Staring at the dying star exuding a terrifying aura in front of him, Shatans laughed wildly and said:

"This power! I, Shatans, agree with it!"

Then it went straight towards Xiuxing.

At this time, Xiexing was still trying to adapt to his body. . .

That’s right, it’s about adapting to your body.

After he finished adding attributes and exited the sense of time, Xi Xing was surprised to find that he could not control the mental protective layer on his body.

The telekinesis that used to be like an arm and a finger was now like a hollow steel matryoshka doll, wrapping him up layer by layer.

Mental failure? Shatans doesn't care about that! Its attacks don't stop because of the opponent's mistakes.

The next moment, terrifying power suddenly exploded in front of Xiexing.

At this time, Xiuxing, unable to move, forcefully withstood the opponent's attack.

Well~ It's not that he doesn't want to hide, it's mainly because the value of the telekinesis stack is too high, and the speed at which the new realm opens is too fast. The combination of various factors makes it exponentially longer for him to adapt to the current telekinesis.

Looking back at Shatans, this blow hit Xi Xing's eyes firmly, and its power exceeded 1.2 billion tons.

But the telepathy shell on this guy is too thick, and it has already exceeded the 100 megabits mark.

When one million billion and one billion hit each other, the difference can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

Although this punch was powerful, it did not shake Xi Xing's body even a little bit.

To put it bluntly, with the current Shatans, if you want to break the telepathy protection, it will definitely be impossible if you don't fight for a few days.

But Shatans has this kind of perseverance. If he can't break the opponent's defense at once, he will continue to attack. If one punch fails, he will throw a hundred punches.

If one hundred punches doesn't work, then one thousand punches!

Staring at Shatans who was still bombarding his "body", Xi Xing looked extremely calm.

Nothing else, but at this level, to be honest, it's not even scratching an itch.

But as the opponent continued to bombard him, he seemed to notice something, and Xi Xing frowned slightly.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Shatans' attack that worked.

On the contrary, when Shatans attacked him, he actually felt that his telekinesis seemed to be "loose"?

After being kicked, kicked and hammered hundreds of times in succession, Xiexing was absolutely sure that the loose feeling was correct.

His telekinesis will indeed become easier to control after being attacked.

The principle is very simple. After the telekinesis counteracts the attack, the total amount will inevitably decrease. In addition, when he is hammered, the adaptation effect of his body and telekinesis will occur.

For various reasons combined, there will definitely be some "looseness".

After thinking about this, Xi Xing's eyes lit up.

Then the look he looked at Shatans became subtle.

After Shatans continued to attack for a while, he noticed something and looked at each other.

In Xi Xing's eyes, Shatans read two words.

"That's it?"

After understanding Xi Xing's eyes, Shatans couldn't help but feel angry.

As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. You can look down on me, but you can't look down on my strength.

The next second, a roar as if from hell spewed out from its chest.

At the same time, the bursting energy was vented in all directions with Shatans as the center.

The energy envelops the air, and under the high-speed friction, the violent air waves sweep away the sand and dust kicked up by the previous attack.

Dark clouds appeared in the sky at some point, obscuring the battlefield where the two of them were.

Lightning and thunder sounded from time to time, as if the end was coming.

And at the center of it all, Shatans.

Its originally pure white and lilac appearance gradually turned red.

Visible energy surged under its skin, and the surrounding air was constantly distorted by the scorching energy.

But it wasn't over yet, the changes continued, and at a certain moment, its body began to gradually become energized.

At the same time, intermittent sounds came from its mouth.

"The Frozen clan does not control ice and snow. This ice and snow is just a kind of protection."

"In order to prevent us from being burned to death by our own energy form when we fight with all our strength."

"In this form, the freezing energy will be used to protect the main organs."

"Even so, every time we use this form, it will still shorten the lifespan of our clan."

As he spoke, Shatans suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiuxing, who was standing there. In its eyes, the will to kill and fight gushed out.

"Then what happens next..."

Halfway through his words, Shatansi let out a terrifying roar that didn't look like a living thing.

"Meteor burst! Fire!"

The words are followed by the action.

The terrifying power suddenly broke out, and at this moment it turned into light.

Red light streaked across the earth, and the earth collapsed.

