If nothing else, you can know the amount of shield loss just by looking at the real-time projected 3D model of the planet.

A total of 3028 shields are offline at this time.

As for the M-type shield generators that are currently online and still functioning normally, there are only more than 1,000 of them facing the planet.

At the same time, the total shield value has also dropped to just over 10 million points.

Fortunately, when I first came into contact with Stellar Storm, the damage had already been fully absorbed by those offline shields.

Although the stellar storm was causing up to 1.5 million points of damage per second at this moment, he could leave the storm area as long as he persisted for about 4 seconds.

10 million shields are enough to complete this task.

After taking a breath, Zhao Feng turned off the Conqueror's engine.

Looking at the damage reports one by one, Zhao Feng leaned on the captain's chair and was speechless for a long time.

After a while, after confirming that the star storm was completely left and the shield value could be maintained at a stable level.

Only then did he relax completely and began to calculate silently in his mind.

‘If you exclude those shields that were damaged due to planet structure problems, the number of shields recommended by the plug-in is actually just right.

, you can get through it with a shield value of about 45 million, tsk! 45 million! Is this the power of natural disasters? ’

Closing his eyes, Zhao Feng silently exhaled a breath. He couldn't help but think of the information he got while browsing "books" in the trade area.

The weakest evil gods are 1-3 orders of magnitude more terrifying than the natural disasters he faces now. Even if stars explode around them, they cannot be killed. . .

Pursing his lips, Zhao Feng understood that now was not the time to be complacent.

He seemed to have withstood the stellar storm, but as long as he didn't lie to himself, he could clearly understand that it was actually just a trick.

The joy of becoming the first place in the Supernova Martial Arts Competition completely disappeared after he experienced this disaster.

Even if he defeated countless opponents in the universe, those so-called opponents were actually just rookies.

In a stellar storm of this level, not even Shatans could survive.

Facing this unpredictable universe of stars, all living beings in it are like ants.

When he is strong enough to ignore natural disasters, will he truly be able to establish a foothold in the star sea world.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng suddenly tilted his head. He seemed to have thought of something.

'It's scary, but if I could DIY a Death Star, how powerful would it be? ’

The set he just built is not even a building block.

But just this thing can help him "resist" disasters.

What if it is a system?

Shaking his head, Zhao Feng withdrew his thoughts and stopped thinking about those distant things.

At this time, there are still a lot of problems waiting for him to solve.

Staring at the loss of shipboard optical brain statistics.

Zhao Feng ordered: "Optical brain, turn on the detection equipment to detect the situation in the surrounding space, and send robots to check the damage to the material planet,"

"Ding! Captain, the concentration of high-energy particles in the cosmic environment has been increased by more than 100,000 times. No sophisticated equipment will be able to obtain valid data at this time."

Frowning, Zhao Feng continued: "Then use optical detection methods!"

"Ding, thermal imaging, infrared imaging, visible light imaging, ultraviolet detection, are loading for you..."

As the information from the ship's optical brain popped up one by one.

Also popping up are three corresponding detection screens.

In thermal imaging, except for the dark side of the planet behind us, all space is pure white, which represents extremely high heat.

According to its numerical display, although the temperature of the universe is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, the current temperature is still as high as 8000°C.

As for infrared imaging, it is very similar to thermal imaging. After all, these two observation methods are all applications of infrared rays.

Ultraviolet detection because its wavelength is shorter and is absorbed by the atmosphere and dense nebulae.

Usually used to observe planet atmosphere and interstellar matter.

Of course, the outside world at this time is almost full of corona matter, and the ultraviolet rays are absorbed as soon as they fly out.

Let alone data, there is not even a splash.

In the end, we had no choice but to observe the current situation through visible light.

And as the tail of the [Conqueror] threw out a long pipeline, the biological eyes attached to it quickly reported the situation in the universe.

Staring at the cosmic space shining with pale golden light, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be speechless.

The colors that seem as magnificent as treasures are actually fatal temptations.

Let’s not talk about the residual radiation and the content of harmful high-energy particles.

As for the temperature outside, the lowest area is 8000°C! Who dares to go out?

At this temperature, although the main shield of the material star will still withstand a certain amount of damage.

