Choosing to turn back is actually a helpless move.

Because at this time, the battleship's shield has been depleted by the bombardment of high-energy particles and high temperature.

Thanks to being close enough to the planet, there is a large amount of escaping gas as a protective layer.

Coupled with the powerful core kit and the ultra-high shield efficiency brought by the Holy Light Shield Shelter, a million-level shield can almost exert the effect that a tens-million-level shield can have. This allows him to stay outside Hold on for so long.

What if he replaced his previous large frigate [Kite]?

The maximum number is 3, which will directly melt into carbon residue.

But even so, after just operating outside for more than 40 minutes, the millions of ship-based shield systems have reached their limits.

Zhao Feng did not want to test the overload resistance of the battleship's power grid at this time.

I don't even want to test how resistant the battleship armor with the holy light shielding layer is.

While driving the Conqueror back to the previous "cave entrance" and waiting for the shield to recharge, Zhao Feng didn't wait any longer.

Considering that he is not the only one suffering the disaster, there are many compatriots in the galaxy who need to be saved.

For this, he needs to determine the number of people and the surface coordinates of the planet where they are located.

But after he casually turned on the regional channel, he couldn't help but froze.

His eyes were fixed on the numerical value of the remaining population, and even his breathing could not help but stop for a moment at this moment.

The number of surviving players shown in the regional channel is only 180,000+

Although he was used to seeing the death of life this month, millions of lizardmen disappeared before his eyes.

Life is as worthless as a number in front of him.

But this time is different.

After all, they are members of the same race. The rabbit dies and the fox grieves, and everything harms its own kind.

This is true for animals, let alone humans?

Moreover, it can be said that he warned everyone about this disaster throughout the entire process.

But even so, after surviving the lizardman attack, there were still more than 1 million people in the galaxy, but now there were only 180,000+ left.

And of the 180,000, two-thirds are in his airport.

If calculated carefully, in this first wave of trials of all races, the survival rate of his earth players was less than 0.5%.

Five out of a thousand people, 5 out of 1,000 people will survive!

But in fact, when Zhao Feng inquired about the surviving population through the regional channel, he soon learned an even more desperate fact.

Those who survived were basically on the RTX4090.G under his feet, and they were all on the dark side of the planet.

In other words, if he didn't isolate the fire, these people would also die.

Closing the chat interface, Zhao Feng leaned heavily into the seat.

Looking up at the metal wall above his head, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Before, he was still talking about planning to take over people to develop the base together.

But what's the result? In just half a day, not only people were gone, but even the planet that could survive was wiped out.

This made Zhao Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Hey... life is unpredictable..."

Not only was life impermanent, Zhao Feng felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this time.

Megatons of telekinesis? Seventh sense? alien? Battlecruiser?

Never mind if it's a force, an enemy, or a foreign object.

Facing such a terrifying stellar storm, Zhao Feng could not find the possibility of facing the disaster and surviving.

It was said that the Xinghai System was beating him, but Zhao Feng knew in his heart that he was still in the trial, and there was still a big gap between him and the real life-and-death competition outside.

Even an intensified stellar storm is actually not a big problem outside.

It's probably not as destructive as a mid-level demon.

To be honest, this failure was a big blow to him.

Of course, Zhao Feng did not become decadent because of this. On the contrary, at this moment, he truly faced up to his own weakness.

Just kidding, he still has tens of thousands of younger brothers and wives behind him, and there are billions of compatriots outside waiting for his help.

The momentary feeling of compassion may stimulate him, but more importantly, it spurs Zhao Feng on so that he does not dare to slack off or stagnate at all.

He stood up and stared at the RTX4090.G in the holographic image. After a while, he made a decision.

He wants to occupy RTX4090.G and develop it into a Legion planet.

As for rest? He had rested enough while recharging his shield.

Thinking of this, he directly connected to the [Space Dock] in front and ordered it to extend its mechanical arm and remove all the main and secondary guns on the battleship.

Zhao Feng took advantage of the time when the weapons were being disassembled to fly the kite away from the ship and went to the floating airport to arrange for weapons manufacturing.

In the following time, he spent all of the more than 15 million yuan of hope without any reservation.

Because the turret was too big, he replaced it with 8 Lv.6 [Quadruple Ifrit Cannons] and 8 Lv.6 [Triple Cannons] after a few flips.

