Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 262 Old Seal [4000] Thanks to book friend DrMango for his long-term support

The small size and high purity make the mining difficulty of this mine much lower.

But is there really such a good thing in the world?

Zhao Feng didn't think that the Xinghai System would be so generous, knowing his strength and still sending him resources like this?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, He will only test him in different ways and embarrass him.

Thinking that there might be a trap hidden in it, Zhao Feng turned his eyes and turned on the ship's communication system, saying in a deep voice:

"Attention all members, the fire team remains on high alert, the radar squad switches to passive detection mode, pay attention to the life detector readings, and the detection team stops scanning."

After a pause, Zhao Feng took a breath and said in a deep voice.

"The battleship remains silent. The Marine Corps releases the remote control decoy on the spot. The engine output is reduced to 9%. Let's circle around and slowly move closer!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Feng clicked his fingers in mid-air and directly activated the astral camouflage on the outer layer of the battleship.

The next second, the [Conqueror] completely merged into the starry sky, and at the same time, the battleship fell into a deathly silence.

Silence not only means that the battleship's communication system and various detection systems have fallen into silence.

At the same time, the personnel on the battleship cannot make too much noise.

It is somewhat similar to the silent state of a submarine during deep sea diving.

However, the purpose of interstellar warfare is not to guard against other civilized races that share the same technological line. It is a special combat code formulated to counter the detection capabilities of certain mysterious entities.

This trick can effectively reduce the probability of the battleship being discovered by those metaphysical methods.

When the warship sailed thousands of kilometers away from its original position, Zhao Feng immediately activated the bait remotely.

That thing is said to be a bait, but it is actually a combination of a high-power signal transmitter and an energy supply device.

It's just that many design flaws were deliberately made to increase the possibility of discovery.

At this time, the numerous sighting instruments in the [Conqueror] were divided into two parts. One part was staring at the area where the bait was located, and the other part was always observing the mine in the distance.

3 minutes passed and nothing happened.

5 minutes passed, still safe and sound.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng was not careless or let down his guard.

He didn't believe that the Xinghai System would be so kind as to give him a mine for free, which was one of the main reasons why he was so cautious.

The other reasons are his logical deduction and the collection of relevant information while in the trade area.

You know, for a civilization that can reach the second stage, battleships and even fleets must be standard equipment.

Of course, it is possible that they do not know the goods and do not know silicon crystals.

But they will definitely mine those high-end resources.

However, there is very little information about this in the trade area.

Even if you check the trial records of the elves, you can only get a fragment of information.

Simply put in one word: "extremely dangerous."

As if to confirm what Zhao Feng was thinking, at the 10th minute when the bait kept exposing itself, a sudden change occurred.

I saw that the "mine" in the distance suddenly changed.

The section of the mountain in the deep sky suddenly turned into a large pool of "fluid".

Then the fluids continued to gather and combine, and finally turned into a huge octahedral crystal.

The crystals floating in the deep space environment are crystal clear and beautiful.

Its attack method is also extremely beautiful.

On the screen, the crystal just flickered slightly in the direction of the "bait".

Immediately afterwards, the colorful stream of light directly filled the entire airspace, and the most dazzling center of the light was a beam of light spears shooting straight out.

The target of the light spear was the bait that Zhao Feng had thrown out in advance.

That's when the opponent launches an attack.

The radar's passive detection unit began to issue constant warnings.

All kinds of alarm messages popped up crazily in Zhao Feng's mind.

"Warning! Warning! High-energy reaction detected, energy level transition..."

"Warning! Warning! The opponent's attack has been launched and the bait has been destroyed..."

"The energy level of this attack is estimated..."

"Calculation is being carried out through the airspace energy residue..."

"This attack contains mixed damage from beam, energy, and mystery systems. The damage value is approximately 54 million to 87 million."

"Please do not engage in head-on conflict with the opponent. The warship cannot withstand its attack."

Not long after the battleship prompt popped up, the plug-in also popped up the corresponding message.

(A new enemy has been detected and the opponent's information is being scanned.)

