In the high time flow state of [Conqueror], the concept of speed has no meaning to it.

You know, when the battleship was just out of danger, even the light had no time to leave traces on the retina.

In fact, let alone the retina of the naked eye, even the barrier's detection system cannot detect the [Conqueror] at such a fast speed without locking it in advance.

Of course, this is what Zhao Feng wants.

I saw the [Conqueror] suddenly flashing behind the Chaos battleship like a ghost.

After escaping the fatal blow, he had no time to regret the damage to his friendly forces, let alone the possible destruction of the barrier.

Zhao Feng now has only one goal, and that is to get rid of this strange battleship in front of him.

Then he narrowed his eyes and activated super aiming and seventh sense bullet time without saying a word.

In an instant, the flow of time around him became slower, and at the same time, Zhao Feng's processing speed of surrounding environment information also increased dozens of times.

Because it is in a deep synchronization state with the battleship at this time, the synchronization rate is as high as 96.5%, allowing Super Aim to superimpose the information processing capabilities of the battleship's optical brain with Zhao Feng's brain.

The addition of the two is not simply 1+0.1.

The auxiliary plug-in with higher authority perfectly combines the slightly lower authority perception with the lower optical brain computing power.

Unlike when I was in the dungeon, it was just as simple as improving my body control and visual capture abilities.

After Zhao Feng evolves to "Annihilation Star", super aiming can also mobilize more resources.

I saw that the entire battleship's observation system was directly at full power, while Zhao Feng's perception and perception field were highly condensed into a line.

It was different from his previous scanning method of casting a net over a large area.

Under the super-aiming shooter's thinking, all perception and detection capabilities are concentrated at one point.

Immediately, the sensory threads rotated at high speed and swept towards various nodes of the Chaos Battleship.

It feels like a CT scanner scanning a person's brain.

It’s just that CT is a detection method such as X-ray beam, gamma ray, ultrasound, etc.

On Zhao Feng's side, there is a more metaphysical perception and ultra-high-power detection equipment.

Of course the results are self-evident.

Unlike scanning with a wide net, the extremely compressed perception lines can easily penetrate the opponent's ship structure. Coupled with the high-speed rotation, the chaos warship seems to have been sliced ​​by an invisible sharp blade.

Layer after layer of ship information was "scanned" without any hindrance.

Moreover, in the state of dual time acceleration, the outside world did not even arrive for a second, and Zhao Feng's eyes had already revealed the entire internal structure of the opponent's warship, as well as its weaknesses.

Zhao Feng was dumbfounded by this cool operation. He really didn't expect that the perception field actually had such a trick as "Spiral CT"!

Of course, this "little trick" for discovering weaknesses is still different from the metaphysical weakness sensing method of [Dead Point Sensing].

Super aiming is based on the premise that the host is strong enough. At least Zhao Feng can understand the principle of operation, and there are traces to follow.

[Dead point induction]? That would really be pure metaphysics.

Of course, metaphysics also has its benefits, at least [Dead Point Sensing] treats everyone equally.

As for the ability of perception line, it is quite high for him as a user.

If it were against the "Evil God", the effect would probably not be that great.

. . .

With the assistance of super aiming, Zhao Feng can control the battleship's firepower several times faster.

Calculating the fire coverage of each part and the energy output power has changed from the previous calculation delay of 1-3 seconds to "instantaneous".

The next second, the naval guns opened fire.

I saw the shells ejected from the main gun on the starboard side, shooting straight into a time-deceleration bubble hanging in front of the muzzle.

Because the "time bubble" area is smaller, the effect of relative time flow deceleration can be maximized.

When a large number of cannonballs were fired into it, all the cannonballs advanced slowly like a snail.

The last cannonballs were piled up together, forming a barrage wall composed of cannonballs.

Of course, this doesn't make the cannon any less powerful.

As long as Zhao Feng lifts the "time bubble", those cannonballs will return to their original speed.

. . .

After 15 seconds, the opponent's biological main gun ceases firing.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of artillery shells were densely accumulated in front of the [Conqueror]'s artillery position.

The gun barrel on the starboard side was completely turned into scrap due to continuous firing regardless of losses.