But its overall shield recharge speed is already significantly higher than the damage it sustains.

In addition, the universe is cooling rapidly.

Normally, staying at home and waiting until the outside returns to normal is the best option.

As for Alpha on the surface. . .

Don’t worry too much just yet, after all, it takes about 30 hours for the planet to rotate once.

The mountain range that Zhao Feng threw down to Alpha was on the dark side of the planet.

Moreover, there are 20 Lv.5 M-type shields on that side, as well as a dungeon canopy and a hundreds-meter-thick foundation, plus an almost well-preserved dark side of the planet.

Even if the planet is blown away by the storm for a certain distance and an earthquake of magnitude 8 or above occurs, there will not be any major problems there.

As for a circle of wildfires igniting on the planet. . .

That’s right “mountain fire.”

The mountains melted by high temperatures are constantly assimilating the surrounding ground.

As the high temperature spread, large tracts of land turned into lava spewing fire snakes.

And it continues to expand along the boundary of the dark side of the planet.

The dark side of the planet does not directly come into contact with the coronal material due to atmospheric obstruction.

So it hasn’t started to “burn” yet.

As for the wildfires that gradually enveloped the intact areas of the planet, he thought about the future development and estimated the situation on other planets. Zhao Feng decisively controlled the [Conqueror] to open the shield and drove straight out of the material planet.

. . .

With the assistance of the construction robots, the [Conqueror] quickly broke away from the supporting structure.

Instead of landing directly on the planet's surface, it first controlled the battleship to turn around, and then used telekinesis to grab the planet.

Let the material planet that is still slowly moving away from RTX4090.G stop on its current orbit.

As for maintaining the orbit, it is all handled by the [Floating Airport] inside the material star.

After braking the material star, Zhao Feng focused on the planet in front of him.

Then he had an idea, and soon all the main and secondary guns on the battleship were loaded with kinetic energy bombs.

Staring at the "loading completed" and "charging completed" signals sent by Zhi Nao.

Zhao Feng did not choose to fire immediately, because the universe at this time had just experienced a stellar storm, and the originally dead and empty star field was now filled with high-energy particles.

High-energy particles seriously interfere with electromagnetic signals, optical signals, and even neutrino signals. In other words, radar cannot detect effectively at this moment.

Fortunately, when he was detecting the planet's surface before, he conveniently backed up the weak points of the RTX4090.G's crust.

At this time, as long as the map information is compared and the location of the weak point is calculated, the spread of the fire can be controlled by changing the terrain.

His method has its own term called "isolation zone" and is commonly used in forest fire fighting.

Although RTX4090.G was shaved into a "yin and yang head" by Stellar Storm, it may even become bald as time goes by.

But in order to make future development smoother, he was prepared to save the planet under his feet a little.

Just like the cruiser that saved Zhao Feng's base during the earthquake.

This time it was Zhao Feng's turn to save the planet under his feet.

Five seconds later, the data processing was completed, the shooting angle and the bombardment charging level were recalibrated. Accompanied by bright fireworks, solid kinetic energy bombs hit various areas of the planet along the established trajectory.

After the first salvo, all the turrets began to fire on their own in a disorderly manner.

A hail of bullets spewed around the planet.

Soon, the weak points of the earth's crust were shattered one after another, and even some of the originally relatively intact crust was bombarded into dregs by the battleship's main cannon in order to connect the seismic zone together.

That scene was like Country Y being hit by the tungsten steel solid bullet in Cobra Force 2.

Accompanied by a strong earthquake, the ground swept over everything around it like a wave. An abyss of several thousand meters appeared in front of you in the blink of an eye. Such violent geological changes were spreading rapidly around the dark side area in a regular manner.

After about 30 minutes, the terrain transformation was completed.

Although the method of using artillery fire to change the terrain is a bit crude, the final effect is still very satisfying.

All the flames were stopped, and RTX4090.G really turned into a "yin and yang head" at this time.

Half of the area is a boiling magma sea, and the other half is a relatively complete ecosystem.

What separates this world is a giant mountain range and abyssal rift that circles the planet.

