Calculated, the number of deaths of those deformed bodies per second will reach about 600,000, and these disgusting creatures can be wiped out in about 28 minutes.

28 minutes is not too long, and you can play two games of the King, or one game of the Alliance.

But don't forget that the continuous outpouring of firepower will cause heat accumulation in the barrel.

Just like before, the L-type main gun and M-type secondary gun had to replace the barrel if they fired continuously.

Although this is an S-type barrel and can be equipped with an external cooling sleeve, that only barely increases the shooting duration by about three times.

From 2 minutes to 6 minutes.

This is because the battleship skill has not been enabled. If the battleship skill is enabled, the insufficient energy carrying capacity of the small-caliber gun barrel will be magnified in a straight line.

The barrel of the battering ram needs to be replaced in a maximum of 2 minutes.

Of course, if the battleship skill is activated, the death speed of these little pickpockets is estimated to be hundreds of times higher!

Do mobs of level 10 or above have any good resistances?

Oh~ You mean level 1 mysterious resistance, right?

Sorry, in the face of the [Conqueror] who is sitting in Zhao Feng's command, and in the face of the level 6 mental damage caused by the activation of the battleship skill, it is equivalent to nothing. It is thicker than a layer of paper.

But then again, Zhao Feng would definitely not activate the battleship skill so early.

What if you want to train the crew without putting pressure on them?

After 5 minutes and 30 seconds, the fire gap caused by replacing the gun barrel was a major difficulty they were about to face.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but wonder when these subordinates would discover this and how they would deal with it.

Of course, replacing the barrel is actually relatively easy.

Because in interstellar wars, most of the S-type artillery served as close firepower for battleships.

In order to ensure the density of firepower, basically the turrets of these S-type artillery have built-in automated barrel changing equipment.

Unlike the L-type and M-type giant guns, which require the help of external industrial ships or docks.

But even if no external help is needed, even automated equipment still needs about half a minute to change.

You must know that now, the firepower of the [Conquerors] has only suppressed their offensive momentum 5 kilometers away, and as the corpses of deformed life forms are piled higher and higher, their front will slowly advance forward in a short time. .

During this period, if a few deformed creatures rush in due to improper distribution of firepower, countless players will die.

Zhao Feng knew this very well, but he had no intention of reminding them.

'Let me see, how will you deal with it, or is the previous "epiphany" just a blind cat that kills a mouse? ’

As his consciousness moved, the situation of the fire team was soon displayed before Zhao Feng's eyes.

. . .

This is not the giant ship turret of the Earth era, which requires the cooperation of machinery and manpower.

The naval guns of the interstellar era all have a corresponding system and do not require such troublesome operations at all. .

The control area where the gunners are located is not even on the same level as the naval guns.

It's almost like playing a game. Each person has a display screen, and the built-in fire control radar will participate in auxiliary aiming.

At this time, Hank, as the gunner, had already noticed the M-type and L-type artillery on the battleship, and did not participate in the defense at this time.

Based on the attitude shown by the captain before, it was obvious that this was a test of their personal abilities.

From this point of view, it makes sense that the cannon did not participate in the defense.

Thinking of this, Hank quickly thought about whether there was something he hadn't noticed.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the abnormal indicators of the barrel temperature in the various artillery data displayed on the operating table.

After silently calculating, he sighed in his heart.

Although I know that the captain can definitely handle this "crisis", the problem detection is for them, and if something goes wrong, they will not pass.

Maybe when the captain gets angry, they will abolish them all. How can they deal with it?

It would have been okay if he had not been selected at the beginning, but now that he had been selected, but was dismissed because he failed the test, that would be unacceptable to Hank.

As a former German, the blood flowing in his blood would not allow this to happen.

Under the pressure of the crisis, Hank's brain began to work rapidly, and soon he thought of many ways to deal with it.

Understanding that there is no further delay, Hank directly ordered:

"Attention all personnel, your gun barrel will be red-hot in 3 minutes. Don't panic for the next operation and listen to my instructions."