The crimson light swept across the dust, and the dust turned into sparks.

The ground he was just standing on collapsed into a huge hole in an instant. Even if it was just a reaction force, the rocks on the ground turned into powder in an instant.

At this time, Shatans' speed had already broken away from Mach level.

Incarnating into light is not a damning adjective.

The body in the energy state allows it to withstand the huge pressure brought by 1% of the speed of light.

At the same time, it also gains corresponding attack power.

The visual impact of the all-out attack was like the birth of a star, or the opening of the world.

Incomparably terrifying and overbearing.

The crimson fist smashed directly onto Xi Xing's forehead as if teleported instantly, and then the terrifying red-purple energy was released.

Have you ever seen a dry reservoir and the mudslide caused by the sudden opening of the water gate?

Shatans' attack had that kind of effect, except that the original flood was replaced by energy, and the original mudslide was replaced by monstrous flames.

Large areas of the ground behind Xi Xing were melted into magma.

The oxygen within dozens of kilometers was emptied out, and the wind pressure and air pressure suddenly dropped, and was replenished again due to the super negative pressure.

The fluctuations in pressure are like a colander stirring "soup", lifting up the surface that was incinerated into magma and then snapping it down again.

Even though this blow caused such a terrible killing effect, the energy contained in it was still not completely released. Even though Xiuxing was blown away by the blow, even though the smoke and flames followed his flying figure crazily. The ground spreads outward.

Feeling the strength of his punch, Shatansi nodded secretly.

Feeling the current control over telekinesis, Xi Xing's eyes lit up.

As for the reaction? He couldn't react at all, and he didn't need to react at all. This was what he wanted!

Xi Xing's telepathy was too much, too much.

Without weakening the shell of telekinesis, it would be difficult for him to control it.

Even using shock points to improve proficiency won't work.

It's not anyone else's fault. Who made him cherish his life too much?

Good guy, just to be sure, he took advantage of the effect of mental recovery, so he fought to death.

That is to say, the opponent is strong enough to weaken him, otherwise he doesn't know how long it will take to recover.

. . .

Regardless of what Xiexing was thinking while flying in mid-air and being beaten crazily.

Shatans' attack could not stop at this moment, and the attacks continued like a tsunami.

The dying star in its eyes was even more incapable of fighting back.

This comfortable feeling and this solid defense made Shatans excited.

Combos, combos, combos.

Hit, hit, and hit again.

From the plains to the mountains, and from the mountains to the rivers.

The mountain struck by the extinguishing star shattered instantly, and when Shatans' violent energy passed by, the scattered rubble in the sky was directly ignited and melted into a rain of fire.

Every time he stepped on the ground, a lava lake formed, and every time he punched the ground, mountains and rivers collapsed.

The earth was torn apart and the clouds in the sky had long since dissipated.

The trends of the mountains and rivers under my feet were directly changed.

The combo came to the end, after a terrifying knee strike.

Xiuxing was blasted into a huge metal mountain by Shatansi.

At this time, the two of them had left the plain and arrived at another area.

But no matter where it was at this time, it only had the dying stars in its eyes.

Shatans suddenly raised his arms, and all the energy in his body was concentrated on his palms.

Momentum, energy, and belief gather together.

This blow will end this game.

As its palms merged into a "petal" shape, it aimed its palms at the huge hole made by the star and shouted:

"Ultimate, Flash!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the energy gathered in Shatans' palm shrank suddenly, and then suddenly spurted out.

As soon as the light beam left the palm of the hand, it was less than half a meter away, and it was exploded by the energy contained in it.

It was like a high-pressure water jet tearing open a water pipe.

The golden-red light pillar tore open the surrounding space, expanded to a width of a hundred meters, and then poured into the mountain range pierced by the dying star in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the world seemed to have stopped, and all matter wherever the light beam passed was annihilated.

The mountain mines melt and vaporize like spring snow.

Immediately afterwards, the energy pillar called "Ultimate Flash" continued to annihilate the mountains and drove straight into the ground for the first time.

Immediately, there was a tremor on the ground.

The shaking intensified. . .

Have you ever seen the "waves" that use land as "sea water" and turn up on the continental plates?

This is the case at this time, in this place, in this area.