Of course, this efficiency is not an exaggeration. After all, when the cruisers helped stop the earthquake, the armor-piercing high-explosive bombs they fired even created a mountain range~

And that was just an M-type armor-piercing railgun, which was several orders of magnitude different from Zhao Feng's L-type main gun!

There is no reason why the more advanced L-type main gun cannot do what the M-type naval gun can do.

After solving the problems on the surface and ensuring that Alpha could mine with peace of mind, the [Conqueror] also received the images sent back by the robots sent out before.

Staring at the content displayed on the screen, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and then drove the Conqueror straight to the destroyed half of the Material Star.

Seeing the star that had been melted down and shrunk by a large area, his heart was unmoved.

Not to mention one-third of the city was burned, even if half of those cities were burned, he could accept it.

After all, the dungeons with the highest content of rare materials are deep in the center of the "planet".

As long as the most important things are okay, everything will be fine.

Besides, who says being destroyed by meltdown is necessarily a bad thing?

Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel a little strange as he stared at the "alloy barrier" that was still glowing with golden light even though it was fused together under his feet.

You know, there is no shield protection on this side. It relies solely on the alloy itself to resist the ultra-high temperature of 8000°C.

The temperature that general alloys, even aerospace alloys, can withstand is only 1600°C.

Even tungsten metal, which has a melting point of 3410°C and a boiling point of 5927°C, will boil and vaporize directly in this environment.

And what does he see now?

A big lump of strange metal that glows golden but shows no signs of liquefying at all? !

This made Zhao Feng couldn't help but ask: "What is that?"

‘Tips: Special metal materials, one of the wonders of the Sun Flame Metal universe, mostly appear on planets near stars. The reason for their appearance is unknown, the synthesis method is unknown, and their initial state is slightly weaker than the crystal metal of the fifth-order civilization.

It is resistant to high temperatures and wear, can absorb energy from explosions and kinetic attacks, and is almost immune to any direct form of energy attack.

Or to put it another way, it can absorb energy attacks and at the same time use the energy of the attacks to slowly strengthen itself, which has a certain degree of growth. ’

Looking at the plug-in prompts, Zhao Feng couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth slightly.

‘Good guy, I’ll just say hello, is this an unexpected surprise? ’

Zhao Feng was excited for a while. After Zhao Feng gradually calmed down, he thought about it carefully and found something wrong again.

‘Absorb energy. . . What about cutting? ’

"Tip: Absorb"

‘Electric welding, TIG welding, laser cutting? ’

"Hint: Absorb."

‘Then shall I return to the head office? ’

"Tip: If the temperature is less than 40,000 degrees Celsius, the heat will be slowly absorbed."

'elder brother! I’m convinced, I’m convinced! Just tell me how to use this thing, right? ’

"Suggestion: The nemesis of Yangyan alloy is perchloric acid. Please spray perchloric acid on the part that needs to be cut and let it sit for half a minute to start cutting.

In addition, Kagero alloy can also be purified by soaking in perchloric acid for a long time to eliminate its internal impurities.

To restore the properties of Yangyan alloy, rinse with clean water or wait for all the perchloric acid to evaporate naturally. "

Zhao Feng: ‘6! ’

Can it be omitted from '6'? Without the plug-in notification, who would have thought that this kind of super metal, which requires a high temperature of at least 40,000 degrees Celsius to melt, can be easily removed with just a bottle of strong acid with a boiling point of 203 degrees Celsius?

I have to say that the wonder of the universe is that one thing descends from another.

Now that we know how to use "Kage Flame Alloy", we only need to deal with perchloric acid.

It just so happened that Zhao Feng knew how to prepare perchloric acid, so he could simply get the chlorine gas.

If there is no source of chlorine, it will be a little more complicated. You need to add a step of electrolysis of saturated salt water to produce chlorine.

There is no need for him to collect resources specifically. He only needs the [Food Processing Workshop] to provide saturated brine, and then the perchloric acid can be produced through the ordinary [Equipment Manufacturing Workshop].

The synthesis efficiency may be slower due to too many steps, but Zhao Feng is not in a hurry anyway.

After inputting all the production processes he knew into the optical brain, he ordered "Beta" who was staying at the airport to be responsible for producing perchloric acid.

As for him, he now needs to return to the shield of the Material Star for a while.

. . .

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