"Attention to gun positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. After 3 seconds, the shooting area on the right side will be reduced by 50%, and the right gun barrels will be replaced collectively. Even-numbered gun positions will increase the adjacent gun positions on the left by 50%. Shooting coverage.”

As soon as Hank finished speaking, the 3-second countdown was halfway through, and then he saw that as the density of artillery fire decreased, the surrounding deformed creatures slowly pressed forward.

But their speed is far behind compared to the fierceness of their previous charge.

In the past, it was a high-speed train that traveled 500 or 600 kilometers per hour.

If they were unable to walk when they were intercepted, then now they are like old ladies who can only walk 2-3 kilometers per hour~

There is progress, but not much.

Hank, who had been paying attention to the external situation, clenched his fist fiercely when he saw this scene.

After seeing their performance, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

The subsequent battle was nothing interesting to him.

The lads in the gunnery position have passed the test.

Next, it only needs time and experience to grow.

Just like this, time passed by minute by minute.

For 28 minutes, none of the deformed creatures could get close to the conqueror.

Not even one of them could break through the firepower net projected by the [Conqueror].

At this time, one billion deformed life forms have piled up into a small mountain in front of them.

Of course, Zhao Feng couldn't let these things rot here, as it would pollute his land.

On the ship, the L-shaped [Quadruple Ifrit Cannon] was slowly rotating.

The barrel of the gun was filled with powerful incendiary bombs at this time.

There was no need to aim, nor too much charging, just the cannonball drew a beautiful arc in the air.

The moment they arrived above the pile of corpses, powerful incendiary bombs exploded from the sky like fireworks.

Countless golden "fireworks" slowly covered the entire airspace, and slowly fell towards the pile of corpses below.

As soon as the golden flame landed on the corpse, it burned violently.

As more and more golden light points fall, the burning range becomes wider and wider.

I saw that whether it was corpses, blood, water, or land, they were all ignited by the golden "light spots".

The burning effect was even more complete, without even a trace of smoke rising.

Stink? It was directly used as a combustion accelerant and burned together.

Half an hour later, a large crater with a diameter of 10 kilometers appeared in front of the crew members.

At the bottom of the pit, the golden flames continued to burn for about 10 minutes before they were extinguished one by one.

At the same time, the players outside the city gradually recovered their ability to control themselves.

As those who have personally experienced the terrifying side of those deformed life forms, they firmly believe in what Zhao Feng said at the beginning.

At this time, Zhao Feng started the city-wide live broadcast again.

Zhao Feng's serious face popped up on all the screens inside and outside the city.

Immediately afterwards, his cold voice came from every corner of the city.

"Compatriots, we resisted! Although this is only the first wave of attack, the victory of any battle is accumulated from small advantages one after another.

Believe me, we will survive wave after wave of enemy attacks.

One billion were killed today, 2 billion will be killed tomorrow, 4 billion will be killed the day after tomorrow, and hundreds of billions will be killed in 10 days! No matter how many they come, no matter how terrifying they look, as long as they dare to set foot on our land, they will all die!

Now, in the future, and even in the future, no one can stop the progress of mankind, not even the evil god! I said! "

The aggressive remarks made some people in the city, especially the young people on Earth, excited.

Some of the more mature players frowned in thought.

As the city manager, Zhao Feng discovered this phenomenon immediately, so he took a breath and continued:

"I know everyone is scared and a little afraid of those evil deformed monsters.

So in the next battle, in order to deal with their attacks, I will issue armor that can withstand spiritual attacks to players who join the city defense army. "

"Because the production capacity of this special armor is limited, I will strictly limit the number of people who join the city defense army this round!"

"But even so, I still hope that everyone can actively sign up for the next city defense and development. As for the rationing system in the city, I will explain it through the World Channel."

In simple words, there is no big reason, but the stakes are clarified.

Want to survive? Want to get through it? Then you must contribute to this city!

By becoming a city defense force, you will no longer be afraid of the mental attacks of deformed beings.

