Sighing, Xi Xing regained his composure and got back to business~

I thought that there would be no additional situations next, and I could just top up my attribute points, but as the old saying goes.

All good things come in many ways!

As the mental attributes continue to increase, when it reaches 96 points.

"Yao Mozi" appears again.

The plug-in prompt message suddenly popped up.

(Warning: The total value of your physical attributes is less than 25% of your mental value. Forcibly adding points will lead to extremely tragic accidents, including but not limited to: body explosion, brain explosion, madness, hallucinations, etc.)

‘? ? ? ’

Staring at the plug-in prompt, he quickly stopped adding points to his mental attributes.

The physical attributes of constitution and agility, which were not yet fully charged, were all pushed to his limit.

As for the strength attribute, in order to raise the alloy materials, he had already piled them up.

When all the physical attributes were filled up by him, the warning message slowly dissipated.

The plug-in was fine, but the Xinghai system prompt message popped up again.

Of course, the information from the Xinghai System is much better, at least it's not some damn body explosion warning.

【Ding! Congratulations on reaching 10 agility points, please choose additional enhancements. 】

[1. Nerve reflex 2. Visual feedback 3. Extreme flexibility]

(Nerve reflection: Optimize the nerve conduction network, and increase the overall reaction speed by 50%)

(Visual feedback: Improved vision, able to observe faster and slower moving objects, dynamic vision improved by 100%)

(Flexible posture: Your ligaments are stretched to the extreme and permanently solidified. You can make any difficult movements without worrying about hurting yourself. Agility +2)

【Ding! Congratulations, your agility has reached the limit. Please choose to activate random talents. 】

[1. Talent - Agility Burst. 2 Talent - Agility upper limit. 3.Talent-Civet Stance]

(Agility Burst: After turning on, reaction speed, body flexibility and explosive power increase by 35%, lasting 90 seconds.)

(Agility limit: additionally increase the agility attribute limit by 10%)

(Civet posture: Your body will gain a strong sense of balance and be as sensitive as a cat. When it comes to controlling the battleship, you can adapt to the battleship's control system very quickly.)

【Ding! Congratulations on reaching 10 points in physical fitness. Please choose additional enhancements. 】

【1. Cell density 2. Compensatory respiration 3. Redevelopment】

(Cell Density: Improve physical fitness in all aspects, improve body functions, upper limit of all attributes +2)

(Compensatory breathing: Skin pores can exchange blood oxygen with oxygen in the air or even water to compensate for the increased oxygen consumption caused by physical improvement and improve certain environmental adaptability.)

(Redevelopment: that is, the redistribution and readjustment of physical fitness, body shape, bones, nutritional status, etc.)

【Ding! Congratulations, your physique has reached its limit. Please choose to activate random talents. 】

【1.Talent - super patience. 2 Talent - Physical limit. 3. Talent-Darwin]

(Super endurance: After turning it on, it increases the body's endurance value by 50% and increases the duration of other explosive abilities by 50%, lasting 90 seconds.)

(Physique upper limit: Increase the upper limit of physical attributes by an additional 10%)

(Darwin: Passive ability, adapting to the surrounding environment through slow evolution. Ps: Even in a vacuum environment, I can adapt to show you!)

. . .

After looking at the bonuses of these abilities, and then thinking about what he needed, Xi Xing directly clicked on them.

The first is the agility type, [Flexible Body] and [Civet Style].

Then there are the [Cell Density] and [Darwin] of the physical system.

In the agility category, Xiuxing actually doesn't want to focus on toughness. The ability of flexible posture is of extremely limited use to him at this time.

It's really not as real as [nerve reflex].

After all, Xiexing itself has a complete spiritual combat system.

For him, hand-to-hand combat is just an embellishment, not a decisive factor in combat power. It is basically useless if added or not.

But [Flexible Body] also has an additional 2 points of agility, which forced him to choose this enhancement.

The reason is very simple. The next stage of mental characteristics requires breaking through 160 points of spirit to unlock.

And the name of that ability is [Spiritual Compensation]

(Spiritual compensation: By consuming "massive" mental power, you can forcibly break through the critical point between spirit and material, and increase the upper limit of your own attributes.)

There is no doubt that this ability can not only be used to solve the barrel effect, but also allow him to develop more comprehensively in the future.