(Lemuel, King of Souls, imitation: one of the legendary seven apostles who serve before God, and a general under one of the ancient gods [Light]. What you are facing is an imitation version of the Star Sea system.)

(Under normal conditions, Remiel looks like an octahedral crystal. In this mode, conventional live ammunition weapons are ineffective against it, and energy weapons reduce its damage by 99.999%.)

(Weakness: When attacking, it needs to expose its core to collect charged particles, photons, and even some mysterious energy. It can kill the opponent by counterattacking while attacking.)

(Suggestion: You have almost no chance of winning against him. You can choose to hang an old seal on the outside of the battleship. In order to obtain absolution, because it is an imitation, it will only retain some of the preferences deeply rooted in genes, and the old seal is One of the things it hates the most is that it will most likely choose to ignore you or even choose to avoid you temporarily when a Tuo Xiang approaches.)

(Tip: Outer Gods, Old Gods, and Ancient Gods are collectively referred to as Evil Gods by the Star Sea World. Among them, the Ancient Gods are more "friendly" to intelligent life, but their ultimate goal is to capture everything, assimilate everything and make everything belong to Him, the "one" ,

The goal of the Old Gods is to devour the world and return the universe to chaos.

The outer gods are the most Buddhist type. They have almost no goals, and they also have no ill intentions towards everything in the world. They come here just to have a look and play.

But even so, everyone who has ever looked directly at them or been looked directly at by them, even if they heard the sound, will be killed due to various strange and changed rules of the universe. Very few life forms have escaped. , you will get great benefits. )

(Note: The Old Gods and the Old Gods are almost mortal enemies.)


Originally, Zhao Feng wanted to give up on the mining area in the middle, but he didn't expect that there would be no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there would be another village with dark flowers and bright flowers! Where can I reason from this?

Looking at the prompt message from the plug-in and the symbol of the old seal, Zhao Feng was very happy.

As for the "gods" mentioned in it, Zhao Feng didn't take it to heart at all.

The ancient god looks beautiful, but on the inside he is still obsessed with his body.

Not to mention the Old Gods, a bunch of madmen who crave "chaos".

The Outer Gods are slightly better. They have no desires after all, but the problem is that surviving the rules of the universe after their unintentional interference is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

After all, it is better to just carve the "old seal" on the forehead and simply disgust them and their subordinates.

As for the next action, Zhao Feng has also thought about it. He will send some robots and frigates with "old seals" all over their bodies.

They will be responsible for testing the bottom line of the pseudo-soul king.

Starting from the bottom of the mountain range, we are exploring bit by bit, and digging bit by bit to gather resources.

As for letting him play in person? That's impossible. Zhao Feng can't make fun of his own life.

After all, the plug-in just said that it would just ignore him with a high probability.

Although it is an imitation, its combat power is second only to those evil gods.

Fortunately, it's not so obvious if it's far away, but what if it's close? Maybe you can find something special about him.

When the time comes, if the other party doesn't respect martial ethics and insists on shooting "Xiang" with his bare hands, what will he do? Waiting to die?

So for safety reasons, he planned to change his routine and let the robots mine the mine.

The mined resource blocks are 100% pure anyway. You can save more than 100 million points and transport them every once in a while.

And it’s actually pretty good if you think about it this way.

This is equivalent to earning a super bodyguard for nothing.

You must know that most of the deformed creatures participating in the attack belong to the old god faction.

Just by looking at their chaotic appearance, you can tell without even thinking that this "King of Souls" will never get along well with those things.

If those chaotic creatures come to cause trouble, they will not end up well.

After all, the "Xiang" Soul King can be ignored, but as for the hostile forces, there is nothing to say.

In this way, there is no need for him to take special care of things here if nothing unexpected happens.

You only need to come over occasionally to collect resources.

The next development of things was indeed as Zhao Feng thought.

The Soul King didn't even look at the "Old Seal" frigate he released, and turned it back into a part of the mine on the spot.

The feeling of disgust was overwhelming.

When Zhao Feng saw this, he just gave up.

He didn't choose to provoke the other party too much, and he directly stopped him from doing anything like making a fool of himself.