Yes, you read that right, their names have indeed changed, and the name changes are caused by the characteristics obtained by upgrading to Lv.6.

[Ifrit Cannon] was a three-barrel giant cannon at Lv. 1, but after upgrading to Lv. 6, it gained the [Heavy Firepower] feature, and this changed.

[Heavy Firepower]: The number of turret barrels is increased by 1, the energy consumption is doubled, and the single-shot attack power is increased by an additional 50%.

A few simple words not only turned the original double-barreled cannon into a four-barreled cannon, but also tripled the overall explosive power of the battleship!

After being strengthened to Level 6, the M-type [Triple Automatic Cannon] gained the feature of [Large Caliber].

This is also the reason why its name changed from "automatic cannon" to "cannon".

The effect is to double the muzzle diameter! Single shot attack power increased by an additional 80%

And when these weapons, which were larger than before, were installed on the ship, Zhao Feng's will to open up the planet became more determined.

2 hours later, all weapons were installed. Four Level 11 laser transmitters were installed in the stern slots of the ship to protect the engines. 24 Level 11 [Battery Rams] were evenly installed. On both sides of the ship.

In addition to the enhancement of weapons, Zhao Feng also brought thousands of his own people with good talents and excellent character on the battleship.

There were men and women and people of all races, and he wasn't doing anything racist.

Just make sure that the person's evaluation during this period is positive and his talent is in the upper-middle range, and he will bring him along.

The members brought up included drivers, gunners, communications troops, damage control officers, navigators and marines.

Of course, his daughter-in-law Li Ruolan must also be bringing her.

The purpose of this trip is, firstly, to upgrade them, and secondly, to improve the level of the legion and start the related construction content of the legion planet.

Of course, Zhao Feng will not delegate all authority to them. Normally, they can follow the tutorials and train. He will only grant control rights to those members when the fighting intensity is not high.

After confirming that everything was ready, Zhao Feng directly called up the system panel, clicked on the Legion page, then clicked on Occupy Planet, and selected RTX4090.G in the list.

And just as he clicked on the target planet, the prompts from the Xinghai system and the plug-in system were spraying out like a boiling pot.

【Ding! As the first force to occupy the planet, the "Light-Tending Alliance" will be rewarded with the right to choose trials independently. 】

(Tip: If you choose the trial difficulty level yourself, the difficulty level will be +1 but the experience reward will be doubled.)

【Ding! Please select from the options below. 】

【1.Additional invasion event】

(Tip: Interstellar Pirates, Zerg, Cosmic Undead, Cosmic Wraiths, Chaos Orcs, Hell Stars.)

(Warning! With your current strength, you will die if you encounter cosmic undead, chaos orcs, and hell stars)

【2.Battlefield Trial】

(Tip: Under normal circumstances, you will enter the Shattered Frontline at Lv. 10 of the universe level to hunt the descendants of the evil gods or strange creatures that are deliberately put in to allow the trial race to practice their skills, but you will receive a bonus of +1 difficulty level. You You will go to Lv.25 Doomsday Fortress to participate in raid battles or ground defense battles.)

(Suggestion: Don’t bring a tow bottle with you in ground combat.)

【3. Space disaster】

(Tip: Planet Rain, Gamma Ray Burst, Corruption Frenzy, Deep Space Echoes.)

(Warning! You can’t handle any of them!)


(Tip: Leave it to fate)

After reading it once, Zhao Feng clicked on the second option without hesitation.

Not to mention that he just needs a battlefield trial, just look at the prompt information of 1, 3, and 4. Normal people also know which one to choose, right?

At the same time that Zhao Feng completed his selection, new system information popped up.

【Ding! The trial battlefield is being positioned. . . Positioning completed. 】

[Target, Doomsday Fortress, teleportation countdown. . 3, 2, 1]

Staring at the information that was exactly the same as the plug-in, Zhao Baobo looked calm and showed no fear.

As the countdown ended, only a ray of white light was seen passing by, and the [Conqueror] disappeared silently into the surface universe.

. . .

I don’t know how long it took, maybe 1 second or 1 day.

The white light in front of him slowly disappeared, and Zhao Feng and his crew members successfully arrived at the Doomsday Fortress at Level 25.