But if he wanted to choose this skill, after Xiexing's calculations, he had to choose the two strengthening abilities of [Flexibility] and [Cell Density] to increase his mental attributes to more than 160 points.

If he doesn't choose, his mental attribute can only reach 134 points, and if it is higher, there will be a risk of "explosion".

It won’t work if you only choose a certain strengthening ability.

The upper limit of all attributes provided by [Cell Density] is increased by 2 points, allowing Xiexing, who is trapped in the barrel effect, to make up for his shortcomings in physical fitness, allowing his mental attributes to be increased to 156 points.

The 2 points of agility of [Flexible Body] are responsible for pushing him the last time.

As expected, the final mental attribute of Xiuxing will be fixed at 164 points.

As for buying potions to add attributes to make up for shortcomings, that was a matter for the future. What he needed to do most now was to break through to a higher level.

After all, he didn't choose those immediate strengthening effects just now.

Now, Xiexing must find a way to overcome the immediate crisis first.

After selecting the enhancement type and talent, he once again added 2 attribute points to each of the three attributes with expanded upper limits: strength, stamina, and agility to refill them.

At the same time, he didn't stop adding points to his mental attributes.

. . .

At this time, in Xiuxing's eyes, time passed by minute by second.

As for the outside world, from the time he was angry at Shatans to the time a rainbow-like glow appeared around him, it only took 1-2 seconds.

Staring at the opponent in front of him, Shatans' expression gradually became serious, not just because of Xi Xing's "transformation".

It was also because of the terrifying aura that suddenly rose up due to something that didn't know what happened to his body.

It's not so much the momentum, but rather the space pressure caused by the crazy superposition of telekinesis.

The mental power that was increasing every minute and second quickly exceeded tens of billions of tons. . . Hundreds of billion tons. . Trillion tons. . .

The influence of invisible power of thought oppressing real space is getting bigger and bigger, and one of them is that space is distorted.

There was no wind in the pit, but the dark wind blew up.

The third thing affected was Xi Xing's eyes.

At some point, the whites and pupils of his eyes were no longer distinguishable.

Pure black color replaces the original eye color.

But this state of affairs did not last long.

As his mental power exceeded one trillion tons, that is, after breaking through 1 megaton.

A white cross suddenly appeared in the black pupil, and then the milky white cross enlarged and then enlarged until it completely occupied the eye.

At this time, Xi Xing's mental attributes had reached 161 points, and megaton-level telekinesis replaced the newly upgraded billion-ton telekinesis, and he sat on the throne of the boss.

Because will is an advanced attribute of the spirit, after turning on this attribute for a normal life, the development effect is only 30% of the mental attribute.

Under the effect of [Deep Space Gaze], you can enjoy the doubled effect in terms of bonuses and additional growth.

Its final bonus can reach an exaggerated 80% on Zhao Feng's side.

Reflected in numerical value, his will attribute has reached 128 points.

And when the will bonus exceeded 121 points, the bonus effect brought by will also received a leap again, from the 4 times bonus added by [Deep Space Gaze] to the current 1000 %, which is a 10 times bonus.

Although he is still more than 100 points of willpower away from the next level, if he levels up like this, it is not too far away to rise to the next level.

At the same time that his will attribute was simultaneously improving, faint purple-gold dots gradually appeared in his pure white pupils.

Like the stars in the Milky Way, the purple-gold dots soon filled up his pupils, but this was not the end. The scene as if the river system was first formed was repeated in Xiuxing's eyes.

The white eyes were gradually replaced by purple, with golden dots of light forming galaxy clusters.

Like stars, slowly rotating around the purple-gold core area at the center of the eyes.

Just after his mental attributes and will attributes completely stopped increasing, his pupils finally completed their changes.

At the same time, the plug-in information once again popped up in front of Xiuxing.

(Tip: By increasing your mental attributes by more than 100 points at one time, you have inspired your own extraordinary ability, [Eye of Time].)

(The Pupil of Time: Controls the flow speed of "time" to a certain extent. Ps: Time is long and the river is turbulent. Some people are slow and some are fast.)

‘? ? ? Doesn’t this overlap with my seventh sense of time? ’

(Note: If you enter high-time flow mode, your lifespan will decrease rapidly. On the contrary, your lifespan will be extended indefinitely.

Drag the enemy into low-time flow mode, and you will have enough time to dodge even a blow that can reach the speed of light. )

(Warning: This ability can only be used once every 48 hours.)