Nothing else. Only after [Kite] approached and activated the detector did Zhao Feng understand the specific situation of this mine.

1 month? Not to mention mining the entire mountain, it means pulling over 7 billion people, including their entire families, to join us.

Picking a small hill is the limit.

Nothing else, the ore is too pure and the resources are too rich!

With the hundreds of thousands of robots he currently has, it is simply not enough.

Moreover, the difficulty of mining high-grade minerals is also here. If you want to mine it quickly, you need to increase the number of robots.

Although pursuing robot level will also increase the mining speed, it must be upgraded to at least Lv. 11 to trigger a qualitative change.

But even if there is a qualitative change, it will still be one against a hundred or one against a thousand~

But you have to know that the damage caused by the superposition enhancement device is quite serious. Every tens of thousands of level 1 robots can't even think about going up to Lv. 11.

Tens of thousands and one, plus the time consumed, is this thing still worth choosing?

Quantity must be priority!

After checking the relevant data, Zhao Feng sent out another 20,000 mining robots without saying a word, and also engraved an old mark on their foreheads.

If 20,000 is still fine, then keep adding more!

I saw that the number of robots at the foot of the mountain was increasing, and at the same time, thousands of kites parked in the [Conqueror] were also sent over.

It wasn't until all the mining and engineering robots in the battleship were cleared that Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the issue of energy supply, the kites he left behind were all filled with nuclear fuel.

When the energy core of a kite is in combat mode, it is basically no problem to charge 200-300 robots at the same time.

More than 1,000 kites are enough to cope with the current situation.

Besides, this isn't the first day. It's understandable that I'm not fully prepared.

. . .

As time went by, every day that followed, after Zhao Feng led everyone to eliminate the invading deformed creatures, he would drive the [Conqueror] over to see the situation.

Take all the resources away easily.

As for the big mine at home, he didn't touch it at all.

Ten days passed by in a flash, and the plain was no longer what it was before.

Outside the city, with the help of robots and fully automatic equipment, two superconducting railways and a highway have been laid for more than 5,000 kilometers.

As for the frontline battlefield, it is a full 5,500 kilometers away from [Starting City].

No matter how much it expands, the distance traveled by deformed creatures has always remained within the range of 200-500 kilometers outside the human-occupied area.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhao Feng had ordered the entire army to hold on and transform and build air defense positions three days ago, they might have been more than 10,000 kilometers away by now.

As for the human space fleet, Zhao Feng did not organize it. Firstly, there were not enough pilots, and secondly, there were too few auxiliary units.

At this time, in addition to expanding the area under his control several times, Zhao Feng also built an additional legion city on this large plain of more than 10,000 kilometers.

A base responsible for smelting and production [Qianqian City].

Originally, the scale of the production army that Zhao Feng chose to build was at the galaxy level, but because he came here, under the influence of special rules, it became a city level.

Of course, it looks like it's shrunk, but it's actually just compressed space.

Neither energy nor material output has been substantially affected.

In addition, [Qianqiancheng] has completed all phases of construction during this period.

Yes, all of them!

Just like the original [Airport].

It contains tens of billions of T1, tens of millions of T2, and millions of T3 materials.

These supplies may seem like a lot, but in the face of the productivity of 7 billion people, they are nothing but clouds.

Why do you say raw materials are not in supply? Not enough mining robots?

False news!

As long as you put on the Pioneer exoskeleton, bring a drilling laser and a cute electric mule, everyone is an SCV and everyone is a mining mule.

There may not be enough materials ~

Even if the number of exoskeletons is too short due to production capacity, he has plenty of drilling lasers.

With a population of 7 billion, excluding the old and the weak, there are at least 5 billion human SCVs.

As for the "underground city" that was integrated together, as well as the various metal materials in the city, they were directly consumed in this large-scale production.

In addition to the united human beings, the outstanding individuals who have contributed the most are undoubtedly "Betas".

All construction related, all drawing designs, and even [Forward City] can be completed in just a few days.

All thanks to Beta’s outstanding contribution.

. . . (End of chapter)

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