Seeing the ceasefire, Zhao Feng knew that he could no longer wait. There was no more firepower to cover up his whereabouts.

Every second of delay now increases the risk of being discovered early.

And every additional risk will affect the final outcome of the next battle.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Feng's eyes suddenly changed.

Purple-gold nebula pupils quietly emerged, replacing Zhao Feng's original eyes.

Almost at the same time, the time bubbles responsible for deceleration shattered one by one.

With the cancellation of his abilities, this also greatly relieved Zhao Feng's mental pressure.

And when all the "time deceleration" bubbles disappear.

In an instant, all the cannonballs returned to their normal flow, and walls composed of hundreds of thousands of cannonballs smashed straight into the Chaos battleship.

Glion was unaware of the attack from behind.

It was the first time he had mastered the Chaos Battleship, and he was still in the exploratory stage for this battleship.

Not to mention early warning, it doesn't even have full control of the 360° field of view now.

In addition, at this time, Glion was still praying and claiming credit to its "God" with a "devout" face, and was completely unaware of the "just backstab" behind him.

The next second, countless bullets rained down, swamping the entire Chaos battleship in the blink of an eye.

Of course, with the help of super auxiliary, this barrage wall is not really shot straight up.

As the first round of shelling to pry open the opponent's armor, the first wave of "barrage wall" can be said to be quite important.

Almost all of the armor-piercing bullets fired first used the advanced gunnery "spiral bomb" technique.

Not only that.

Under the guidance of super aiming, Zhao Feng further fine-tuned the "spiral bomb" move based on his high-level gunnery skills.

Taking this step finally brought him into contact with the threshold of ultra-level gunnery.

I saw the waves of spinning and flying level 1 artillery shells transmitting all their power to the level 5 artillery shells in front.

Those level 5 shells rotated again under the exquisite calculation of super aiming.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the "spiral bombardment" must complete the damage superposition the moment it touches the target shield or armor layer, so that it can be close to the target to ensure that the power of the gunnery can be fully exerted.

At this time, due to the intervention of super aiming, the most difficult step was completed by forcing the cannonball in mid-air.

As a result, some energy loss is inevitable.

However, no matter how great the loss is, and no matter how hard it is to reach the full 160 times attack bonus, it is always possible to increase the attack power by more than 90 times.

Of course, if it were just like this, although it would be difficult to complete damage stacking in mid-air, it would not be enough to call it a super-level gunnery.

But what if these level 5 artillery shells, whose power has been increased, are used for another "spiral burst"?

Under the exquisite calculation of super aiming, the trajectory of the first spiral bombardment was perfectly connected to the second spiral trajectory.

The second layer is connected to the third layer of cannonball trajectories.

Until the end, it was chiseled on the 11th-level artillery shell at the front.

With such a set in place, the amount of calculations that even a light brain cannot complete can be easily accomplished with the help of super aiming.

If it weren't for the distance and the limited endurance of the projectiles, there would be no infinite superposition.

Zhao Feng felt that it would not be too difficult to calculate for two more rounds.

At the moment when the last superposition occurred, the Lv.11 armor-piercing bullet could not withstand such terrifying power.

The power gathered together melted into a plasma jet on the spot.

Of course, the power of the jet was inevitably attenuated, and in the end it did not reach the theoretical 40,000 times attack power after three cycles.

But even without the 40,000-fold bonus, the final energy level reached more than 20,000 times the original bombardment.

In the sky, the "barrage wall" gradually shrank, forming dozens of relatively "tiny" spiral light beams that shot straight down.

The scene was as majestic as the Demonic Light Killing Cannon fired by Piccolo in Dragon Ball, which was then added with the Shadow Clone Technique by the Third Hokage.

This is the first time that Zhao Feng has used such super-level artillery skills.

You know, there are no relevant records even in the training procedures of ship-based equipment.

This trick may not reach the level of "degraded matter" that can destroy everything.

But it is not too easy to penetrate the crystal armor plate or the "cuticle armor" of [Omega III] ~

Such superb artillery skills, coupled with the perception line created by super aiming.