Staring at the information, the star will shine in front of your eyes.

‘Good guy! This ability can be used by others, so that’s a shame! If you use the low-current mode for your daughter-in-law, wouldn't it keep her young forever? ’

Just when he was feeling happy, the plug-in prompt message gave him an unceremonious blow.

(Warning! Your mental attributes exceed the upper limit of the physical body. The current mental attributes are 165 and the upper limit is 164.)

‘? ? ? Impossible, I added 1 when I reached 163. . . Wait a minute. . . Deep space gazing! Damn it, it was added too quickly and I forgot about it. ’

(Tip: Please increase your physical attributes as soon as possible. In the current state, you will get a layer of DEbuff [Chaos])

(Chaos: The mental attribute will periodically disrupt the environment around you and destroy items randomly. The cycle time is 24 hours.)

The moment the plug-in prompt came out, the armor on Xiexing's body began to slowly disintegrate.

It is different from the deformation and crushing caused by crushing, cutting or bombardment.

The disintegration of his armor was more akin to decomposition at the molecular level, or even at the atomic level.

The metal material of the armor and the lining material were reduced to the most basic dust particles visible to the naked eye, and gradually disintegrated into electronic forms, floating between the sky and the earth.

Fortunately, before the competition, he was afraid that the battle would be too fierce and expose some things that he shouldn't, so he put on protective clothing inside the armor in advance.

If not for this, Xi Xing would have been completely exposed.

To be honest, this DEBuff is quite powerful. He is in the arena and has no relatives or friends around him. If it accidentally destroys someone else, will it have the same effect as the Infinity Gauntlet's obliteration effect?

Taking a long breath, Xiuxing called up the plug-in page with a thought, and clicked [Spiritual Compensation] in the mental characteristics.

(Please select the direction you want to influence.)

(Maximum strength: 13→14, required mental power: 0/40000)

(Agility limit: 14→15, required mental power: 0/50000)

(Upper physical limit: 12→13, required mental power: 0/30000)


Xiexing took a breath of cold air and then decisively turned it off.

Nothing else, the "resources" consumed to improve attributes are indeed more than 100 million points.

As for mental compensation, let's take it easy first.

In fact, in terms of threat ranking, DeBuff is not a particularly big trouble.

The biggest problem that Xiuxing has to face should be the strange events with extremely high probability.

At this time, the probability of triggering strange events has jumped from the initial 7% to the current 32%.

Jumping 25 times in a row in just "1 second" seems inconspicuous.

But as we all know, Xi Xing, also known as Zhao Feng, as long as he increases the probability of strange events by 1%, it will 100% trigger an inexplicable disaster.

To increase the level of the weird disaster by 2%, the level would be doubled on the spot!

What now? With his continuous superposition, it has reached 25 times!

The weird atmosphere surrounding him at this moment was almost visible to the naked eye.

The essence of the strange events is actually the backlash caused by [Deep Space Staring] rewriting reality.

The counter-shock power accumulated to the extreme is the representative of the rules of the universe.

That is to say, the trading area is suppressed by the Xinghai System. If he is still on RTX4090.c at this moment, he will have this level of "counter-shock" power.

Let’s not talk about whether RTX4090.c will explode or not. The star must “explode”!

The background disaster of stellar storms can range from a "stellar helium flash" to an on-the-spot supernova explosion.

By then, let alone the RTX40 Starfield, the 30 series and 20 series next to it will not be much better!

But then again, from another perspective, Xi Xing's [Deep Space Gaze] might not be a big killer.

For a country with six rings, he could definitely save 200 attribute points and add them.

What country? Even the Kingdom of God cannot bear that level of backlash!

. . .

At this time, the strange pressure emanating from Xi Xing's body was even more penetrating than the visions caused by his mind.

As an opponent, Shatans felt the terrifying danger firsthand.

But it wasn't afraid.

Shatans was first surprised, then shocked, and finally its expression began to gradually change.

"How long has it been! How long has it been?! How long has it been since I met such a powerful opponent!

As the overlord, my race already dominates the original universe. No one in my hometown is my opponent. My people may be strong in the eyes of foreign races, but they are still too weak in my opinion.

Even my father and brother are no longer my opponents.

But now look what I found?

Finally, I finally found someone I could call my opponent. "

. . .

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