers at home to maintain necessary order.

He brought all the remaining 900 million troops to the battlefield in one wave.

There's nothing to say. I'm tired of killing mobs, so it's time for a change.

When the countdown reached the last second, the troops of all races disappeared into the space of this universe under a burst of intense and dazzling blue light.

. . .

Within the Doomsday Barrier of Level 25, dozens of giant portals opened at this moment.

At this time, the princess was leading the generals of various races, standing in the command tower not far away, quietly waiting for the arrival of the "support" troops.

There is nothing much to say about the first few races that came out. They have thousands of ships to escort and hundreds of ships to expel, plus hundreds of millions of troops.

Very sparse, very ordinary.

In the eyes of the princess, besides destroyers, they can be of some use. She feels that those frigates are taking up space if they are used as cannon fodder for her.

As for the fleets of about the first 200 races that came out, they were basically the same, with nothing new.

Just when the princess looked a little sleepy, a decent fleet finally came out.

That was a full 10 times larger than a destroyer, and it was obviously a cruiser that could only be owned by a high-level trial civilization.

Of course, there weren't many of them, and they weren't gunboats either.

Just a [Hunter-class] cruise aircraft carrier.

This thing has 4 decks and can take off and land 4 fleets of carrier-based aircraft at the same time.

Although it has an L-shaped missile slot, it is equipped with an M-shaped [Combustible Ice] missile system.

This is a fragmentation missile launch system that can be accelerated through an ultra-long electromagnetic pipeline.

When the specially crafted cast projectile explodes, it can cause horrific lacerations to the battleship's armor.

The extremely fast muzzle velocity makes it extremely difficult to intercept, and at the same time it can be used for close-explosion interception missiles or carrier-based aircraft groups.

In addition to this, this battleship also has a 16-door S-type integrated slot.

Needless to say, this near-fire resistance is absolutely top-notch!

But in the eyes of the princess, to be honest, that's all. Does it have any practical significance for carrier-based aircraft to face the chaotic air force like a heavy rain?

Drowning will also drown you.

Even if the number of carrier-based aircraft increases, what about the amount of bombs it can carry? This is another big pit.

Not to mention the ordinary pulse laser cannon, the energy tube is enough for casual use.

But what about powerful weapons?

You must know that whether it is missiles or railguns, they can play a good role in dealing with the Chaos Air Force.

Whether it is blowing the air force into pieces or directly blasting the body of a single chaotic creature, it is not difficult for live ammunition weapons.

Although the pulse laser is also very good, its main focus is a penetration effect, and it is difficult to kill the Chaos Air Force with one blow.

Of course, the power of physical artillery shells has indeed increased, but similarly, its loading capacity will definitely become extremely limited.

Do I have to go back and resupply after shooting?

This will create a fire fault.

Of course, you can choose to rotate and alternate covering defense.

But the problem is, the number of Chaos Legions is endless. If your carrier-based aircraft has such small parts and so precise parts, there will always be malfunctions, right?

If one is faulty, it means that the other carrier-based aircraft are on the verge of failure.

Gunboats don't have such troubles. Not only can they be used and repaired at any time, the cannon is durable and easy to cool, and parts can be replaced from the warehouse.

There is no need to reload ammunition back and forth, and there is no need to worry about weapon damage.

This is still a relatively simple question.

A little deeper, if our own air force rushes out, will the gunboats in the rear have range firepower, or will they not?

Shoot, damaging friendly troops.

If you don't shoot, the combat distance will be quickly shortened.

Therefore, aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft are very embarrassed when facing the evil god army in the star sea world.

It's fine to be a command ship, but the problem is that there are so many flagships here, why would you use your little crispy cruiser as a command ship?

The princess shook her head, feeling helpless.

She can also understand these trial civilizations. After all, everyone comes from the original world and knows the value of carrier-based aircraft.

It has strong latency, precise strike, and finally, ultra-low cost.

It is indeed the only magic weapon in civilized war.

But the problem is that the current enemy is not other civilizations in the same universe, but chaotic creatures, a terrifying number of chaotic creatures.

Engaging in precision strikes is like using a Tomahawk cruise missile to hit a car. Not to mention the waste, it is of no use~

What is needed now is the density of firepower and the laying of a firepower network.

Carrier-based aircraft? In this universe, they can only be discarded goods.

Dozens more aircraft carriers came out, and a look of impatience gradually appeared on the princess's face.

Before, she had thought that with the support of the trial civilization, she would go out to fight back, kill the vigor of the Chaos Legion, and then take over their headquarters.

Originally, she thought the support would be more reliable, but what happened?

There are basically no battleships.

The nearly 100,000-ton destroyer is quite a boost.

But what the hell are 1.5 million frigates?

It seems like a lot, but how effective can a basic S-type weapon be against a 4th or even 5th level Chaos Air Force?

As for the army, although its numbers can make up for the gap.

However, the area of ​​​​the barrier is fixed, and the total number of personnel that can be carried on one side of the defense section is only so many. In addition to supplementing the rotation of manpower, it actually does not play a decisive role.

To be honest, she was extremely disappointed with this "support" from the Xinghai System.

"Oh, it is indeed a trial of civilization, so we can't expect too much."

In retrospect, had it not been for the fact that the tens of thousands of warships that had returned previously had been severely damaged, it would have taken 5 to 6 months for them to undergo major repairs before they could regain their combat effectiveness.

She didn't need to wait for any damn "support" at all.

Just when the princess was at a loss what to do, the human fleet quietly sailed out of the portal. . .

The first thing to come out was a massive level 7 [Kite].

The size of the [Kite] upgraded to Level 7 is comparable to that of an ordinary destroyer.

Just appearing on the stage gives people a bright feeling.

A ship with two ships may not be impressive, but the number of level 7 [Kites] on the human race has reached 120,000!

That is to say, Zhao Feng's family has a huge business, abundant resources and nowhere to spend them. Coupled with the massive energy and the superimposed enhancement device, it is possible to create such a "wild" fleet at the current stage.

Seeing that the number of human "destroyers" were still moving out, the princess's expression could not help but recover a little.

"The last civilization that appeared is pretty good! They have a lot of destroyers, which can match all the previous civilizations combined. Wait a minute, what type of destroyer is that? Why does it feel a bit like a [kite]?"

The adjutant next to him quickly replied:

"Your Highness, it should be an enhanced and improved version of Kite, maybe a heavy frigate. It seems that there are 6 more weapon slots on it than an ordinary destroyer. Although it looks big, it should still be a frigate, and the slots should still be the same. S...Huh?"

Before he could finish his words, the strange-looking [Boson-class] phase destroyer and [Jiaoben-class] supply ship slowly sailed out of the light gate one after another.

But this is not over yet. You must know that the light-oriented battleship race has only begun to increase production, and the quantity produced is smaller.

Now it seems like it's just a tack.

The real protagonist is actually the battle cruiser fleet at the rear.

When the first Conqueror sailed out of the portal, all the generals in the command tower just nodded, and only a few of them communicated in low voices.

"Well, it's very good. You can unlock the battlecruiser during the trial stage. Even though it's just the most conventional [Conqueror], it's still very powerful."

Lieutenant General Mantis spoke sincerely, and the Lieutenant General of the slime family next to him answered.

"Yes, yes, that's right, but the artillery is a little watery, M-type... Huh? Wait! Quadruple? Hiss~ the caliber is enough for a cannon? What kind of artillery is that? Why have I never seen it before?"

. . . (End of chapter)

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