Before death, the memories of the past will flash back in the mind.

Although Gryon is not a human being, he is a humanoid life form.

Of course, the head configuration of red leather + human face + horns is not that flattering no matter how you look at it.

But at least it looks like an intelligent life form, maybe for this reason.

Under the threat of death and stimulated by life and death crises, its mind is constantly flashing back its life at an extremely fast speed.

The images flashed back in his mind extremely quickly, as if his consciousness had entered a high-temporal state alone.

In less than half a second, Glion had already gone through his entire life.

But unfortunately, due to the pollution, Glion's previous memories were not much moved after he ascended to the devil.

On the contrary, after seeing his performance of connecting to the Chaos warship, Glion couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

And when he "saw" himself uttering disrespectful words towards the "Lord", his face was even more shocked.

It can’t help but ask itself:

"What happened to me?"

However, this self-doubt did not last long before Glion realized that now was not the time to dwell on this issue.

Thinking of the appearance of his consciousness and connection, Glion understood that it was definitely confused and confused.

And accepting the "final connection" is something that is absolutely impossible for him to do when he is conscious.

At this time, Glion could not care about anything else and shouted hurriedly:

"Wait, stop! I order you to stop the final connection!"

"Negative! Command denied. Once the final connection is started, it cannot be stopped."

There seemed to be a hint of playfulness and a hint of disdain in the voice.

Hearing this, Glyon did not accept his fate, but instead shook his body desperately, trying to break free from the connection of this pile of flesh and blood "data cables".

But this was all in vain.

Without moving twice, it felt waves of fatigue coming towards it.

This unprecedented weakness made Glion even more frightened in his heart.

It turns out that at some point, all the muscle tissue, evil energy, and corruptive power in its body were sucked away by those "data lines".

Now, it is difficult for him to even wave those tentacles.

As if appreciating the prey's struggle, the last "data cable" just slowly popped out a huge one-meter-long flesh-colored probe, and did not rush to insert it into its mouth.

Until Glion was completely exhausted and was about to open his mouth to say something.

The thick and long flesh probe was inserted directly into his mouth without any explanation.

Insert it all the way until it penetrates deep inside.

But even though his eyes turned white after being stabbed, Glion, who was desperate for survival, still wanted to fight back and escape.

It was even trying to close its teeth, trying to bite off the foreign objects in its mouth.

But all the efforts were in vain after all.

The tentacles inserted into the internal organs were frantically absorbing its life essence. In just over a second, Glion was fucked.

But at this time, [Omega Type III] did not let it go.

After all, the body is gone, but life still has the ultimate existence of soul and consciousness. That is the foundation of a living body.

It is also a place where the true energy of life gathers.

And connecting to that source is the true purpose of this so-called "final connection."

Of course, this chaos battleship does not have the ability to completely extract souls, but it can use the method of "final connection" to slightly extract some of the original substances of living bodies to strengthen itself.

As long as it can draw a few more and induce a few more intelligent beings that agree to make the final connection.

One day this chaos battleship will also have its own complete soul and consciousness.

This is not some metaphysics.

You must know that during the Earth Period, the famous scientist Planck, the scientist who discovered quantum mechanics, had already discovered the essence of all life, which is "consciousness" or "soul".

The Planger scale he developed further supports this point.

In the world constructed by its quantum mechanics system, if all life is enlarged to the critical point of the Planck scale.

Then you will be able to see a wonderful scene. Everything in the world will return to its most basic form.

All matter in the eyes will become a particle aggregate composed of microscopic particles.

Life, cars, buildings, mountains, rivers, and planets are all the same.

To put it simply, if the scale size of a normal person is 100, then the critical point of the Planck scale is 0.

At the position 0, the world you see is entirely composed of particles. All materials are the same. There is no difference between physical body and metal, only the difference in particle density.

The matter composed of particles larger than this size will be checked and balanced by the ubiquitous "field" in the universe.

As we all know, everything in the world exists in a "magnetic field", ranging from the weight of objects to even the colors seen by the human eye.