The ground began to fluctuate layer by layer like ocean waves. Mines, rocks, rocks, and mountains within the affected area, whether far or near, were all turned into powder during the vibrations, and then turned into "waves" following the surging of the earth.

Finally, powerful energy erupts from deep within the Earth's crust.

It was like light emanating from a cracked egg.

Finally, the entire mountain range suddenly exploded, terrifying mushroom clouds rose from the ground, and the ground within hundreds of kilometers was crushed, ignited, and melted.

Then it rushed high into the sky and turned into a rain of fire.

The land hundreds of kilometers away was broken into large areas, being thrown away by the waves of destruction that gradually lowered their energy levels.

"Hoo ho ho."

After taking a few quick breaths, Shatansi gradually calmed down.

He casually smashed several pieces of lava that flew over.

It stared at the doomsday scene in front of it. For a long time, the dying star did not come up. Shatans sighed a little lonely and whispered:

"Oh... are you dead? But..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and a terrifying sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart.

The physical instincts and danger perception honed in countless battles allowed Shatans' body to move before his mind.

I saw it slamming into an iron bridge and dodging the invisible attack in a fraction of a second.

The sense of danger was fleeting. After he stood up and stared at the scene in front of him, Shatans couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Just now, after Xi Xing was hit by a combo of Shatans' moves, his telepathy shield was only consumed by 1%.

But when Shatans released the "Ultimate Flash", his [Omen of Death] suddenly activated.

This allowed Xi Xing to gain control over the telekinesis on his body at that moment.

Although the control was still clumsy, how could he let go of such a good opportunity?

Without hesitation, he threw most of the telekinesis shield towards the ultimate flash, after nearly half of the telekinesis power was dissolved.

His control over the telepathy shield increased again, and then Xi Xing continued to control all the superimposed telepathy and throw it back in the direction in which the energy column just hit.

I saw that all materials that had been touched by the telepathy blade were directly disintegrated.

In front of Shatans' eyes, the mountains that had been forcibly turned into a crater all calmed down after the telepathic slash thrown by Xi Xing just now.

The sparks that kept falling in the sky couldn't help but be wiped out, and the river and land behind them were wiped out with a "puff" of cutting sounds.

The terrain that originally had mountains and water now turned into a plain as smooth as a mirror.

Hundreds of kilometers of terrain were forcibly changed in one blow.

Of course, the newly generated magma lake was not greatly affected.

Feeling the aftermath of the blow just now, Shatans was extremely shocked, if he hadn't dodged it. . . I was really going to die just now!

After wiping away the cold sweat, Shatans' body suddenly stiffened, and then he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the magma lake.

At this time, its long-cherished opponent, Xiuxing, was floating above the magma lake.

The eyes of the two traveled dozens of kilometers and looked at each other from a distance.

Staring at the unharmed Xiuxing, Shatans was stunned for a moment, then his fighting spirit emerged again, and he once again used his strength to kill Xiuxing.

At this time, after the blast from Shatans just now, Xiuxing felt extremely comfortable, as if a long-ill person had recovered instantly.

This is really thanks to Shatans' "help".

Not only did it consume most of Xiuxing's uncontrollable telekinesis, it also allowed him to quickly become familiar with the current telekinesis level.

Thinking of this, Xiuxing, who had already activated his sense of time, looked at Shatans who was "slowly" rushing towards him, his eyes twinkling with stars.

Quietly releasing his newly awakened extraordinary abilities.

【Eye of Time】

The time energy of the invisible material acted on it in an instant.

And as if it had no feeling at all, it turned into a stream of crimson light and rushed towards Xiuxing as before.

But as the effect of low-time flow came into effect, the red stream of light gradually slowed down.

The figure inside also slowly emerged.

Shatans' posture as if he was flying close to the ground was now displayed in front of everyone.

This is normal, any living body will behave like this after being slowed down by the flow of time.

However, it seemed that due to the strength of the opponent, Xiexing could feel that the flow effect seemed to only last for about half a minute at that time.

At this time, Shatans, who was in a low time flow state, did not feel anything abnormal.

. . .

Because I have to go out today, I’m afraid I’ll forget to write, so I rushed out this chapter overnight.

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