Even if you don’t want to work hard, you can still participate in the construction of the city and get a lot of rewards.

As for what he just mentioned, the armor is a shield and can also resist mental attacks and so on.

In fact, there is no such thing, it is just nonsense.

Of course, although he was blind about the equipment and so on, once the city defense army was formed, it would definitely become his own private army.

At that time, they are all good brothers in the same legion, and Zhao Feng's title of "Leader" can play a great role.

Even after attributes are shared, the resistance shared among everyone will be attenuated.

But it is more than enough to withstand the mental pressure and pollution of levels 1-3.

No matter how many deformed creatures come by then, they will have no choice but to die when facing an electromagnetic gun position with full protection capabilities and equally luxurious weapons and equipment.

As for the brothers he values, all they need to do is to level up quickly and try to put them to use as soon as possible.

. . .

After appeasing the people, Zhao Feng first left tens of thousands of Level 5 combat robots here to ensure that his lair would not be taken advantage of by the enemy.

Afterwards, he went to the [Floating Airport] parked in the center of the city and filled the battleship with the mining robots and engineering robots built during this period.

When everything was ready, Zhao Feng immediately issued instructions to the crew.

"The entire ship has ascended into space, and the engine team is preparing to initiate a short-range jump. The target distance is 67 million kilometers."

After receiving the instructions from the captain, all crew members became busy again.

The [Conqueror] also slowly changed its trajectory and rose towards the deep space of the universe above its head.

The distance of 67 million kilometers is so far away that even light takes 223 seconds to reach it.

But when facing the jump engine of the [Conqueror], when facing the jump ability of up to 200 times the speed of light.

For such a long distance, under the distortion of the jump engine, you can easily reach your destination in just a few seconds.

At this time, inside the battleship, the chief engineer, who was ordered to start the jump engine for the first time, was quite nervous.

Fortunately, this guy has solid basic skills, and when nothing happens, he starts the training program and practices the "108 Jump Moves" like crazy.

Although this was his first time to "practice on the computer", in his mind, he was already familiar with every step of it to the extent that he could no longer be familiar with it.

As the energy of the jump engine continued to accumulate, a light blue protective shield soon enveloped the entire battleship.

The next second, the huge hull of the [Conqueror] suddenly disappeared from the spot.

2.6 seconds later, 67 million kilometers away, the space was distorted and the warship suddenly popped out of the wrinkled space.

"Ding! The jump is completed, the jump engine is cooling down..."

Pilot: "The engine output is 20%, and the warship is conducting covert navigation."

Radar squad: "Scanning the surrounding airspace..."

Fire team: "All close-in defense weapons are on standby, and the fire control radar has not detected any suspicious targets."

Detection team: "A large amount of mineral materials were detected. The position is 31° to the right of the battleship and the distance is 1,423 kilometers."

. . .

Staring at the messages sent immediately after the jump, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

‘Finally something looks good. ’

Then with a wave of his hand, he turned on optic nerve sharing, and the information seen by the battleship's biological eyes was simultaneously transmitted to the virtual screen.

I saw that the environment around the battleship was no different from the deep space of the universe.

The supercontinent beneath him is like a pair of sunglasses without a frame.

The two huge round continents are like the two lenses of sunglasses.

The "stone bridge" in the middle that connects the two continents is like a "nose support" or a weighing beam that rests on the bridge of the nose.

As for the large amount of minerals discovered by the exploration team, it is the huge mountain peak hundreds of thousands of meters high in the center of the stone bridge.

The steep mountain is like a sharp sword, thrusting straight into the stars.

Yes, this "mine" in the neutral zone is the same as the two huge mountains in the core areas of the two continents.

All contain vast amounts of various resources.

And because it is a neutral area, it contains certain reward factors set by the Star Sea system.

It is different from the giant mountains in the center of the two continents.

Although the peaks in the neutral zone are smaller in size.

But the purity of the mineral veins it contains has reached an astonishing 100%.

. . . (End of chapter)

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