The combination of rocks, as large as mountains and buildings, are all formed due to the interaction between magnetic fields.

Therefore, particles larger than the Planck scale plus fields form the real world.

Particles larger than the Planck scale, if compressed to the extreme, can even give birth to black holes, or other massive celestial bodies, galaxies or stars.

With just the right field, human bodies, mountains, rivers, and even galaxies will be formed.

Particles below this scale are completely different.

Those particles below the Planck scale, no matter how high their energy level is, or how abnormally they are concentrated and compressed.

They will not affect the magnetic field, nor will they produce such terrifying cosmic wonders as black holes.

In other words, that kind of energy can be almost infinitely superimposed and added to infinitely. Even just a little bit may contain the energy needed to form the universe.

This is the origin of what ancient Chinese Taoists said: "The human body is a small universe."

The consciousness that makes up living organisms is composed of high-energy particles below the Planck scale.

The energy contained in it, even if it is extracted only a small amount, is enough to benefit the "Chaos Battleship" with only a physical body.

The Shell of Time Flow, this unscientific skill, is one of its specific manifestations.

Just get the soul, get that consciousness energy, through the "final connection."

The Chaos Warship is the ticket to being able to use this energy.

. . .

At this time, Glion's body was not only squeezed into juice, but its consciousness, or its soul, was also extracted into pieces by the battleship.

After a while, only a handful of nutritious ashes remained where it originally stood, and as those "data lines" left, they spread everywhere.

Although it was a bit tragic, its sacrifice was in exchange for the survival of the Chaos Battleship "Omega".

When the connection was finally successful, a colorful light curtain suddenly rose from the "body surface" of the Chaos battleship.

The light curtain was almost exactly the same as the time flow effect used by Zhao Feng.

All the projectiles shot on it seemed to have pressed the pause button the moment they entered the light curtain, and stopped directly in mid-air.

This is not over yet. Even if the soul energy extracted in the final connection is very small, such a small amount of energy material can restore the entire battleship to its original state in a trillionth of a second.

Just like when playing Diablo 2, when you are about to be killed by a monster, you knock a bottle of 100% life recovery potion.

It went from being in tatters and about to explode on the spot, to its original flawless state.

Immediately, the colorful light film collapsed suddenly, and along with Omega, it was taken away from this layer of the universe.

Zhao Feng watched this weird scene the whole time.

The rising light film, he could tell at a glance that it should be similar to the [Eye of Time].

Later, his strange recovery speed made his scalp numb.

Originally, he was just here to complete the task, so how could he have thought of the difficulty and go straight to the super level? !

Good guy, the BOSS's remaining health entering Stage 2 is already abnormal enough. After finally using all his trump cards to defeat the BOSS in Stage 2, the BOSS actually releases Stage 3 again?

Fortunately, the boss ran away in the third stage and did not continue fighting, otherwise Zhao Feng would really have to consider running away.

There is no other way, except for the life formation field, he has already exhausted all his cards at this time.

Facing an opponent who also has the bug-level ability to control "time", he is really good at winning.

Unless the 48-hour cooldown period of [Eye of Time] ends, he can try to release time-slowing bubbles towards the opponent.

Contain each other with the opponent's "shell of time flow".

Otherwise, given the current situation, we can only insist on opening the time acceleration bubble.

Fight with each other to see who can withstand the mental pressure first.

There is no other way to win.

But to be honest, Bo Ying is not a particularly reliable option.

Zhao Feng knew in his heart that he couldn't hold on for much longer.

Even if he adds a 10% mental attribute bonus and uses this talent that he has always treasured, and instantly regains his energy, he feels that he will not be able to survive for long.

Even though he couldn't see the numerical value, Zhao Feng could still feel it.

[The Eye of Time] consumes not only mental power, but also other deeper things.

Those deep things can obviously not be recovered quickly by relying on the system's rewards.

As a result, the current situation made Zhao Feng extremely distressed. .

After all, it is impossible not to feel depressed when watching a good "best effort game" inexplicably turn into a "bad game".