Immediately, everyone received the task requirements given by the system.

Zhao Feng, who was sitting in the main seat, couldn't help but feel a pain in his head when he looked at the crew members who were either in a daze or looking at the mission.

‘Sure enough, he is a novice, he really has no sense of fighting at all! ’

But Zhao Feng didn't say anything. His eyes scanned the whole place and found that except the pilot who was trying to control the battleship.

The dozens of other people present were basically "catching fish."

And when Zhao Feng brought up the pictures of other cabins, it was basically the same.

Fortunately, the Marine Corps did not disappoint him. Zhao Ruilong and his gang didn't care about the mission information at all, and they were leading a group of team members to get familiar with their equipment.

After observing all the reactions of the crew members, Zhao Feng turned on the radio channel and coughed lightly into the microphone.

Then, he squirted without mercy.

"Ahem... I said, what are you all doing? Dazed? Fishing? You still want to do something like this? It's been a minute. I've been observing you for a minute!

In this minute, the shield shield has not been raised, the naval gun has not been pre-charged, the star field map has not been analyzed, communication channel capture has not been mentioned, let alone anything. Did you study seriously in the airport?

If you were on the battlefield, you would all die 800 times! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Feng had an idea and pulled back the warship's track that had strayed a little.

The pilot was a black man, and he looked back at his captain with some embarrassment.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Feng shouted directly: "Watch your boat! They didn't say anything about you, right? Good guy, why don't you just learn to go wild geese? One time you run the S-type, and the other the B-type?"

After briefly talking about the pilot, Zhao Feng turned around and said, "Why? The mission list is so attractive? When can you not see it? But when you jump out of the teleportation? I think even a frigate can't do this, right?! You guys? Are the lessons learned in the dog’s belly?!”

" @¥%... @¥!%¥%¥"

Zhao Feng's mouth seemed to be equipped with a small electric motor, nagging, nagging, nagging, causing damage to all the sailors under his command.

Next to her, Li Ruolan, the captain's wife and secretary, didn't even dare to interrupt, acting like a little daughter-in-law who had done something wrong.

After spraying for a while, Zhao Feng stopped talking.

"Okay, I won't tell you more. Think about your own jobs. We are here to work hard, not to play."

After finishing speaking, the crew members did not dare to look at the captain's face. They returned to their positions one by one and adapted to the control of the battlecruiser according to what they had learned previously.

Of course, Zhao Feng's eyes and hands didn't stop while he was training people.

Almost as soon as the jump was completed, he activated [Astral Disguise].

And through the passive detection capability of the shipborne radar, general information about the surrounding airspace is obtained.

At the same time, the optical detection equipment also conducted simultaneous exploration of the surrounding environment.

While cursing, Zhao Feng controlled these devices. Although the two things were different, they did not delay each other at all.

That is to say, he developed the ability to perform two tasks through various plug-in assistance.

If it were anyone else, a captain with less than 20 years of experience would not be able to do this.

Just like the anchors who play LOL, some anchors are silent for a long time without saying anything, while some top-ranked veterans are looking back in various ways, and even operate while anticipating the seconds.

This is all the same.

They are all manifestations of understanding something to the extreme.

. . .

After a standard operation, Zhao Feng had confirmed the surrounding environment, the battleship's approximate state gravitational constant, radiation conditions, material enrichment and other information.

And he stopped lecturing, partly because too much is not enough.

Do you think he is just giving lectures? Don't forget that he has a sensory field!

Although every word he said didn't sound good, it was to the point.

yes! There are some personal attacks in it, but the words are rough and the necessary blows must be given.

This is something he just learned from Xinghai System.

And as the old saying goes, a small tree cannot grow straight unless it is cultivated, and people fear power but not punishment.

Before they go out to fight alone, you must leave a deep impression on them.

The mental impression is obviously longer than the physical one. If he does this, at least these people will be able to live longer when driving a battleship alone.

The second reason is because he discovered the difference in this universe. . .

There is no red shift or blue shift, which means that this layer of cosmic space is neither expanding nor collapsing.

It stabilized at a wonderful point.

In addition, the information coming from the optical camera made Zhao Feng narrow his eyes slightly.

‘The sky is round and the earth is round? ’

. . .

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