The two cooperate with each other so that almost all the landing points of the "spiral light beam" are at the weakest point of the opponent's armor.

Even if it is not a weak point in the armor, there is a key node for the battleship's energy cycle below the bombardment position.

When countless light beams fell, the biological main cannon deployed by the Chaos warship bore the brunt, and the first one was shattered on the spot.

Then, there are those seemingly hard "cuticles" of battleships.

A bombardment with 20,000 times the power, at the current stage, has reached the energy level of a battleship's keel main gun.

Just after the first wave hit, the spiraling light smashed countless terrifying cracks and huge holes into the outer horny armor of [Omega III].

The first step is to break the armor, success!

After the armor-breaking was completed, the second round was, as expected, another artillery technique based on high-explosive bombs.

"molten fire"

The so-called "Molten", as the name suggests, is very similar to the method of increasing the power of armor-piercing bullets.

The principle is to use exquisite calculations to complete the explosion within a certain area.

As we all know, an explosion will form a specific spherical shock wave, the interior of which is filled with high temperature and high pressure.

The "Molten Fire" is when the shock wave reaches its peak, and a large number of high-explosive bombs are instantly detonated around it, compressing the shock wave in the center.

In this way, its core power will be forcibly enhanced to a more terrifying level.

Of course, the prerequisites for performing this move are the same as the "colliding fire combo" or the "spiral combo", which requires more advanced artillery shells as the core of the artillery technique.

Under normal conditions, Zhao Feng can control up to 8 high-explosive bombs, increasing his core power by 4-8 times.

When activating Seventh Sense, due to the limitations of the battleship, a maximum of 16 high-explosive bombs can be fused, and the core power can be increased by more than 16 times.

But with the blessing of super aiming and the assistance of time bubble, the explosive power of tens of thousands of shells was integrated.

Zhao Feng was also curious about what effect that would have.

And as 10 fusion zones composed of 100,000 high-explosive bombs suddenly formed, completely surrounding the chaos battleship.

The energy impact of the explosion is layer upon layer, one wave higher than the other.

The terrifying high temperature and high pressure worked their way in through the hole opened by the armor-piercing bullet.

The raging energy damage and mental damage repeatedly tore at the "horny armor" and destroyed the flesh and blood hull inside.

What? You said it restores 10 million HP points per second?

fart! In the face of the terrifying 10,000 times "molten fire", it was all in vain!

Energy damage and mysterious damage are directly forced into it without giving it any time to recover.

At this time, in the bridge of the Chaos Battleship, Glion felt waves of soreness, pain, itching, and numbness all over his body before he finished praying.

The bone-gnawing feeling made it roar.

At the same time, the Chaos battleship's shipboard system was also frantically popping up damage information.

"Warning, the battleship is under attack, and the current structure has been damaged by 10%...Attention! The battleship's power source has been destroyed!"

"Warning! The battleship's current energy circuit has lost 47% of its energy circuit and the evil god Baixiang has failed!"

"Warning!!! The battleship... is damaged. 73%... is... paralyzed..."

Glion was completely confused as he heard one message after another.

With the battleship system paralyzed, Glion didn't know what to do.

At this moment, bursts of weird mechanical sounds came from his ears.

"The battleship has lost too much material and its recovery ability has decreased!"

"The damage rate of battleships is too high and the synchronization rate has dropped!"

"The battleship is about to be destroyed, please activate the Shell of Time to avoid damage!"

At this time, he was close to a state of defeat. How could Glion still have the mood to care about whether the sound was weird or not.

He shouted directly: "How to turn it on?"

"Do you want to authorize the final connection?"

"By authorizing this, can you avoid harm and turn defeat into victory?"

"Yes, host."


As the voice fell, a thick pipe fell again from the bridge.

As if feeling the crisis of death, Glion suddenly shuddered, and his spirit returned from the perspective of the battleship to the perspective of the body.

But then, it felt something was not right.

At this time, its whole body was tied up, and its eyes were pitch black, unable to see anything.

Although it cannot be seen, the ultimate sense of danger is rushing toward it at this moment.

The exciting feeling that he might die at any time made him shudder again.

. . . (End of chapter)

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