But just when he was about to run away, he didn't want to waste time with the other party.

The sudden departure of the Chaos Battleship left him stunned on the spot.

Then Zhao Feng cautiously turned on the detection radar and sensing line and carefully scanned the surrounding space. After confirming that the battleship had indeed left here, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The series of operations on the other side made him stunned for a while.

But at least the results were pretty good.

At least he completed all the tasks in the Xinghai System perfectly.

Driving the battleship toward the gap in the barrier, while gathering all the surviving fleet members.

Zhao Feng led a group of stragglers and returned to the broken doomsday barrier.

It is still a set of skilled operations. The industrial ship replaces the gun barrel, and the battleship is simply repaired. There is still one transport ship left, and the battleship is connected to replenish ammunition.

After fully accepting the shipboard optical brain control [Conqueror].

The terrifying bombardment swept through the airspace again.

And cooperated with the defenders on the barrier side to temporarily suppress the strange creatures of the Chaos Legion out of the barrier.

Staring at the operation of the optical brain in front of me, after confirming that it can perfectly reproduce the previous "Thunder Cloud Operation".

Zhao Feng then slowly sat on the captain's seat and exhaled a long breath.

"Huh~ This time, everything should really be fine, right?"

While whispering softly to himself, he couldn't help but think about the experience of this day.

The inexplicable barrier defense battle, the inexplicable corrupted flagship, and the chaos warship created by Nao Shizi's evil transformation ritual.

In the end, it was an inexplicable victory.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhao Feng felt something was wrong.

Suddenly he slapped his thigh and cursed in a low voice:

"WDNMD, hasn't my probability of triggering strange events returned to zero? Isn't what I encountered today too evil?"

Don't blame Zhao Feng for thinking too much, there are indeed a lot of things he encountered today.

At the end of the day, the "fulfillment" is a bit too much. If you think about it carefully, you will inevitably feel that you have been arranged~

Just as he was thinking about this, Omro's communication suddenly popped up.

Well, yes, Omro.

This guy was very lucky, and he was far enough away from Zhao Feng's [Conqueror] when he was bombarded.

In addition, this guy has enough experience in command, so he immediately chose to escape sideways.

With such careful operation, he could barely avoid even the second wave of expanding impact of the Chaos Battleship's "torrent of degraded matter".

Here, Zhao Feng stared at the communication connection request and was stunned for a moment, then directly clicked on the consent option.

Immediately afterwards, Omro's familiar face popped up on the display screen.

When they first met, although Omro's tone was normal, his expression was obviously surprised.

"Sir, you actually survived. I thought you..."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Feng interrupted directly:

"My life is very tough! I can't die..."

Before he finished speaking, countless beams of light suddenly swept from the void.

Without giving Zhao Feng any time to react, those beams of light swept past the walls of the barrier.

Within the reach of the beam, the Chaos Air Force that fell into final madness did not even scream, and turned into powder on the spot.

Fortunately, the beam seemed to be able to determine whether we were the enemy or not. When it passed through the gap in the barrier where Zhao Feng was, it did not continue to bombard it. Instead, it happened to skip over this defensive section and continued to sweep away from another incomplete part of the barrier. go.

The efficiency of spawning monsters made Zhao Feng quite envious.

. . .

Just after the beam cleared the area, the space fluctuated, and a huge blue vortex formed in front of the barrier, followed by thousands of warships pouring out of it.

Among them, Zhao Feng saw thousands of flagship-level ships alone.

There are countless smaller battleships.

As for the battlecruisers?

what is that? There is no table at all.

In the center of the fleet, three huge warships that were more than 10 times longer than the flagship slowly appeared.

That scene made Zhao Feng's expression froze.

"What is that big guy? Isn't the flagship the strongest?"

Seemingly hearing Zhao Feng's muttering, Omluo explained:

"Sir, that is the Valhalla, the Dreadnought, which is known as the Immortal Valhalla of the Valkyrie Empire's [Joshua's Origin]!"

. . . (End of chapter)

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